The scanlated issue of One Piece Chapter 1032 has been released, and with it the state of Onigashima becomes even more dire.
Whether Straw Hat or Beast Pirate aligned, everyone in Onigashima is in danger as Kanjuro’s flame yokai nears its target. Meanwhile Robin is pursued by CP0 and Zoro comes to a conclusion regarding his battle with King.
In One Piece Chapter 1032's final moments, we have a startling return whose identity is still up in the air. Orochi recognizes this figure as Komurasaki, but the community at large is having some doubts. All this and more makes up a great One Piece Chapter 1032.
One Piece Chapter 1032 spoilers about what happened in the manga
Opening pages
One Piece Chapter 1032 opens up with various shots of the battlefield at large. We first see Marco flying a worried Izo across the battlefield, followed by a shot of Big Mom who’s presumably still fighting Law and Kid.

One Piece Chapter 1032 then zeroes in on Yamato, Apoo, Drake, and Fuga all chasing the former throughout the second basement floor. The four exchange dialogue, before Robin and Brook fall from above and land on Fuga’s head. In hot pursuit of them are the two still unnamed CP0 agents, as well as Kanjuro’s flame yokai.
Kanjuro’s flame Yokai lands on the second basement floor, now only one floor above its ultimate deadly goal. In the process, the CP0 agents are caught on fire while Apoo snaps photos and threatens to sell them to Big News Morgans. The CP0 agents take note of this and quickly injure Apoo, but do not kill him, as readers soon find out.
Drake and Apoo team up and Zoro’s conclusion
Robin and Brook take the opportunity to lose their pursuers, who now turn their attention to X Drake and Apoo. It seems fans will get a fight between Drake and Apoo against the two CP0 agents, which if shown to us by Oda, should be a solid fight.

One Piece Chapter 1032 then cuts to Zoro vs King, one of the most interesting and exciting fights in all of Wano. We get a great joke to start off, regarding dinosaur physiology, which mirrors Sanji and Queen’s interaction. It’s great to see Oda still working in the comedy shots One Piece is known for during such high stakes moments.
Zoro and King then exchange dialog for a bit, while Zoro observes King’s physiology more closely. Zoro then comes to the conclusion that he doesn’t know what species King is, but he has to find out. If not, Zoro believes he’ll lose the battle.
Unfortunately, this is all fans get for this particular fight in One Piece Chapter 1032. While not much, it was a great setup for Zoro’s presumable discovery of King’s origins and the final showdown they’ll have. Hopefully Zoro can debut a new technique here, as we haven’t had any new moves revealed since Dressrosa.
Closing pages
After reaching this conclusion, Zoro hears a shamisen being strummed and apparently so does Enma. The sword reacts violently, forcibly drawing out Zoro’s armament haki as readers have seen before.

We then see Orochi commenting on the shamisen before realizing it’s coming from the room next to him. Orochi slides the door open and peeks through, before being incredibly shocked to see Komurasaki.
While this appears to be Komurasaki, there are various subtleties in her character design and choice of words that have the fanbase doubting her legitimacy. Fans are instead theorizing this to be Kozuki Toki, Kozuki Oden’s wife and the mother of Hiyori and Momonosuke.

One Piece Chapter 1032’s final pages remind us that Orochi still thinks Komurasaki to be dead ,thanks to Denjiro’s plan. If he chooses to address this further with “Komurasaki,” this woman’s reaction could be an important clue to her true identity.
Final thoughts
One Piece Chapter 1032 wasn’t necessarily action packed, but still did a great job of striking the balance between action and plot setup. Teases such as Enma’s reaction to the Shamisen and subtle variations in “Komurasaki’s” new look and word choice also give readers something to theorize on.
Overall, One Piece Chapter 1032 seems to be a solid chapter which raises new questions in the midst of wrapping up other plotlines. While One Piece Chapter 1032 didn’t show our Future Pirate King, the attention being spread around to other members of the Onigashima raid is certainly appreciated by the fan base.