One Piece Chapter 1033 scanlations released today, and with them the welcome news of a new Zoro powerup. Yet this powerup is like nothing fans have ever seen before for the character.
During his fight with King in One Piece Chapter 1033, Zoro remembers and realizes he met Shimotsuki Kozaburo in Shimotsuki village as a young boy. Remembering Kozaburo’s words, Zoro pushes his Haki into Enma in an attempt to tame the blade’s wild nature.
As a result, Zoro awakens not only Conqueror’s Haki, but Advanced Conqueror’s Haki. Combined with his exceptional new power, Zoro seems poised to reach a new level of swordsmanship and form a Black Blade.
One Piece Chapter 1033 certainly gave fans plenty to be excited about, both currently and in the future.
The Straw Hat Swordsman's newfound abilities from One Piece Chapter 1033 and what they mean for the future
One Piece Chapter 1033: Zoro’s Advanced Conqueror’s Haki
In the final scenes of One Piece Chapter 1033, we see Zoro’s Conqueror’s Haki fully awaken. Not only that, but Zoro already possesses Advanced Conqueror’s Haki, evidenced by the black lightning on his blades.
For those unfamiliar, Advanced Conqueror’s Haki is the ability to imbue body parts and weapons with Conqueror’s Haki. Whitebeard, Roger, Kaido, Luffy, Big Mom, and Yamato are all people who are shown to have achieved this power during Wano.

Kaido even says to Luffy that only the best of the best awaken Advanced Conqueror’s Haki. Conqueror’s Haki canonically only awakens in one of several million people, further emphasizing the significance of Zoro’s Advanced Conqueror’s Haki.
What’s truly special about Zoro’s Advanced Conqueror’s Haki is that Zoro is already able to imbue all three swords with Conqueror’s Haki.
Fans have seen Kaido and Yamato each coat a mace with it and Luffy has been coating his individual strikes. Yet constantly imbuing three different objects with Conqueror’s Haki is certainly a new party trick which only Zoro has accomplished.
Future implications with Zoro's new power-up
The biggest implication that the new achievement and power has for Zoro is the swordsman finally being able to create a Black Blade. Various clues throughout the series have implied a Black Blade is created by infusing it with Armament Haki. Yet what if the key was not only Armament Haki, but Conqueror’s Haki as well?
This would explain why Zoro still doesn’t have a Black Blade despite his proficiency and exceptional skill with Armament Haki. Nothing regarding Black Blades in the series yet implies that only Armament Haki is needed to form them.
As of right now, the formation of a Black Blade has to be at the forefront of possibilities stemming from this development in One Piece Chapter 1033.
Beyond that, Zoro is easily on par with, if not superior to, most Yonko and Worst Generation Vice Captains/right hand men. Katakuri was shown to use Conqueror’s Haki as well, but not Advanced Conqueror’s.
While yet unknown, it seems as though neither King, Queen, nor Jack possess Conqueror’s or Advanced Conqueror’s Haki. King is the most likely candidate to awaken it being the one fighting Zoro, but that still leaves two of the three arguably inferior to Zoro.
In summation
Zoro’s awakening of Advanced Conqueror’s Haki in One Piece Chapter 1033 is nothing short of breathtaking. Fans have long suspected Zoro to be a Conqueror’s candidate, and that hunch has finally been canonized.
One Piece Chapter 1033 also had Zoro awaken it in a fantastic way. The swordsman remembers the words of two of the most influential people in his life, whether directly or indirectly. As a result, he surrenders his Haki to Enma and is able to awaken his true power.
The biggest implications of this awakening are the formation of a Black Blade and Zoro’s newfound dominance amongst the New World’s number twos. In addition, fans can expect to see Zoro vs. King to take a sudden change of pace and advantage, in One Piece Chapter 1033 and beyond.
Be sure to read One Piece Chapter 1033's official release this Sunday, November 28, 2021.