One-Punch Man, created by Japanese manga artist ONE, follows the life of Saitama. Saitama is a superhero who can defeat any opponent with only a single punch. Eventually, defeating everyone he goes up against becomes boring for the “One-Punch Man.” Thus, Saitama is consistently on the hunt for a worthy adversary.
One-Punch Man perfectly encapsulates both action and comedy, making it clear why it is one of the most popular anime series of all time. With two well-received seasons under its belt, fans eagerly await One-Punch Man Season 3.
All things considered, here is all the information known about One-Punch Man Season 3.
One-Punch Man Season 3 spoilers and leaks
One-Punch Man Season 3 should pick up where the second season left off. In One-Punch Man Season 2, the audience received a deeper look into Garou and the Monster Association. With that said, the Monster Association arc will be the focal point of One-Punch Man Season 3.
This arc will certainly bring about some intriguing fights between S-Class heroes and the Monster Association’s members. While the other seasons focused on the protagonist, Saitama, this season of One-Punch Man will incorporate many of the other heroes. Of course, this does not mean Saitama will be cut out of One-Punch Man Season 3. Matter of fact, it is expected that One-Punch Man Season 3 will entail some exceptional fights between Saitama and the king of monsters, Orochi.
It is speculated that Saitama would still defeat him with only one punch. However, one can still hope that Orochi is the worthwhile opponent Saitama has been searching for since One-Punch Man began.
One-Punch Man Season 3 release date and where to watch
For a while, One-Punch Man Season 3 did not have a confirmed release date. It was expected to be released in Fall 2021. Unfortunately, this did not happen, and fans were left hoping they would not have to wait years for the season’s release. This thought process is not that far-fetched, as One-Punch Man Season 2 came out an astounding 4 years after its first season.
While it has not been officially revealed when the release of One-Punch Man Season 3 will be, speculation has risen. It has been going around on the internet that One-Punch Man Season 3 is expected to premiere in summer 2022. At the moment, the exact release date remains unknown. Just like the other seasons, One-Punch Man Season 3 will be available on all major streaming sites.