Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is a popular anime and manga franchise that continues the story of the original Naruto series. It follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki's son, Boruto, as he trains to become a ninja and faces new challenges in a rapidly changing world.
With its exciting action, compelling characters, and richly-imagined world, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations has captured the hearts of fans both old and new.
As fans of the popular anime and manga franchise Naruto eagerly await the continuation of the spinoff series Boruto, many are wondering if a Boruto: Shippuden will ever come to fruition.
While there has been no official announcement regarding the development of Boruto: Shippuden, there is reason to believe that it could eventually happen.
Boruto: Shippuden could be a lucrative venture for the creators
For those unfamiliar, Shippuden is a term used in the Naruto franchise to refer to a new story arc that occurs several years after the events of the original series. The term has become synonymous with maturity, growth, and increased power for the main characters.
Given the success of the Naruto: Shippuden spinoff and its impact on the franchise, it is possible that a similar continuation for Boruto could be in the works. The fact that the Boruto anime series has already covered much of the original manga material also adds to the likelihood of a spinoff in the future.
Additionally, the continued popularity of the Naruto franchise and its characters, as well as the success of the spinoff series in the past, suggests that Boruto: Shippuden could be a lucrative venture for the creators.
The potential for a spinoff featuring the next generation of ninjas and their matured characters has fans excited and eager to see what the future holds.
What is currently going on in Boruto?
It is now official that Boruto: Naruto Next Generations will be adapting the Code arc from February 12, 2023. The Code arc in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations has been a highly anticipated event for fans of the series. It is the ongoing fifth arc in the manga, beginning with chapter 56.
This arc follows the journey of the ninjas as they uncover the mystery behind the Code that has been affecting the hidden leaf village. The Code arc also introduces new characters and storylines, expanding the world of Boruto and bringing new perspectives to the franchise.
Final thoughts
While Boruto: Shippuden has not been officially confirmed, the success of previous spinoffs in the Naruto franchise and the popularity of the characters suggest that it is a possibility in the future. Since the release of chapter 77 of the manga, rumors of a possible time skip in the Boruto series have been circulating among fans.
If a time skip were to occur in the series, it is possible that a Boruto: Shippuden spinoff could be developed, following the mature and developed characters as they face new challenges and continue their journey as ninjas.