One Piece Episode 1000 hype is building as the official Twitter account teases a movie announcement.
Over the last few weeks, Toei Animation and the One Piece team have built Episode 1000 hype in many ways. From special trailers to confirming a bespoke One Piece Episode 1000 announcement, the entire team behind the One Piece anime is putting their all into this episode.
Will One Piece Episode 1000 be special? Hype boils over as official Twitter account further teases movie announcement
Official Twitter account teases One Piece Episode 1000 movie announcement
Months ago, when episode 1000 was barely visible on the horizon, Toei Animation and the One Piece team confirmed a special announcement. Not too many weeks later, the One Piece Jump Festa ‘22 Super Stage guests were announced. This led fans to further theorize something big was coming for the One Piece franchise.
Now, in the days leading up to One Piece Episode 1000, we have an idea of what that announcement will be. On 10 November 2021, a verified One Piece Twitter account posted the above tweet. Although carrying some seemingly strange design choices, nothing is inherently cryptic about it.
The next day, a tweet highlighting Usopp in a similar style was released. This time, one P in Usopp’s name is highlighted as opposed to one of Zoro’s Os. Later, another tweet was released showcasing Franky in a similar style with the F in his name highlighted.
It was at this point that the One Piece community began to put the pieces together. Although uncertain as of Franky’s tweet, we now have three more character reveals showcasing Jinbe, Nami, and Luffy. Taking the highlighted letter from each of these six tweets spells “OP FILM,” with fans theorizing that the full phrase will be “OP FILM SOON” once the final four Straw Hats get their reveals.
This is a great way to build hype for One Piece Episode 1000 while also ensuring fans watch both the episode and the Jump Festa Super Stage. It’s probably a trailer for whatever new movie will be released at Jump Festa.
It’s also very likely we’ll have a name for the film during One Piece Episode 100. This is due to the aforementioned Twitter account confirming the movie by the episode’s release date.
What could the next One Piece movie be about?
Many fans are theorizing and hoping that the movie revealed during One Piece Episode 1000 will be the first canon One Piece movie. Not only that, the community is also nearly uniform in hoping the movie will cover the Rocks Pirates.

The Rocks Pirates are the crew of Rocks D. Xebec, a nefarious pirate captain from before Gol D. Roger’s age. Big Mom, Kaidou, and Whitebeard all found themselves on the crew during the God Valley Incident. Audience members were told this is where Garp and Roger teamed up to oppose the Rocks Pirates crew.
Given that Big Mom and Kaidou are the main antagonists of the current One Piece arc, it’d be a great move to show their origins via a canon movie. Fans still get flashbacks and backstories for the two Yonko without interrupting the flow or pacing of the weekly anime.
One Piece Episode 1000 also seems poised to kick Onigashima into overdrive, making a canon movie an even shrewder of a decision.
Unfortunately, this is all speculation as of right now and we’ll likely get no further news until One Piece Episode 1000 airs. Thankfully, as of this writing, that’s only five days away so fans won’t be waiting long.
Final thoughts
One Piece Episode 1000 will most definitely be special, both as an episode of One Piece and for the movie announcement we’ll presumably receive.
While the community at large is hoping for a canon One Piece movie exploring the God Valley Incident, there’s no news regarding the subject material. Fans will simply have to wait for One Piece Episode 1000 to air before receiving more word on the matter.
Be sure to check out One Piece Episode 1000 this Saturday, 20 November 2021 when it airs at 10.00pm EST/ 7.00pm PST.