Rurouni Kenshin episode 16 was released on Friday, October 20, 2023, excitingly continuing the focus on Raijuta Isurugi rather than immediately taking him out of the picture. Not only does the series’ latest installment continue Kenshin and Raijuta’s feud, but it even sets up yet another episode of conflict between the two.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 16 also does a great job of developing both Yutaro and Raijuta as characters, a strength the series has shown and continues to show week in and week out. It makes for an enthralling installment to the series, which shows just how great it can be when firing on all cylinders.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 16 sees Yutaro become friendly with Team Kenshin despite his loyalties to Raijuta
Brief episode recap

Rurouni Kenshin episode 16 began with Raijuta Isurugi restating his desire to eliminate all sword styles but his, making his murderous one the only true sword style. The episode also recapped Kenshin’s declaration of how different they are, as well as Raijuta challenging Kenshin to a fight now that it’s clear they’re enemies.
Raijuta swings at Kenshin and breaks the bridge they’re standing on before rushing at him once more. The two then moved to the nearby forest to fight, where Raijuta easily cut an incredibly thick tree down. Yutaro Tsukayama marveled at and admired his master’s strength when Kenshin suddenly drew his sword and snapped Raijuta’s blade in half, ending their fight.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 16 saw Raijuta promise to eliminate Kenshin as his enemy, while the rest of Team Kenshin came out of hiding after freeing Yutaro. Yahiko and Yutaro continued their competitive ways with one another, with the latter even coming to Kaoru’s dojo later that night to challenge Yahiko.

Kaoru refereed the fight, but it was delayed as Yahiko and co. criticized Yutaro’s stance, which was incorrect for both a real sword and a bamboo one. Yahiko then realized that Yutaro has never even held a sword, also revealing that Raijuta doesn’t actually train Yutaro. Kaoru then showed Yutaro how to hold a sword, beginning an all-nighter training session which revealed that Yutaro has some natural skill, much to Yahiko’s chagrin.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 16 then saw Kenshin point out Yahiko’s pouting to Kaoru, with Kenshin attempting to give Yutaro food, but the young boy declined out of loyalty to Raijuta. Kenshin did convince him to accept by sharing an old war story about enemy sides exchanging goods, then asking Yutaro how he was liking the training.
Yutaro then shared his dream of becoming an invincible swordsman and put his father to shame, citing how his father abandoned being a samurai to become a merchant. He also criticizes his father for selling katana overseas and treating them like commodities, leading Kenshin to realize that he and Yahiko are more similar than the two think.

Rurouni Kenshin episode 16 then sees Kenshin and Kaoru suggest that the two start training with each other, leading to Yutaro asking Raijuta for permission to do so. Raijuta did approve, but seemingly did so with an ulterior motive in mind beyond Yutaro’s growth. Kenshin and Sanosuke then return to the dojo later on, where they find Yahiko and Yutaro arguing with one another.
Kaoru then came out and told them to begin training, where Yutaro impressed Kenshin with his movements and apparent potential. Even Yahiko recognizes this, venting his frustration by shouting at Yutaro for being so rough. The group then went out to their favorite restaurant, where Yahiko was working at the time.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 16 then saw Tsubame ask about who Yutaro was, saying that they seemed to be getting along well. Yutaro then used the opportunity to show how kind he is to Tsubame, seemingly upsetting Yahiko even more. Kaoru then asked Yutaro if he’d like to become one of the dojo’s students, saying that he has great potential. However, he rejects the offer out of loyalty for Raijuta, despite praising and thanking Kaoru and Kenshin for everything.
This seems to upset Yahiko, with Yutaro then taking Team Kenshin to where he and his father first met Raijuta. It’s revealed that Yutaro’s father begged for his life, which seemingly upset Yutaro and inspired him to try to act tough. This obviously failed and only led to Yutaro’s father further begging for their lives until Raijuta showed up and saved them.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 16 then saw Raijuta ambush the group, attempting to kill Kenshin in one stealthy strike. Yutaro tried saying that this wasn’t Raijuta’s intent, but it quickly became clear that he did indeed try to kill Kenshin from behind with one blow. Raijuta then attempted to kick up dirt to hit Kenshin, but it wasn’t enough and instead led to Raijuta taking a direct blow from Kenshin.
Raijuta admitted that he would need to change tactics to beat Kenshin, assuming a new stance and launching a long-range attack that struck both Kenshin and Yutaro. Raijuta showed no emotion whatsoever over his attack on Yutaro, revealing that he never seriously intended to take Yutaro under his wing when being called out.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 16 sees Raijuta reveal that he not only doesn’t care for Yutaro but even staged the robbery on the night they met to secure his father’s financial investment. Raijuta tried resuming the fight, but a furious Kenshin said he was taking Yutaro to a doctor first and that they could fight later.
Team Kenshin then took Yutaro to Megumi Takani, who marveled at how clean the cut was and how little blood spilled. She also confirmed that his life wasn’t in danger, but his nerves and tendons were slashed to the point of never being able to perform swordsmanship again. The episode ended with the concerned faces of Kenshin and Yahiko, as well as a shot of the unconscious Yutaro.
In review
Rurouni Kenshin episode 16 marks yet another fantastic entry into the reboot series, continuing the excellence established thus far. Raijuta and Yutaro’s development in the episode turns them into fairly compelling characters, especially as the latter grows closer to Team Kenshin. Yutaro also feels like a natural inclusion to Team Kenshin, narratively speaking, being to Yahiko what Sanosuke is to Kenshin.
This is what makes the episode’s final moments even sadder, revealing Raijuta’s true intentions and feelings towards Yutaro. Combined with the fact that Yutaro is unable to be a swordsman by the installment’s end, it truly feels as though an official member of Team Kenshin is lost. It’s truly emblematic of how great the series can be at its peaks, of which this episode is certainly one.
In summation
With Yutaro’s grievous injury setting up Kenshin for even more motivation to win against Raijuta, fans are incredibly excited to see what follows Rurouni Kenshin episode 16’s events. More likely than not, fans can expect a full fight episode for the next installment, essentially focusing exclusively on Raijuta versus Kenshin.
Be sure to keep up with all Rurouni Kenshin anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.