Rurouni Kenshin episode 19 was released on Friday, November 10, 2023, bringing with it another exciting installment to the 2023 readaptation of the original manga series. While somewhat lacking in action despite the previous episode’s setup, this installment more than makes up for it in an emotional and enthralling storyline.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 19 chooses to focus on how Tsukioka is a reflection of what Sanosuke once was, further developing his character by showing how far he has come. Likewise, Sanosuke serves as a great foil to Tsukioka, as well as a beacon of hope for moving beyond the hate he feels over the death and framing of their former captain.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 19 sees titular samurai yet again change his friends’ lives for the better
Brief episode recap

Rurouni Kenshin episode 19 began with Sanosuke and Tsukioka outside of the Home Ministry building, where they began their bombing attack. Once the bombs started going off, the two began sneaking around the back to infiltrate the building, with the guards distracted by the explosions at the building’s front.
However, as they climbed the walls, they found Kenshin waiting for them inside, where Sanosuke revealed who Kenshin truly is to Tsukioka. Kenshin reveals that he’s not here to take Sanosuke back, but rather to stop their “atrocious acts.” Tsukiona launched two bombs at him, but Kenshin sliced the fuses off, saying he couldn’t brush aside their “stupid acts.”
Rurouni Kenshin episode 19 saw Kenshin continue to slice off the fuses of the bombs, save for one that slipped by. However, it was revealed that Kenshin dodged this bomb and was totally unharmed. Tsukioka went to throw another bomb, but Sanosuke stopped him, saying he can’t beat Kenshin that way and that their opportunity was lost due to the time wasted.

Tsukioka argued, but Sanosuke punched him in the gut and knocked him out, escaping through a hole in the wall Kenshin made with the bomb that he dodged. Sanosuke asked Kenshin if he would’ve struck him down if he had gone through with Tsukioka’s plan in the end, to which he says he would’ve. Sanosuke thanked him for this as the scene transitioned to Tsukioka’s home.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 19 saw Tsukioka awaken to find his stash of bombs gone, with Sanosuke telling him that Kenshin took them and is planning to bury them somewhere. Tsukioka questioned if Sanosuke led him here, which he confirms, leading Tsukioka to claim his former comrade betrayed him.
Tsukioka then revealed that his new plan is to commit Seppuku in front of the Home Ministry building, claiming that his unusual death will inspire people to distrust the Meiji Government. Sanosuke told him that things wouldn’t go that conveniently, but Tsukioka threw a smoke bomb and escaped under its cover immediately thereafter.

Rurouni Kenshin episode 19 then saw Sanosuke chase after Tsukioka while remembering giving the bombs to Kenshin. His friend said he can deal with the bombs in a number of ways, but warned him that dealing with Tsukioka and what’s to come is his job. Tsukioka was then stopped by police, who asked him where he was going, prompting him to throw yet another smoke bomb to escape.
Sanosuke heard the officers’ whistles blow, allowing him to find Tsukioka, where he tackled him to the ground at the river bank where he and Kenshin once fought. Tsukioka claimed he still had something left to do, calling Sanosuke a traitor. The latter questioned how he’s a traitor, prompting Tsukioka to claim he told Kenshin of his plan and betrayed him. However, Sanosuke claimed that Kenshin’s nature is to get involved and barge into other people’s business.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 19 then saw Sanosuke punch Tsukioka, prompting the latter to draw his knife in defense. However, he smiled and dropped it, saying all he needs to take on Sanosuke are his fists. It’s then revealed that Sanosuke has never once won against Tsukioka, as the two began charging at each other. Tsukioka claimed he wouldn’t lose since it’s his responsibility to clear the Sekiho army of wrongdoing.

He questioned how Sanosuke spent his last 10 years and what he learned from their captain. However, Sanosuke questioned the same of Tsukioka, asserting that he wasted 10 years of his life and that it’s 10 years too late to clear their captain’s name. Sanosuke then shared how each of his friends, Megumi, Shu, Ginji, Kaoru, Kenshin, and Yahiko, are each trying to change and better the world in their own way despite their pasts.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 19 saw Sanosuke assert that all of these people gathering earlier that night was the class equality their captain was aiming for. This caused Tsukioka to realize that all he was doing was causing trouble, causing Sanosuke to point out that everyone but him is living in the present day. Tsukioka felt concern for Kenshin ratting him out, but Sanosuke assured him that he isn’t like that and feels more responsible for the state of Japan than them, if anything.
The two then discussed what their captain may have done in his past prior to his time in the Sekiho army, with Sanosuke claiming they don’t need to stoop to the government’s level. Instead, he said he’d take a slow, steady, and peaceful path, which would allow their captain to be proud of them and their efforts to change the world as he wanted.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 19 then saw Kenshin use a bomb as a firework, letting Sanosuke and Tsukioka know that the bombs have been buried. The next morning, Tsukioka thought back to when he and Sanosuke once fought as kids, where Sozo told him that he should fight in his own way.
Returning to the present, Tsukioka began painting, inspired by this memory. The episode then focused on Kenshin and Sanosuke, who were walking by the art stall where they were the other day. The employee then gave Sanosuke what was allegedly the final Nishiki painting Tsukioka would make before he went to start a newspaper.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 19 revealed the painting to be of a smiling Sozo. The episode then shifted to the Home Ministry building, where they discussed whether the recent attack was done by the group of someone named Shishio. Someone named Okubo then said they can’t drop their guard, ordering the investigation to be continued as the episode ended.
In review
This latest episode for the series is arguably its most narratively and literarily sound yet, choosing to focus on foil characters Sanosuke Sagara and Tsunan Tsukioka throughout. This is done with brilliant effect, simultaneously highlighting how far the former has come while also showing that the latter can change his ways and move past the hatred he feels.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 19 also shows how impactful Kenshin has been in his friends lives by doing so, literally spelling this out for viewers through Sanosuke’s words for his friend. All together, this creates a cohesive and enthralling vision for the episode, which cements it as one of the most exciting and engaging yet in terms of its writing.
In summation
Overall, not much plot advancement is made in this latest installment, but this is in place of further characterization and development of central characters Kenshin and Sanosuke. Likewise, with the series seemingly setting up the return of someone from Kenshin’s past, fans can expect coming installments to more than make up for this lack of action and storyline.
Be sure to keep up with all Rurouni Kenshin anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news, as 2023 progresses.