Rurouni Kenshin episode 2 was released on Friday, July 14, 2023, bringing with it an exciting additional installment to the 2023 adaptation of author and illustrator Nobuhiro Watsuki’s series. While the episode’s focus remained on Kenshin and Kaoru, significant time was also spent introducing viewers to Yahiko Myojin, who will almost certainly be the first of the duo’s allies.
Episode 2 of Rurouni Kenshin also gave fans additional information on Himura’s origins, introducing a former ally in Aritomo Yamagata, whom Kenshin seemingly previously fought for. While the conversation didn’t quite go as in-depth into Kenshin’s origins as fans had hoped, it did at least lead to a good explanation of why Kenshin chose to remain a rurouni.
Whereas most shonen series would focus on Kenshin and Kaoru exclusively, in Rurouni Kenshin episode 2 it’s refreshing to see a likely new ally for the duo introduced so early. Likewise, the episode’s final moments set fans up for an enthralling, action-packed, and developmental third installment.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 2 deviates from typical shonen norms in a refreshing manner
Episode recap
Rurouni Kenshin episode 2 opened with a brief scene of Kaoru and Kenshin discussing the latter’s age one week after the previous episode’s events, revealing him to be 28 years old. Kaoru also complained about having no students return to her dojo despite both her name and her sword style’s name now being cleared of all crimes.
The two then went to run errands together when they ran into a young pickpocket named Yahiko Myojin, who tried stealing from Kenshin. While Kaoru caught Yahiko and returned Kenshin’s wallet, he instead tried giving it back to the boy. However, Yahiko became incensed at this, promising that he’s no kid and that he doesn’t need charity, seemingly impressing Kenshin.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 2 then saw Kaoru and Kenshin split up, with the latter set to go shopping while the former went to practice her swordplay at another dojo. She was then approached by a man riding in an extravagant carriage, who asked for directions to the police station and hurried off after getting them. He also revealed he was in town looking for Kenshin specifically.

Yahiko, meanwhile, returned to his dwelling, where he was confronted by Yakuza thugs about his monthly payment. After saying he'd have it in the evening, Yahiko was beaten up and told to make sure he had his money by that night. Kaoru, meanwhile, noticed that several people were heading to the same area, discovering that an arrest was being made on someone violating the Sword Abolishment Act.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 2 then unsurprisingly revealed that Kenshin was the one being arrested, with the Sword Bearing Police arriving to cut Kenshin down. Kaoru and Yahiko arrived shortly thereafter, with Lieutenant Ujiki of the Sword Bearing Police threatening to cut Kaoru’s kimono off and humiliate her if Kenshin didn’t draw his sword and fight.
Meanwhile, at the police station, the man who asked Kaoru for directions is seen discussing the recent appearance of "Hitokiri Battosai" with the chief of police. After explaining who the real Himura was, the man prepared to depart when another police officer came in to describe the scene currently unfolding around Kenshin. Via a physical description of Kenshin, the man realized that he had found who he was looking for.

Rurouni Kenshin episode 2 then revealed that Kenshin had cut down all of the Sword Bearing Police but Ujiki himself, preparing to do so as the man and the chief of police arrived. After defeating Ujiki, the man called out to Kenshin, revealing himself as Aritomo Yamagata, a former associate of Kenshin’s.
Yamagata pleaded with Kenshin to become a government fighter, but Kenshin denied this offer, essentially saying he prefers the freedom he has in who he protects as a rurouni. Yahuko was then shown thinking of Kenshin and the Yakuza thugs as he noticed an old woman in front of him drop her wallet.
At the same time, Kenshin dropped his wallet and was thinking of Yahuko and how he’d make a great samurai if current times weren’t so different. Yahuko was then shown to have returned the woman’s wallet while sitting by a river pretending to be a samurai. Rurouni Kenshin episode 2 then ended with Yahuko being beaten up by the Yakuza thugs after telling them he was done with them and pickpocketing.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 2 review
The latest episode of the series is engaging and enjoyable to watch throughout. While teases of and information on Kenshin’s past will always be welcome, the Yahuko B-story throughout this episode added an extra sense of excitement to the focus on Kenshin.
Rurouni Kenshin episode 2 also does a great job of explaining why Kenshin chooses to remain a rurouni despite clearly having opportunities elsewhere. Similarly, his thoughts on Kaoru and Yahiko, as fully expanded on in the actual episode, serve to further support this characterization. While nothing inherently unique is being done thus far, the difference in focus this early on relative to a stereotypical shonen series is quite fascinating.
Similarly, this second episode continued to give fans a taste of the fast-paced and entrancing combat that fans can expect from Kenshin throughout the series. Although the overall spectacle is seemingly limited to a later, more significant fight of Kenshin’s, the teases are nevertheless exciting for fans, even if short-lived and toned down.
Final thoughts
As far as a second episode of a stereotypical shonen series goes, Rurouni Kenshin episode 2 does a great job of separating itself from its peers in the battle shonen category. The emphasis on Kenshin’s emotions, history, and mindset this early on is rarely seen in shonen series in general, but even more so during the time in which the series’ manga was first published.
That being said, a little more action would serve the series well, both to clearly establish that it is a battle shonen and to give fans a truly action-packed episode. While not meant as a critique of the series’ outings thus far, such a comment could be taken as one if fans are left without a significant fight scene from Kenshin over the next few episodes.
Be sure to keep up with all Rurouni Kenshin anime news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.