Sailor Moon manga is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Naoko Takeuchi. It was serialized in the monthly anthology Nakayoshi. from December 28, 1991, to February 3, 1997. The manga consists of 52 chapters, that were published in 18 volumes by Kodansha from July 6, 1992, to April 4, 1997.
The Sailor Moon manga series holds immense popularity and influence among manga enthusiasts. Translated into more than 25 languages, it has sold over 35 million copies across the globe. The success of the series led to adaptations in various forms including an anime television series, multiple feature films, and even a live-action television series.
The Sailor Moon manga tells the story of Usagi Tsukino, a seemingly average teenage girl, who discovers her true identity as Sailor Guardian, a magical warrior. Alongside her friends, she fights against evil to safeguard the world. The series explores themes of love, friendship, and the transformative power that lies within ordinary people.
Sailor Moon manga can be read on Crunchyroll Manga, Amazon Kindle, and other platforms
The Sailor Moon manga is available to read on the Kodansha Comics App, Crunchyroll Manga, Google Play Books, and Amazon Kindle.
Sailor Moon began appearing in Kodansha's shōjo manga magazine Nakayoshi in December 1991 and was published on a monthly basis until February 1997. A total of 52 chapters of the manga were released in 18 tankōbon volumes.
The Sailor Moon manga made its English debut in 1997, when it was published by Mixx (later Tokyopop) in North America. Tokyopop released all 18 volumes between 2000 and 2001. In 2011, Kodansha Comics took over the license for the manga and released a new English translation spanning 12 volumes.
The Sailor Moon anime adaptation, directed by Junichi Sato and produced by Toei Animation, first premiered in Japan on March 7, 1992. It aired for a total of 200 episodes until February 8, 1997. This beloved anime quickly gained immense popularity in Japan and has since become one of the most iconic and cherished series of all time within the anime community.
The Sailor Moon anime is available to stream on a variety of platforms, including Hulu, Crunchyroll, and Amazon Prime Video.
The plot of Sailor Moon manga and what to expect
The Sailor Moon manga follows the story of Usagi Tsukino, a middle-school girl who learns that she is one of the Sailor Guardians. As a magical warrior, her mission is to defend Earth against an evil force. Usagi teams up with other Sailor Guardians in their quest to locate the Silver Crystal, a potent artifact that holds both great good and tremendous evil power.
The Sailor Moon manga is composed of five main story arcs, each featuring its own unique antagonist and narrative. In the initial arc, Usagi and her fellow Sailor Guardians fight against the Dark Kingdom, a collective of aliens determined to steal the Silver Crystal and resurrect their malevolent queen, Metaria.
Subsequently, in the second arc, these courageous heroes confront the Black Moon Clan, an alien group seeking to annihilate Earth and construct a new world in its place.
Meanwhile, in the third storyline, the Sailor Guardians face off against the Death Busters, a group of extraterrestrial beings who seek to drain human life energy and create a new vessel for their leader. Moving on to the fourth arc, our heroes confront the Dead Moon Circus, another alien group with designs on usurping Usagi's role as Princess of the Moon Kingdom and snatching away her powerful Silver Crystal. In the fifth and final arc, the Sailor Guardians battle against Chaos, the god of destruction.
Fans of the Sailor Moon manga can expect an enjoyable and captivating story that explores themes of friendship, love, and the triumph of good over evil. This manga boasts a diverse ensemble cast, thrilling action sequences, heartfelt narratives, and stunning artwork.
Similarly, those interested in the anime can expect a faithful adaptation of the manga with top-notch animation and a talented voice cast.