Sakamoto Days chapter 156 will be released in Japan on Monday, February 26, 2024, at 12 am JST. Fans can read the issue on Viz Media’s official website, Shueisha’s MANGAPlus service, or the Shonen Jump+ app.
It seems the Assassin Exhibition of the Century Arc is set to reveal another surprise following Gaku's shocking defeat at the hands of Nagumo. This time it will be related to Shin's past as was hinted in the previous chapter while the fight between the Order and Uzuki's group continued.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers.
Sakamoto Days chapter 156 release date and time

Yuto Suzuki's Sakamoto Days stands out as one of the best action manga currently being published. The upcoming Sakamoto Days chapter 156 is set to be released as per the following schedule:
Sakamoto Days chapter 155 recap

In the previous chapter, it was revealed that Shin, despite being trusted by Sakamoto for his Extra Sensory Perception, was incapable of utilizing it. This was due to the bomb explosion that had taken place earlier in the story.
As a result, when Haruma launched a concrete disc towards him, Shishiba had to step in in order to prevent Shin from getting hit. However, the next object thrown at Shin did strike him right in the face.
All this time, Shishiba was thinking about Osaragi. Her tendency to space out in the middle of a battle, her hunger pangs, her rude behavior in, and her ability to irritate him were particularly on his mind. Nevertheless, he acknowledged her exceptional capabilities and wished she was there to support him in this fight. However, Osaragi had locked herself in a restroom after mistaking Seba for a ghost
In the meantime, Haruma was preparing to launch a shot put ball at Shin. However, Shin, using his wit, distracted him, causing him to lose focus and sprain his ankle. Haruma then recognized Shin from somewhere and inquired about his childhood upbringing.
At this point in the story, Carolina Reaper entered the scene, eager to take revenge for what happened to Club Jam. However, Amane also arrived and decided to confront Carolina Reaper.
What to expect from the upcoming Sakamoto Days chapter 156?

It is known that Shin was raised in a covert research institute located in the basement of the Okutabi Science museum under the care of Asakura. He consumed a chemical developed by Asakura that gave him his abilities.
However, in Sakamoto Days chapter 156, readers expect a connection to be established between Shin and the orphanage where Haruma, Kumanomi, Gaku and others were brought up. The impact of this new bit of information remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, Osaragi is not ready to join the battlefield yet, leaving Shin with the responsibility of fighting against three of Uzuki's henchmen while Sakamoto goes to deal with Uzuki. Shin has Shishiba and Amane with him which is good. However, it will still be challenging since his ESP is currently not working.