Produced by TMS Entertainment, Sakamoto Days episode 1 was released on January 11, 2025, on TV Tokyo and other pertinent networks in Japan. The episode introduced Taro Sakamoto, the retired legendary hitman, who settled into a quiet life as a family man after finding love. Instead of extinguishing life from people, Sakamoto ran a convenience store.
The episode saw Sakamoto's daily life and the introduction of Shin Asakura, a young hitman who admired Taro Sakamoto. According to Sakamoto Days episode 1, Shin was sent on a mission to either approach Taro to rejoin the organization or kill him if he refused. However, Shin's life took a new turn when Taro offered Shin a job in his convenience store.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from Sakamoto Days episode 1.
Sakamoto Days episode 1: Shin Asakura is thrown into an ordeal as he witnesses Taro Sakamoto's current life
Sakamoto Days episode 1 begins with a scene from the past, showcasing Taro Sakamoto's impressive skills as the legendary hitman. With finesse and agile movements, Taro overwhelms his targets. The narrator reveals how every gangster and hitman used to fear and admire Taro Sakamoto.
However, everything changed when he found love. Sakamoto retired from his hitman job, married his love, and embraced a quiet, familial life. At present, he runs a convenience store. However, the ex-hitman has also put on some weight since he's out of his line of work.
After the opening scene, the narrative for Sakamoto Days episode 1 switches the perspective to Shin Asakura, who is outside Sakamoto's convenience store. Meanwhile, a young boy in Sakamoto's store accidentally spills ink on a customer's pants. Infuriated, the man is about to hit the boy, but Sakamoto stops him.
Although he doesn't do it in reality, Taro Sakamoto kills the man in his thoughts. Just then, Sakamoto Days episode 1 shows Shin Asakura inside the store. He introduces himself to Taro, reminding him how he used to work under him in the past. It is revealed that Shin is a psychic who can read people's minds.
Shin Asakura can't believe Sakamoto has changed so much. He requests that he return to his previous job. Being a laconic person, Taro Sakamoto doesn't directly reply to Shin but does so in his thoughts. He mentions how his days as a hitman are over. Shin tries to grapple with the truth and lights a cigarette.
Just then, Taro Sakamoto quickly cuts the cigarette in half with a hand knife and shows Shin a signboard behind him, which reads "No Smoking." Shin Asakura realizes that even though Taro has retired as a hitman, he retains his unbelievable flexibility and skills.
Following that, a gentleman asks Taro Sakamoto for a favor. Shin wonders whether Taro has been disguising as a convenience store owner to do dirty work behind. However, he soon discovers that Sakamoto's daily life is nothing but being a handyman to his neighbors.
The reality strikes Shin Asakura hard as he leaves the scene. However, he says that he will be back. The narrative for Sakamoto Days episode 1 shows Shin returning to his car. He lights a cigarette and wonders how it has been five years since he last saw Taro Sakamoto.
Even though his appearance has changed, Shin thinks his idol still retains the aura from before. Just then, he gets a phone call from his current gangster boss, who asks how his mission went. Shin reveals that he failed to persuade Sakamoto to rejoin the organization. Thus, his boss says only one option left: Kill Sakamoto.
Shin pauses for a while and then asks whether it's truly necessary since Sakamoto has changed so much. However, his boss reminds him that no one can truly escape from the organization. If they leave the gang, they will disappear from the face of the Earth.
He shouts at Shin, threatening to reassign the job to someone else if he can't do it. Shin cuts the call and realizes he has no other choice. After careful consideration, Shin Asakura realizes that if it's not him, then somebody else will carry out the mission. That's why he wants to be the one to kill Taro Sakamoto.
Sakamoto Days episode 1: Taro Sakamoto saves Shin Asakura and gives him a new life
The next day, Shin Asakura returns to Sakamoto's convenience store with the intent to kill him. He apologizes to the kids and enters the shop. Sakamoto, who is seen reading a newspaper, doesn't react. Rather, he anticipates Shin's intent. Thus, when the hitman shoots a bullet at him, Sakamoto spits a cough drop to deflect the bullet's trajectory.
Taro Sakamoto then throws an ice cream in Shin's direction to take cover. Sakamoto Days episode 1 showcases Taro's impressive skills at work, as he utilizes the common convenience store products to thwart Shin Asakura's plans. With a proper strategy, Taro gets behind Shin and lands a decisive kick to knock out the hitman.
Prior to losing consciousness, Shin Asakura catches a glimpse of Taro Sakamoto's appearance from his prime days. Soon after, he regains consciousness and is greeted with a sumptuous meal. Moreover, he observes how his wounds have been tended.
Shin Asakura wonders whether the food is laced with poison. However, as he takes a bite, he realizes the warmth of affection, something that his line of work has never taught him. Shin also understands that Sakamoto must have retired to protect these peaceful moments of everyday life.
Having realized his mistake, Shin Asakura apologizes to Sakamoto and thanks him for the meal. Without saying a word, Taro Sakamoto points to a signboard behind him, which reads, "Please come again." Shin Asakura returns to his boss after failing to carry out his mission.
He holds the gun to his head and says he's ready to kill himself if his boss spares Taro Sakamoto. Although he accepts the deal, in his mind, the boss refuses to let go of the ex-hitman. Shin listens to the voice in his boss' mind and points the gun at him,
Sakamoto Days episode 1 then shows an exhilarating fight scene as Shin Asakura takes on a whole gang all by himself. Meanwhile, Sakamoto listens to the sounds of gunfire on a device. He decides to go to Shin's aid with weapons. Elsewhere, Shin Asakura does his best to tackle his pursuers. However, he runs out of options with only one bullet magazine left.
Eventually, his boss and the other members of the organization surround him. Shin Asakura realizes it's over for him. Just then, in Sakamoto Days episode 1, Taro Sakamoto arrives at the scene to rescue Shin. He electrocutes a few gangsters with a teaser and then proceeds to engage in a fierce battle against others.
Sakamoto Days episode 1 shows Taro Sakamoto catching a bullet with chopsticks and cutting down guns with a normal knife. Shin Asakura is wowed to see the legendary hitman, Taro Sakamoto, in action. After saving Shin from his boss, Sakamoto reveals how he planted a bug in his (Shin's) gun.
That's how he overhears the gunshots and arrives at his location. Shin Asakura is overwhelmed by Sakamoto's gesture. He reveals that he plans to leave the town the next day. Just then, Taro Sakamoto throws an apron at Shin with his name on it. He added that he would be given 800 yen every day and extra for working overtime.
That's how Shin Asakura became a full-time worker at Sakamoto's convenience store. Sakamoto's wife, Aoi, and their daughter, Hana, grow fond of Shin, who helps out the customers with his clairvoyant powers. Sakamoto Days episode 1 ends on a rather lighthearted note, as Shin realizes his current job is way better than his previous one.
Sakamoto Days episode 1 marks the beginning of the anime adaptation of Yuto Suzuki's battle-shonen manga. TMS Entertainment has done a spectacular job of drawing the essence of Suzuki's manga to the anime format. The fighting scenes were crisp, well-animated, and were full of life and vigor.
Although the animation and the art direction were lacking in some scenes, the overall quality was excellent. Sakamoto Days episode 1 may have also lessened the doubts many fans may have had over the animation quality of the series. It remains to be seen whether the remaining episodes can keep up the current quality.
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