Sakamoto Days episode 5, titled Source of Strength, was released on February 1, 2025, on Netflix Japan. The episode witnessed Taro Sakamoto showcase his strength to overwhelm Boiled. The assassin realized that Sakamoto retained his unbelievable powers even after his retirement.
On the other hand, Sakamoto Days episode 5 introduced the Assassin Association's Order, who were in charge of investigating a series of mysterious killings within the organization. Nagumo, who was part of the Order, told Sakamoto an interesting fact, which led the retired hitman to believe that he had to be prepared for the worst.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from Sakamoto Days episode 5.
Sakamoto Days episode 5: Taro Sakamoto shows Boiled his source of strength

Picking up the events from the previous episode, Sakamoto Days episode 5 begins with Lu fighting against Obiguro in a drunken state. Shin, who is tied to a desk, recalls Obiguro saying that her subordinates will slice him if Lu doesn't keep attacking her every ten seconds.
Interestingly, Lu Shaotang's intoxicated state endows her with better agility and strength. She keeps up with Obiguro in close-range combat and even tanks her Heel Drop. She counters with a kick to Obiguro's shin. However, the assassin detects no murderous aura from Lu. As such, she asks the girl to fight her with everything.
Just then in Sakamoto Days episode 5, Lu Shaotang reminds Obiguro that she doesn't kill to follow her family's code. When Obiguro learns that Lu calls Taro Sakamoto, despite not being blood-related, she wonders whether the girl is stupid. This enrages Lu, who goes for a hard punch.

Yet, the punch loses its strength as Lu sobers up. Meanwhile, Obiguro is overwhelmed to face a strong opponent. She strangely changes her tone and commends Lu for her effort. On the other hand, Shin cannot process the sudden turn of events.
Elsewhere, in Sakamoto Days episode 5, Taro Sakamoto loses his body fat during his fight against Boiled. Sakamoto apologizes to Boiled and says he's ready to fight for real. Boiled thinks he should hurry up as his family might be in trouble. However, Sakamoto isn't worried about his family anymore since he trusts them.

The narrative for Sakamoto Days episode 5 then showcases Taro Sakamoto overwhelming Boiled with fierce punches. As Boiled's knuckles break, the assassin wonders how Sakamoto can be so strong even after retiring. While fighting, Sakamoto commends Boiled's strength. Yet, he reminds him that his source of strength comes from his desire to protect the ones he loves.
The fight eventually ends as Sakamoto and Boiled break through a Ferris wheel compartment. Sakamoto Days episode 5 then shows Boiled acknowledging Taro Sakamoto as the "epitome of Hard Boiled" while lighting a cigarette.
Sakamoto Days episode 5: The Order gets assigned the task of locating the "X" killer

After the battle, Taro Sakamoto grabs a bun and gives some of it to Boiled. The assassin realizes Sakamoto has truly become a family man, almost like Taro Urashima from the folktales. Hence, he wonders what Sakamoto will do about the price tag on his head.
Unfortunately, Sakamoto's wife, Aoi, overhears the last part. Infuriated, she demands an answer from Shin, Sakamoto, and even Boiled. When she learns that her husband has a bounty of one billion yen on his head, and many assassins are after him, she tells him to take care of it.
Aoi also reminds Sakamoto about the 12th family rule, which states that keeping secrets is prohibited. Seeing Aoi furious, Boiled thinks Sakamoto's wife is also pretty "Hard Boiled." Meanwhile, Shin asks Sakamoto how he's going to take care of the bounty.

According to Taro Sakamoto in Sakamoto Days episode 5, he plans to get the bounty lifted by cutting it off at the source. Obiguro, who has arrived at the scene, mentions it's practically impossible since the Association only oversees the reward. In other words, nobody knows who's behind it.
Just then, Boiled remembers his boss saying to him that he has connections to the association. However, he doesn't know his whereabouts. Thus, Sakamoto begins his operation to find Dondenkai's boss. The next day, Taro Sakamoto, who has regained his weight, arrives at a quiet alley with Lu and Shin.
They enter a video rental place, where Sakamoto asks for a movie about Dondenkai. According to Sakamoto Days episode 5, the rental store is actually an information bank, where sorts of information is sold in the form of movies. Using the bank's resources, Sakamoto and Co. finds Dondenkai's headquarters.

Elsewhere in Sakamoto Days episode 5, Nagumo is attending a meeting with three other mysterious assassins. One of them asks Nagumo whether it's true that he met up with Sakamoto. However, Nagumo feigns ignorance. Another person, with spiky hair, reminds them that the "Master" will arrive soon.
Meanwhile, another assassin, seated diagonally to Nagumo, stabs a waiter for bringing a risotto with onions in it. Just then in Sakamoto Days episode 5, an elderly person called Irya arrives. He reveals that he's the communication coordinator of the JAA.
Irya calls it his pleasure to finally meet the full roster of the "Order." The assassin with the spiky hair corrects Irya by saying that it's not the full squad; he asks where the other four members are. At any rate, Irya presents them with their new assignment.

According to Sakamoto Days episode 5, the Order, which happens to be the frontline defense of the JAA, must seek an unknown killer, who has eliminated a string of association assassins. The JAA wants the Order to address the matter with great alert.
Elsewhere in Sakamoto Days episode 5, Sakamoto and co. overwhelms the securities at the Dondenkai HQ and enters the main office. As soon as they do that, they notice Nagumo sitting on a chair, with heaps of dead bodies lying on the floor. The black-haired assassin is also seen holding a knife. He laments for being caught and decides to kill Sakamoto.
Nagumo charges at Shin and seemingly plunges a knife into his throat. Yet, turns it, it's another one of those Nagumo's iconic lies. Shin and Lu, who are disgusted by Nagumo's chaotic behavior, beat him up. At any rate, Nagumo reveals how everyone at the office was dead by the time he arrived for an important business.

According to Nagumo in Sakamoto Days episode 5, an unknown perpetrator has been wiping out a number of assassins. In just a few months, thirty groups with deep ties to the association have been eliminated. Moreover, the list of victims includes professional assassins. Since it's an unprecedented situation, the Order has been given the task of locating the mastermind.
Just then, Lu recalls the silver-haired assassin from the amusement park asking Sakamoto about the Order. According to Sakamoto Days episode 5, the Order is an elite assassin squad within the JAA. They are summoned to keep the assassin world's order intact. Interestingly, Nagumo reveals that Sakamoto used to be an Order member.

Nagumo then tells Sakamoto to be careful since the killings started at around the same time the bounty was put on Sakamoto's head. Just then, Sakamoto Days episode 5 switches to a man reading a book on illustrations. After reading one of the phrases from the book, the man proceeds to draw an X on the wall with the blood of his victims.
The next day, Taro Sakamoto, Shin, and Lu are back to their usual convenience store business. Sakamoto recalls Nagumo telling him that his skills have truly gone dull if he had a hard time contending with the likes of Boiled and others. Hence, Taro Sakamoto wants to get strong enough to be prepared for anything.
Likewise, Shin Asakura plans to hone his psychic skills. On the other hand, Lu recalls Shin telling her that she's stronger when she's drunk. Hence, she proceeds to drink in the middle of her work shift. Sakamoto Days episode 5 ends with Taro Sakamoto and his new family members preparing to face an unknown threat.
One of the major highlights of Sakamoto Days episode 5 was the introduction of the Order members, aside from Nagumo, whom fans have already seen. In addition, the narrative added intrigue in the form of the mysterious "X" killer.
Adaptation wise, the episode covered chapters 12-15 from the manga. As such, TMS Entertainment has done well to pack a flurry of information within an episode.
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