Sakura, a character from the popular manga and anime series Naruto, is currently making waves as she inches closer to becoming the most popular Naruto character. However, this news has caused a resurgence of hate for the character among fans of the series.
Despite her importance in the story and her development as a capable character, many fans despise Sakura, and her potential win in the NaruTop99 poll as the most popular Naruto character has caused outrage on the internet.
The NaruTop99 poll was conducted in celebration of Naruto's 20th anniversary, and fans were given the opportunity to vote for their favorite characters. Masashi Kishimoto, the mangaka, would create a one-shot manga for the character that won the poll.
With the vote ending on January 31, 2023, from December 17, 2022, the mid-report showed that Minato was at the top of the list, with Itachi and Sakura following in second and third place, respectively. Sakura's jump from the 9th position in the poll to the top three has caused a stir among the fandom.
Naruto anime Fans are disappointed as Sakura is about to win the most popular Naruto character poll
The Naruto character vote was conducted as part of the celebration of its 20th anniversary. As most fans of the Naruto series hate Sakura, the news has made them go berserk on the internet, given that it means Sakura will top Minato and Itachi Uchiha in popularity.
Yesterday, a trusted Twitter account named @AnimeBallsDeep tweeted that Sakura is about to be announced as the most popular Naruto character. After the news, the hatred for Sakura resurfaced on the internet.
Additionally, yesterday, the fight between Sakura and Chiyo against Sasori in the Kazekage rescue arc was announced as the best fight scene in Naruto.
The news shocked fans, as the series featured many other excellent fight scenes. Fans who despise Sakura are once again spreading hate following these two news stories.
Meanwhile, fans who have voted for Sakura to win the most popular Naruto character title are accusing the haters of belonging to a toxic fanbase.
Why has Sakura been hated so much by fans?
Sakura had a significant impact on the series, but her character's lack of usefulness during crucial moments has resulted in much disdain from the fandom. Many fans thought she was shown to be a weak and useless character, especially when compared to Naruto and Sasuke, who were also on her team.
Sakura's character arc was hampered by uneven character growth. She often showed great power and skill, but she also had times when she was helpless and couldn't decide what to do.
This inconsistency was shown in a number of ways, like when she fought Sasori and was able to show off her skills but later struggled to make a big difference in the battle against Kaguya. Her inconsistency and lack of growth during pivotal moments in the series have led fans to resent her and doubt her abilities, thereby explaining the hate upon her potentially becoming the most popular Naruto character.
Final thoughts
Sakura's potential win as the most popular Naruto character has caused quite a stir among fans of the series. Although she had a big impact on the story and showed great skill and strength at times, Sakura's character development was inconsistent at key points, which frustrated and disappointed many fans. However, it's important to remember that everyone's opinion is valid, and fans are entitled to their preferences.
It's also important to note that the Naruto series is not just about individual characters but also about themes of perseverance, friendship, and growth. While the characters are essential to the story, it's the overarching themes that make Naruto such a beloved series. So regardless of whether or not Sakura wins the NaruTop99 poll, it's important to appreciate the story and its themes as a whole.