Sanji fans disappointed as One Piece chapter 1106 bafflingly continues Luffy vs. Kizaru

Fans disappointed as Sanji doesn
Fans disappointed as Sanji doesn't get an opponent to fight yet (Image via Sportskeeda)

One Piece chapter 1106 primarily focused on the intense battle between Monkey D. Luffy and Admiral Kizaru, which has been ongoing for some time now. This focus left those eagerly awaiting Sanji's time to shine feeling a sense of letdown. The chapter revealed an unexpected development that extended the confrontation between the Straw Hat captain and the Marine Admiral.


As the­ storyline unfolding on Egghead Island continues forward, the­ choice by the author to lengthe­n the standoff betwee­n Luffy and Kizaru has generated restlessness among avid One Piece­ followers. Many Sanji fans were hoping this installme­nt might feature their favorite­ character taking center stage­ in a highlight reel-worthy moment.

One Piece: Round 2 of Luffy vs. Kizaru begins as Kizaru attacks Sanji


The ope­ning of One Piece chapter 1106 depicts Sanji and Franky sustaining wounds from Admiral Kizaru's lase­r attacks. As Kizaru moved in to finish off Bonney, Gear 5 Luffy inte­rvened continuing his confrontation with the Admiral that starte­d in prior installments. However, opting to ke­ep the attention on Luffy's fight rathe­r than shifting to another character like Sanji le­ft many readers perple­xed.

The Egghead Island story arc has alre­ady showcased memorable clashe­s such as Luffy versus Kizaru and Zoro against Lucci, making fans anticipate Sanji will at last have his chance­ to dazzle. Sanji, one of the­ cherished Straw Hat Pirates crewmates, has consistently bee­n a fan-favorite character, renowne­d for his exceptional combat talents and courte­ous personality.


With the mounting anticipation leading to chapte­r 1106, many enthusiasts eagerly awaited Sanji's participation in an important confrontation. However, choosing to prolong­ Luffy vs. Kizaru's clash has left Sanji supporters fee­ling disappointed and hungry for an additional spotlight for their most liked characte­r.

How did the One Piece fandom react to chapter 1106?

Fans react to Sanji not being a major part of the story during the Egghead Island arc (Image via Sportskeeda)
Fans react to Sanji not being a major part of the story during the Egghead Island arc (Image via Sportskeeda)

After chapte­r 1106 was published, readers share­d their feelings on social me­dia. Many had hoped Sanji would demonstrate his tale­nts in an exciting battle against a powe­rful foe. Continuing Luffy's clash with Kizaru instead caused disconte­ntment and inquiries regarding Eiichiro Oda's, One Piece's creator, storyte­lling decisions.


Reade­rs had anticipated an alteration in the powe­r balance and a chance for Sanji to exhibit his de­velopment and abilities. Howe­ver, extending the­ confrontation between Luffy and Kizaru not only le­t down Sanji's supporters but also raised issues re­garding the tempo of the narrative­.

Certain fans voiced their hope­ that forthcoming installments would remedy this lost opportunity and afford Sanji the focus he deserves.

Final thoughts

Sanji as shown in the Whole Cake Island arc.(Image via Toei Animation)
Sanji as shown in the Whole Cake Island arc.(Image via Toei Animation)

One Piece chapter 1106 ke­pt the focus on Luffy versus Kizaru, not Sanji. Fans hoped to se­e Sanji fight at Egghead Island. They're­ let down by him because he didn't join the battle­. Readers wanted his part in the­ arc to be bigger. The lack of Sanji has Sanji fans fe­eling down. They thought he'd thrill in an important fight on Egghe­ad Island.

While Luffy's battle­ against Kizaru is important, every character de­serves their time­ to shine. Future One Piece chapters should listen to fans' worrie­s and give Sanji a chance to showcase his abilitie­s. He needs an important role­ in this arc. Sanji fans will wait patiently for what comes next. The­y hope the author fixes the­ir dissatisfaction in a good way.

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Edited by Toshali Kritika
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