One Piece chapter 1070 has fans concerned about a potential interaction between Sanji and S-Snake, a child version of Boa Hancock.
The Seraphim are human weapons that greatly resemble the Warlords as children. Some of them even possess artificial Devil Fruits. Leaked panels for One Piece chapter 1070 reveal that S-Snake can use the Mero Mero no Mi, which can affect targets with lust towards the user in question.
Raw scans for One Piece chapter 1070 have already been circulating on social media. However, there is a controversial scene that has Sanji fans extremely worried. It turns out that S-Snake can still affect people with her artificial Devil Fruit despite being a child.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.
Sanji fans can only hope that he doesn't run into S-Snake after One Piece chapter 1070
The panel that everybody is talking about
This screenshot was taken directly from One Piece chapter 1070. At some point, S-Snake uses the powers of the Mero Mero no Mi to prettify several CP0 agents.
Keep in mind that her targets need to have immoral feelings towards her to get turned into stone. While some do not see a connection instantly, most readers are concerned that S-Snake could be used for a Sanji gag in the near future.
The fandom has always been split over Sanji's romantic nature, mainly due to the age differences in his potential targets of affection. It's a running gag that's played to comedic effect. However, if he were to have loving heart eyes over a child version of Boa, that would raise several red flags in the fanbase.
One Piece chapter 1070 is a cause for concern among Twitter users
In the past, 21-year-old Sanji has expressed attraction towards younger teenagers, such as 16-year-old Shirahoshi. However, S-Snake is meant to be a child, not a teenager. A bunch of Twitter users are bracing themselves for the worst if Sanji ever runs into S-Snake.
Sadly, there is precedence for Sanji acting creepy towards children. There was a scene in One Piece Film: Z where he told a child Nami that he couldn't wait for her to grow up and watch her body develop. Although the film is non-canon, Oda was still the executive producer, so he clearly didn't have a problem with this.
Why the treatment of Nami is important for One Piece's future
One Piece chapter 1070 brings up the scary possibility that Sanji could fall head over heels for S-Snake. Naturally, the fandom would break down into arguments over how the Mero Mero no Mi is supposed to work. The best-case scenario is that Sanji never meets her, so this whole situation could be avoided.
In 2020, Eiichiro Oda landed himself in hot water for interviewing his mentor and the creator of Rurouni Kenshin Nobuhiro Watsuki, who was caught in possession of child p*rnography in 2017. This is particularly relevant to One Piece chapter 1070 for a single reason.

If he were to ever use Sanji's gag on S-Snake, Oda would face even more critical backlash than he did a few years ago. Hopefully, none of this ever happens, but readers do have a cause for concern.