A lot gets accomplished in Sasuke Retsuden Chapter 6 part 2 as individuals witness Sasuke and Sakura scouting about and surreptitiously meeting for weeks in order to find a solution to Naruto's unknown condition.
The two traveled from Konoha to the remote Land of Redaku for this purpose, and finally found what they were looking for, the Ultra Particles. These particles arrived on Earth contained in a meteor, and the Sage of Six Paths discovered his own cure in them as well.
Fans have been anxious to see where the plot goes next after the major breakthroughs achieved by both Sasuke and Sakura in the previous chapter. It is safe to say that the latest chapter does not disappoint and concludes with a twist that only excites readers even further.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers.
Dragons appear in Sasuke Retsuden Chapter 6 part 2
Sasuke and Sakura discuss their relationship

Sasuke Retsuden Chapter 6 part 2 begins with Sasuke escorting Sakura to the lake formed by the meteor impact. They are both transfixed in front of it, admiring its beauty against the moonlit sky.
Sakura agrees with Sasuke when he says he wishes Sarada could see the view as well. It is seen in Sasuke Retsuden Chapter 6 part 2 that Sarada is fascinated by the cosmos these days, and she would have loved it.
Sasuke then asks Sakura if she wants a ring, a real one that is not made of chakra. Sakura admits that she desired one for a long time, but is no longer bothered.
Sasuke then explains to her that being deprived of family time is what bothers him. Every time he returns after a mission, he notices how much Sarada and Sakura have changed. Sakura reassures him that he has nothing to worry about.
Sakura obtains the Ultra Particles

In the following scene from Sasuke Retsuden Chapter 6 part 2, Sakura and Sasuke are determined to obtain the Ultra Particles and return home. Sakura performs the hand signs based on the winning hand in the Star Lines game.
Then, in the center of the lake, a column appears. Sakura puts her hands inside the column, assuming the Ultra Particles are inside, and retrieves a container with seals. Sakura mentions that just trying to pull the wards off the container gave her a taste of immense chakra that was bottled up.
Sasuke realizes Zansul’s plan

In Sasuke Retsuden Chapter 6 part 2, Sasuke uncovers Zansul's scheme. When he sees the Star Lines game card with a lizard and a rock, he remarks that no such constellation can be found in the Map of the Heavens. Sakura reveals that the image is in fact of a dragon and a meteor. She also tells him that there were many such animals in the area before the meteor wiped them off.
This information reminds Sasuke of a passage in Penzila's book, in which ancient dragon fossils were unearthed near the Tartar Observatory. He also realizes that prisoners are being made to dig for the fossils.
Sasuke puts two and two together and concludes that Zansul intends to utilize the kinjutsu, Edo-Tensei to resurrect ancient dragons. The final page of Sasuke Retsuden Chapter 6 part 2 confirms that he has already done it, as dragons are seen flying in the sky.
A brief summary of Sasuke Retsuden Chapter 6 part 1

Fans discovered in the previous chapter that Sasuke had accessed Zansul's chamber using a shadow clone, making his escape easy. Meanwhile, Sakura received word from Kakashi that the Prime Minister of Redaku had joined forces with Queen Minari to capture Nagare. Meanwhile, her brother, Prince Nanara, is plotting a coup, and Kakashi has decided to support him.
Sakura later realized that the pictures on the Star Lines cards indicate the ninjutsu required to obtain the Ultra Particles. Meanwhile, Sasuke discovered the site of the Ultra Particles, which is a lake formed by a meteorite. Sasuke and Sakura met and reported their findings at the end of the chapter.