One of the most popular anime series of the Fall 2024 season is Dandadan, Science SARU’s television anime adaptation of mangaka Yukinobu Tatsu’s original series of the same name. Despite only being five episodes in as of this article’s writing, fans already see the potential and are excited for what the series can do for the shonen landscape.
One of the most impressive and exciting aspects of Dandadan so far has been animation studio Science SARU’s top-notch production, which has stunned fans each week. However, this latest episode took it to a new level by showcasing Okarun’s transformation in a new, incredibly well-produced light.
Okarun’s latest Turbo Granny powerup in Dandadan is the best yet
The clip in question comes from Dandadan episode 5, which saw dual protagonists Ken “Okarun” Takakura and Momo Ayase return to the latter’s house in its final third. This was due to the fact that, despite the Turbo Granny curse being allegedly lifted from Okarun, there were still signs he was possessed.
As the explanation behind his apparent possession played out, there came a point where Okarun involuntarily transformed into his Turbo Granny powers state. Previously, he was unable to do so without being taken over by Turbo Granny’s conscience. However, her powers had now been separated from her mind, allowing him to transform freely.
Unsurprisingly, fans primarily focused on how clean the transformation sequence was, being incredibly well-animated. The scene is fluid and dynamic, lacking any shortcuts or major blemishes despite the complexity of what’s being done in the moment. It’s admittedly a very impressive execution which highlights the work Science SARU’s talented animators are putting into the series.
However, this scene isn’t necessarily anomalous, with the entire series having been incredibly well-produced throughout the first five episodes released. This rings true in everything from mundane school-centric sequences to the high-octane supernatural battles fans can expect from the series. Likewise, it makes Okarun’s transformation scene all the more impressive for the fact that it maintains this consistent dedication to excellence.
Fan reaction
Unsurprisingly, Dandadan fans immediately noticed the incredibly high quality production of the transformation scene, and have been universally praising it. Many are paying specific homage to the team at Science SARU for this transformation scene, praising their work in it and how simplistic they make it seem:
“Science Saru always knows how to elevate things!,” lauded one fan.
“The level of detail is impressive; they didn’t hold back!,” praised another.
“i love science saru they giving this series so much life,” claimed a third.
“No work is difficult for them,” posted a fourth.
Others are instead praising the production of the episode or series overall, especially considering how uneventful the installment generally was:
“Yeah, this was a really smooth episode,” claimed one netizen.
“Yeah this was a really smooth episode all around, for a "normal" time part. And I loved it.,” furthered another.
“this episode was so good,” posted a third.
“God I love DandaDan.,” shared a fourth.
In any case, it’s clear fans are incredibly happy with both this specific transformation sequence, and the anime’s production overall thus far. With the halfway point of the series coming next week, fans are optimistic to see if Science SARU keeps their foot on the gas when it comes to quality. Likewise, many are also wondering what the plot has in store, both for Momo and Okarun’s relationship and what they’ll encounter next.
Related links
- Dandadan episode 5 review
- Dandadan did with Shonen anime's most worn-out concept what Kishimoto never could
- 10 best anime like Dandadan