The Demon Slayer Corps is an organization created with the sole purpose of defeating Kibutsuji Muzan, the Demon King. It unified some of the most talented swordsmen and combatants under one organization, under the leadership of the Ubuyashiki clan. Members of this clan were gifted with foresight, allowing them to allocate the right amount of resources, which is crucial.
The issue that this organization had was the size. The number of demons present in the world was far higher as compared to the number of demon hunters present to take them on.
Despite that, there occurred many deaths, simply because demon hunters weren’t in a position to ask for backup. That being said, there is one person who could have solved this problem - Shinobu Kocho. The Insect Hashira's Breathing Technique is key to solving the aforementioned issue.
Disclaimer: This article contains massive spoilers from the Demon Slayer manga chapters.
How could Shinobu Kocho have helped the Demon Slayer Corps?
Shinobu Kocho could have helped the Corps through her Breathing Technique. Those who have read the manga chapters will know that the demon hunters emerged victorious and they managed to kill Kibutsuji Muzan.
However, this came at a great expense. While many Hashira and other high-level demon hunters were killed, there were plenty of deaths at the lower level that could have been mitigated.
This can be seen during the Mount Natagumo arc when many demon hunters fell prey to the Spider demon family. Shinobu Kocho could have helped the Demon Slayer Corps by teaching the Insect Breathing Technique. But how would this help? It is important to note that Shinobu Kocho, despite being a Hashira, didn’t even have the strength to decapitate a demon.
She was far too weak, and therefore, relied on her medical expertise to craft poison. This is a Breathing Technique specifically designed for people who are weak and don’t have the ability to generate a lot of force.
Given the suitability to weaker human beings, many more demon hunters could have joined the Corps, drastically increasing the number. Ubuyashiki and their organization could have funded her research, and given her the tools necessary to teach and propagate this Breathing Technique on a larger scale.
The number of deaths observed at the lower levels of the organization could have been mitigated since her poison is highly effective against weaker demons.
Her poison quite literally weakened the Upper Moon 2 demon, Doma, which gave Inosuke and Kanao the chance to land the finishing blow. Therefore, her poison would be a lot more effective against weaker demons.
The weaker demon hunters could have been better equipped to take on demons that weren’t part of the 12 Kizuki, thereby avoiding deaths.
The increase in numbers could have also resulted in the demon hunters getting the necessary backup if required. This is how Shinobu Kocho, the Insect Hashira could have solved one of the biggest glaring issues that the organization faced on a daily basis.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2024 progresses.
Related links:
- Demon Slayer season 4 won't top the Entertainment District arc
- Demon Slayer Arcs: The Complete List of All 12 Arcs
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