Demon Slayer, aka Kimetsu no Yaiba, is an action anime based on Koyoharu Gotouge’s award-winning Japanese manga. Studio Ufotable has animated the series, which debuted in April 2019 and became an instant worldwide sensation because of its astounding animation and plot, earning fans from all over the globe.
The animated series comprises two successful seasons and a movie in between. The next will soon be released, adding to the series collection. Not only that, the new season will have an early screening with a theatrical event that will officially kick-start the Swordsmith Village Arc of the manga.
Watch Mugan Train before season 2 of Demon Slayer
Chronological watch order of Demon Slayer
Fans of the series can be found all over the world, which is understandable given that the anime has one of the finest animations ever, not to mention outstanding soundtracks, an interesting storyline, a bunch of unique characters, and, most importantly, an emotional connection with the fans.
The new season of Demon Slayer is nearly here, but before it arrives, fans may want to rewatch the anime for a better grasp of what is to come, or they may want to begin watching the anime. Thus, the perfect order to binge-watch the anime is mentioned as follows.
- Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Season 1 (episodes:26)
- Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train (running time: 117 minutes)
- Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Season 2 (episodes: 18)
- Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Season 3 (coming soon)
A detailed guide of every season
1) Kimetsu no Yaiba season 1
The first season of the anime was released in 2019 and consists of 26 episodes. The series was immensely impactful as it created a massive fan base for the series.
Along with the series' most prominent characters, who are crucial pieces in the upcoming plot, the season introduced the primary protagonist. It covers the first six arcs of the story, from the Final Selection Arc through the Rehabilitation Training Arc, and is separated into two cours.
2) Kimetsu No Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train
Following the successful end of the first season, the anime returns with a film that continues the primary plot of the series. The movie was a huge success when it was released in theaters throughout the world in 2020.
This movie covers the manga's Mugen Train Arc. Kyojuro Rengoku aka the Flame Hasira is a major focus of the narrative here, as his portion of the story is showcased in the movie with the advancement of the main character’s part of the story.
3) Kimetsu No Yaiba season 2
The anime's second season aired from 2021 to 2022. It is divided up into two sections, which feature the Mugen Train Arc and the Entertainment District Arc. The plot continues from where it left off at the end of the movie, which is why the movie is also regarded as part one of the second season.
In the second season, the Mugen Train Arc concludes with a good recap of the movie. The Entertainment District Arc begins which was converted into 11 episodes, featuring the Sound Hashira aka Tengen Uzui, who embarks on a mission with the series' leading characters.
4) Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba season 3
The anime returns in 2023 with its mind-blowing animation from episodes 10 and 11 of Entertainment District Arc, along with the first episode of the upcoming season 3 that will introduce the Swordsmith Village Arc. The screening is an extra reward for fans before the new season starts on April 2023.
The Swordsmith Village Arc will cover chapters 98 to 127 of the manga. Tanjiro's journey to Swordsmith Village in search of a new sword will be the highlight of the following season.
According to the teasers, this season will include two significant Hashiras, Love and Mist Hashira. Along with that, an Upper-Rank Demon is likely to be revealed. The journey is expected to be more difficult for Tanjiro but will most probably unlock more power in him.