Solo Leveling seems to have joined an elite league of animanga following a groundbreaking milestone. It takes its place among immensely popular titles such as Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, and One Piece. The anime adaptation of Chugong's web novel has gained over 400,000 positive ratings on Crunchyroll with just its first season, solidifying it as a fan-favorite and cultural phenomenon.
As such, Solo Leveling is among the top-rated series to tune in to in Crunchyroll’s history, a feat that speaks greatly about its impact and popularity. Stellar animation, an engaging storyline, and staying faithful to its source material allowed it to captivate audiences globally. Its unique mix of action, fantasy, and character-driven narratives justified it as a powerhouse in the anime industry.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed are solely those of the author.
Solo Leveling joins the big leagues with staggering milestone
The first season of Solo Leveling began to air on January 07, 2024. Before its global release, it was massively hyped following the success of the original web novel and Studio A-1 Pictures electing to adapt it into an anime. Packed into 12 episodes, season 1 covered the first 45 chapters of the web novel, i.e., the D-Rank Dungeon Arc to the Job Change Arc.
Season 1 ended on a massive cliffhanger, as Sung Jin-Woo added Igris to his Shadow Army and began to understand his abilities better. As such, the build-up for season 2 was even more intense. But just as the first episode of the new season arrives, season 1 achieves a great milestone. Within just 12 episodes, the anime reached 400,000 ratings on Crunchyroll.
This is huge for the series, given it was only the first season. Very few titles have ever come close to a feat like this. Hence, Solo Leveling now stands among anime like Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, and One Piece. Before this, Jujutsu Kaisen was able to break such a mark, its first 2 seasons gaining about 477,000 ratings in total.
This milestone that Chugong's story achieved proves highly significant for the anime and its legacy. As mentioned, it is now placed alongside the most iconic anime in Crunchyroll's lineup. Such a feat also highlights the global appeal and success of the Chugong series, depicting its ability to match up to some of the industry's most beloved, influential, and biggest franchises.
An exploit like this mirrors the immense anticipation that surrounds the anime adaptation. Fans of the original web novel and its manhwa long awaited its anime debut. Such high ratings testify to the resonance the series had with fans, existing and new. Being rapidly recognized within such a competitive landscape showcases the series' strength of storytelling, characters, and production quality.
Again, this milestone paints Solo Leveling as a major cultural force. Achieving this ranking with just one season highlights its undeniable potential to expand its influence even further with subsequent seasons. Moreover, the series is now elevated beyond a niche web novel adaptation into a franchise capable of influencing the anime industry, similar to the ones mentioned previously.
Lastly, this also signifies a shift in the global anime market. The anime's success underscores a budding interest in adapting popular web novels and manhwa. This signals a wider rendition of stories outside regular manga frames.
Final Thoughts
The success this series has experienced and is experiencing opens the gates for other popular and adored web novels and manhwa to receive quality adaptations. This not only enhances their appeal to the masses globally but also enriches the diversity of anime content. Furthermore, it validates the anticipation of long-time fans who have patiently waited for its anime release.
In conclusion, Solo Leveling’s 400,000 ratings milestone is more than just Studio A-1 Pictures' excellent animation. It simultaneously serves as a defining moment that certifies its place in anime history, showcasing its growing and far-reaching impact. Thus, this is a success to be celebrated as it now stands as a present-day classic beside other iconic anime titles.
Related links:
- Solo Leveling Season 2 breaks its Season 1 record on Crunchyroll for most liked premiere episode
- Solo Leveling Season 2 episode 1: Manhwa vs Anime comparison
- Solo Leveling season 2 complete release schedule: All episodes and where to watch them