The long-awaited anime adaptation of Solo Leveling has finally premiered its first episode on Sunday, January 7, 2024. Fans of the series are thrilled to witness their beloved protagonist, Sung Jin-Woo, brought to life through animation. The episode kicks off with the initial events in the double dungeons, aka the Cartenon Temple, where the protagonist and his party come face-to-face with certain deaths.
Adding to the excitement, the talented Taito Ban, a renowned name in the voice acting industry, lends his skills to voice the protagonist, Jin-Woo. Known as a veteran voice actor, he has left his mark on various anime and video games, such as Dr. Stone, Oshi No Ko, The Eminence in Shadow, The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten, and Catherine Full Body, among many other noteworthy names.
Taito Ban’s notable voice acting roles before voicing Jin-Woo in Solo Leveling
Taito Ban has showcased his remarkable talent through diverse roles, portraying characters with distinct personalities and a range of emotions. He takes on the lead role of Fujimiya Amane in the Winter 2023 anime, The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten.
Amane, a character known for his humble and reserved demeanor, is a smart young man. Interestingly, this role draws parallels to Solo Leveling’s Jin-Woo in his earlier days, showing Taito Ban's versatility in portraying characters with similar attributes across different projects.
Taito Ban in other projects besides Solo Leveling
Prior to his roles in Solo Leveling and The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten, Taito Ban boasted an extensive and diverse track record in the realm of voice acting.
In Dr. Stone New World, he voiced one of the significant characters of that anime season, Soyuz. Additionally, Taito Ban took on the role of Morimoto Kengo in one of the most popular recent anime, Oshi No Ko.
His versatility is evident in his diverse roles across various projects, including the Given anime, where he plays the key character Shizusumi Yagi, and the main character Sakiguchi Nagahiro in Pretty Boy Detective Club.
Taito Ban has left his mark on a variety of notable series, such as Vinland Saga, One Punch Man, Mashle, and Under Ninja, among many others. He has voiced both main and side characters and his involvement in these diverse projects demonstrates his exceptional ability to bring different characters to life across a spectrum of genres, showcasing his versatility as a skilled voice actor in the anime industry.
Final Thoughts
With just one episode of Solo Leveling released so far, Taito Ban has yet to fully showcase his talents in the role of Sung Jin-Woo.
However, even in this initial episode, his talents are evident through the emotions conveyed by the voice actor as Jin-Woo and his party members find themselves caught in the midst of the deadly double dungeons. The trauma and shock expressed by Taito Ban shine through in his portrayal of the character.
Consequently, anime fans look forward to witnessing how this talented voice actor will depict the evolving persona and development of Sung Jin-Woo in the upcoming narrative of Solo Leveling.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news in 2024.