In the world of Solo Leveling, the story of competition and vengeance unfolds with the character Hwang Dongsoo taking center stage. Dongsoo, a very powerful S-rank hunter living in America was informed about a tragic event involving his older brother, Hwang Dongsuk. The betrayal by Dongsuk's raid party during a dungeon raid involving Sung Jinwoo and Yoo Jinho, thus becomes the trigger for this animosity.
As Sung Jinwoo faces the consequences set by the mysterious force known as The System, Dongsoo's journey becomes one fueled by intense anger and sadness. This first major arc of the Solo Leveling series sets up a gripping tale of personal loss, betrayal, and the relentless quest for getting even in the Solo Leveling series.
Solo Leveling: Exploring the animosity between Hwang Dongsoo and Sung Jinwoo
Hwang Dongsoo's desire to kill Sung Jinwoo stems from a tragic event involving his elder brother, Hwang Dongsuk. Sung Jinwoo and Yoo Jinho, along with Hwang Dongsuk, were members of the same raid party. However, during a dungeon raid, Hwang Dongsuk and his party betrayed Sung Jinwoo and Yoo Jinho, leaving them stranded in the Boss Chamber.
Sung Jinwoo demonstrated tremendous power and resolve by defeating the dungeon boss alone. He later faced off against Hwang Dongsuk. The System then gave Sung Jinwoo an Emergency Quest, requiring him to dispose of Hwang Dongsuk and the remaining raid party members.
Sung Jinwoo had no option but to accept the order, as turning it down would have serious repercussions for him, which might have even ended his life. Sung Jinwoo, acting on The System's orders, then killed off all the remaining party members.
This pivotal showdown established the basis for the animosity between Sung Jinwoo and Hwang Dongsoo. Disloyalty and the ensuing pursuit of revenge are now the major factors driving Hwang Dongsoo to eliminate Sung Jinwoo.
Solo Leveling: Who is Hwang Dongsoo?
Hwang Dongsoo is a powerful S-rank hunter from Korea, who now lives in America. He has built a formidable reputation there due to his immense combat skills and relentless drive to enhance his abilities. Others know Dongsoo for exhibiting no mercy in battles, as he seeks greater strength. His talents and pursuit of power establish him as a significant antagonist in the Solo Leveling series.
After learning about the death of his brother, Hwang Dongsuk, Hwang Dongsoo experiences intense rage and grief. He becomes convinced that Sung Jinwoo or Yoo Jinho is responsible for his brother's demise and returns to his homeland with the sole purpose of hunting them down and seeking revenge.
Throughout the series, Hwang Dongsoo's character is shown to be self-centered, conceited, and homicidal, lacking concern for human existence. He acts as the opposite of Sung Jinwoo, emphasizing the significant difference between their goals and tactics for obtaining authority.
Final thoughts
The animosity between Hwang Dongsoo and Sung Jinwoo stems from personal loss and betrayal during a dungeon raid. Dongsoo's desire to kill Jinwoo involves his brother Hwang Dongsuk and the betrayal of Jinwoo and Yoo Jinho. The System further complicates things by forcing Jinwoo to confront and eliminate Dongsuk. As the story unfolds, the rivalry grows, leading to epic fights and drama in Solo Leveling.