Even though most characters in Spy X Family are wholesome and lovable, some of them have a tragic past that needs to be explored by the series in the future. One of these characters is the Thorn Princess, Yor Briar, whose past still remains a mystery.
The information we have about Yor’s past is minimal in comparison to other characters like Loid, who had entire chapters of the manga dedicated to their origins. That is why so many fans still feel they are in the dark when it comes to Yor's intriguing character.
Therefore, we will present a list of 7 possible questions from Spy X Family that fans have about Yor and cannot wait to know the answer to.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the author’s opinion and contains spoilers for Spy X Family’s manga.
The truth about her parents and 6 other questions about Yor that the Spy X Family fans have
1) What happened to her parents?

Ever since Yuri made his first appearance in the franchise, the mystery about Yor’s parents has been roaming around fans’ heads. We know that the Briar siblings are orphans, considering that Yor took care of Yuri since she was a young girl.
As of yet, nothing has been revealed about her parents’ fate. Like many other characters, Yor is at an age where she had to live through the consequences of the horrible war between Ostania and Westalis. Going by that theory, maybe her parents were killed during an attack.
Nevertheless, this is still just speculation. The siblings might have ended up as orphans for many other reasons that has nothing to do with the war. Only time will tell if we will ever learn more about the parents of Yuri and Yor.
2) How did Garden recruit her?

Before Yor was known as the Thorn Princess around the world, she was just a young girl who needed money to sustain her family. So far, what could be gathered from the series is that she was able to keep a roof over Yuri’s head by joining Ostania’s organization of assassins, Garden.
Through the flashbacks Yuri and Yor have during the course of the franchise, we can deduce that Yor had joined this group of skilled killers when she was in her early teenage years. But how did this happen? Why did Garden ask a simple girl to join their ranks?
Right now, the information we have about Garden is scarce. We can only hope that the series will give fans more details regarding the organization and why Yor was invited to join.
3) What kind of training did she do?

Yor may look like a sweet and meek character who would not harm a fly, but underneath that charming smile, she hides her deadly alter-ego, the Thorn Princess. Yor’s strength is unlike anything we have seen so far in the series.
Not only can she defeat several strong opponents without any help, but she is powerful enough to tear trees apart with only a rubber ball. We know that the Garden must be training its assassins using an arduous routine, but the results of Yor’s training go beyond what people would usually expect.
It would be interesting to know the rigorous training routine she had to go through in order to become that strong. If we ever get more information about her past, let’s hope her training is mentioned at least once.
4) When did she develop her love for weapons?

Yor’s most unique personality trait is her deep, sometimes obsessive, love for any weapon. We have seen her become enamored with paintings that depict the use of guillotines to execute people, as well as admiring the sharpness of cutlery while on a family date.
We also know she takes excellent care of her iconic thorn-like daggers, her weapon of choice in most missions. After every use, she cleans them meticulously to the point not a single drop of blood is visible on their surface.
She might have been born with a burning passion for weapons, but we cannot be certain of that so early in the series. Although it would be interesting to learn if this fondness for dangerous objects is something she acquired after joining the Garden.
5) Why did she never get better at cocking?

Yor is a lot of things, a fantastic person, a wonderful big sister, and a great mother to Anya, but she is definitely not a good chef. This is proven when most of the unappetising meals she cooks end up either poisoning or knocking out those who eat them.
She cares more about nutritional value than taste, but even that is not an excuse to not improve her culinary skills even after so many years. This may be due to Yuri's constant praises of her cooked meals, but he always ended up vomiting the contents, so it is weird that she never thought something was wrong.
This could be a habit she picked up as a child or something she learned from her late mother but refuses to let go of. Knowing about this can give fans a deeper insight into Yor’s mind, and how she perceives the world.
6) Why does she always try to please people?

To keep her job as an assassin a secret, Yor appears as an average person to the world. Because of this, she always tries to do what would generally be considered normal to the people around her.
Still, this does not explain her constant need to make everyone around her happy. Yor is capable of anything if she thinks doing so will please the person with whom she is interacting. This is strange considering someone who has to kill for a living.
If Spy X Family reveals more about Yor’s past in the future chapters or episodes, we might learn what caused Yor to be like this. Right now, we can only speculate that it might be caused by an important event that happened in her childhood or teenage years.
7) How did she end up working at the City Hall?

For Yor to keep her real occupation a secret, she obviously needed another job that would prevent people from suspecting her identity as an assassin. Her secondary job is being a Berlint’s City Hall Clerk, a job where no one questions what she does after hours.
Yet, of all the places she could have applied for a job, why there? Her coworkers are horrible to her, mostly Camila, her boss does not seem amicable. She could have use her skills for many other careers, yet she chose this.
One possibility is that the higher ups at Garden were the ones who got her the job to help her blend in better. However, if that is not the case, it would be very entertaining to see Yor trying to get this job given to her otherwise socially awkward persona.