The time for Anya to shine in Spy X Family episode 14 is finally upon us. The little Esper has been tasked with preventing a group of terrorists from killing Westalis' Foreign Minister and beginning a new war. Fortunately, she found the perfect partner for the job, a white fluffy dog that can see the future.
Last week’s episode focused on Anya running away from Yor after finding out that the white dog had powers similar to hers. By doing this, she ended up in the middle of a terrorist attack her father was trying to prevent. Spy X Family episode 14, titled Objective: Disarm the Time Bomb, showed Anya and her new friend giving it their all to save Loid.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Spy X Family episode 14.
Loid demonstrated why he is WISE's best agent in Spy X Family episode 14

Spy X Family episode 13 began with the Forger family entering a pet store, looking for a dog for Anya to adopt. As none of the dogs there caught Anya’s attention, the clerk told them about an adoption event at a shelter.
Loid was called by WISE to deal with a terrorist cell. Anya encountered a white dog that could see the future and got involved with the terrorist cell. Yor saved her in the end.
Let’s change the future

Spy x Family episode 14 began with Yor consoling Anya after saving her from Keith. The terrorist tried to use one of his attack dogs to kill the woman. With a single angry look, Yor managed to scare the dog away, also scaring Anya in the process. Seeing no other option, Keith tried to force the white dog to run away with him, but the creature refused, prompting the man to leave without him.
Yor wanted to prevent the black-haired man from escaping but did not want to leave Anya alone. She stayed behind with her daughter, asking the Anya what had happened. Anya revealed to her that Keith was not a kidnapper but a terrorist who wanted to use bomb dogs. The little Esper apologized for having run away, so Yor hugged her and calmed her down.
Yor took Anya and the white dog to a phone booth to talk to the police about the incident. As she spoke with the officer, the white dog had a vision of Loid dying on his mission and a new war between Ostania and Westalis commencing.
The girl wanted to save her father but was unable to explain what would happen to her mother, so she decided to run away with the dog.
WISE to the rescue

Spy x Family episode 14 continued with Sylvia being informed about Keith and his comrades beginning their operation. The red-haired woman tasked her agents with intercepting the vans the terrorist cell would use to transport the bombs and the dogs. The spy agency was capable of capturing two different groups transporting the bombs, but Keith was nowhere to be seen.
Hiding behind a building, the young man observed as his comrades were captured. He began wondering how he could accomplish the mission alone and remembered there was still one bomb left. Keith became determined to kill the minister and decided to run away before WISE could capture him.

Back in WISE’s headquarters, a pair of spies were interrogating a few members of the terrorist cell. The youngsters, however, refused to say anything about their plans and began screaming about Ostania’s supremacy. Sylvia entered the room with Loid and began describing the cruel and horrifying realities of war, scaring the students.
A few minutes later, Keith could be seen far from there strapping the last bomb into one of the dogs. He was unsure as to how to proceed but decided that he would simply kill anyone who tried to stop him. At the same time, Loid and his team could be seen driving towards the building where the summit would take place.
The clock tower

Spy X Family episode 14 showed Anya and the white dog arriving at the building where Loid was supposed to die. The pink-haired girl remembered that the bomb would explode once the clock tower’s bell rang and asked a man to tell her how much time was left until that moment. With only thirty minutes left, Anya and her friend began running looking for the bomb.
They ran into Keith and the bomb dog, who were getting into their ca. The bomb dog noticed the child’s smell and tried to run after her, only to be stopped by the terrorist.
As they drove off, Keith began thinking about the bomb he placed as a trap inside the building. Anya realized that this bomb was the cause of her father’s death and asked the dog to help her find it.
After searching the building for a couple of minutes, Anya and the white dog arrived at a door that was rigged with explosives. The girl was about to twist the handle when the animal reminded her that doing so would cause an explosion. The little Esper noticed a small window to the side of the door, which she used to climb inside.
How to defuse a bomb

Spy X Family episode 14 proceeded to show Anya looking over at the bomb and trying to figure out how to defuse it. The girl remembered that her cartoons always showed the hero cutting either the red or blue cable. Unfortunately, the bomb Keith implanted had only black cables, preventing her from defusing it.
Anya became desperate, thinking about the consequences of letting the bomb go off. Not only would she lose her beloved father, but she would also be in danger. She pondered staying and alerting the man, although that would mean revealing her powers. As the girl cried, she noticed a bottle of ketchup and had an idea.

Later that day, Loid and his team arrived at the building and found the door with the bomb painted with ketchup. Agent Twilight wanted to be careful when approaching the door, but his partner was impatient to capture Keith. Outside, Anya sat beside the dog, waiting to see if the explosion would occur. When the time for the catastrophe to happen arrived, nothing happened.
The white dog had another vision, this one of the Forger family, alive and well, smiling at him. Anya was beyond happy, knowing that her father was safe. Inside the building, Loid could be seen stopping his partner from opening the door. The spy used a mirror to look inside the room and noticed a bomb. Before the WISE agents could defuse the bomb, the Secret Police arrived.
Once outside, the spies decided to head to the Minister’s location, believing that Keith would try one last desperate attempt at killing the politician. Far from there, the Minister observed Yuri, who was sent as an undercover SSS agent. The politician’s secretary informed him that Ostania was simply trying to keep him safe from the terrorists. Suddenly, someone knocked on his door.
Loid’s plan

Spy X Family episode 14 continued with the minister exiting the building, telling Yuri he was ready to go. After the SSS vehicles departed, the Minister dismissed his bodyguards and entered his car alone. Keith immediately followed after him, using the dog to follow the Minister’s scent.
It was later revealed that Loid had disguised himself as the Minister, asking the latter to stay behind in his hotel room. The politician complained to Sylvia about Loid taking his clothes and leaving him almost naked in a room without a proper warning. The handler simply replied that time was of the essence, meaning there was no room for manners.

Far from there, Loid could be seen driving away from the SSS convoy, forcing Keith to follow him. The terrorist did so, only to be ambushed by Loid’s partners. However, the man still had some explosives, which he used to destroy the WISE agent’s car. He followed Loid into an abandoned construction site, where the Spy took off running, shocking the young man.
Keith saw the fake Minister enter a closed alleyway and could not believe his luck. He let go of the dog and ordered it to attack the fake Minister. Spy X Family episode 14 ended with Loid apologizing to the animal as he aimed his gun at it.
Final thoughts

The Doggy Crisis arc is almost over after the events of Spy X Family episode 14. With Anya’s help, Loid managed to stop every single one of Keith’s attempts against the Minister’s life. The only thing left for Agent Twilight to accomplish is to capture the criminal.
However there are still many enigmas to be answered, like what will happen to the dogs after Keith is captured? Is Loid truly capable of ending an animal’s life in the name of peace? Most important of all, why does the white dog have visions of the Forger family? This will all be answered in next week’s chapter.