The wait for the Doggy Crisis arc’s conclusion is finally over, as Spy X Family episode 15 was released a few hours ago. Loid was ready to put an end to Keith’s plans once and for all in the previous episode, and his determination did not falter in today’s adventure. The terrorist needed to be stopped before he could cause another war between Ostania and Westalis.
In last week’s episode, fans saw Anya risk her life to prevent her father’s death at the hands of Keith and his explosives. The episode also showed Loid’s amazing spy skills. Spy X Family episode 15, titled A New Family Member, focused on Keith’s defeat, as well as the introduction of the final Forger. Keep reading to learn more about the highlights of the episode.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Spy X Family episode 15.
Anya got a new pet in Spy X Family episode 15
What happened in the last episode?

Spy x Family episode 14 began with Yor scaring Keith and his bomb dog away. The woman took Anya and the white dog to a phone booth to speak with the police. Anya received a vision from the white dog about Loid dying and ran away to save her father. The duo prevented agent Twilight from blowing up a building. The episode ended with Loid ready to take Keith and his dog down.
The strength of the Forgers

Spy X Family episode 15 began with Loid using his gun to rip off the fabric of Keith’s dog’s bomb vest. When the animal bit down on agent Twilight’s arm, the spy took the chance to remove the bomb from the dog’s back. Loid threw the bomb into the river, preventing the explosive from causing any damage.
Keith arrived at the scene in his car and was elated once he saw his dog attacking a person. Believing Loid to be Westalis’ minister, the young man tried to activate the bomb. The explosive went off inside the water, shocking the terrorist. Loid managed to trap the dog inside a trashcan and readied himself to catch Keith.

The black-haired man ignited his car and ran away, trying to get as far as he could from Loid. Nearby, Yor was still looking for Anya, worried for her daughter’s fate. The assassin saw Keith’s car in the distance and jumped in front of the car, scaring the terrorist. With a swift quick, the woman destroyed the car, causing the young man’s vehicle to hit a lamppost.
Once Keith was apprehended, Loid returned to the pet shop, where he was given the mission. All the bomb dogs had been captured and were sitting inside crates. Happy about another successful mission, the blonde man exited the shop and began searching for his family.
Anya’s ultimatum

Spy X Family episode 15 continued with the Forger family reuniting outside the pet store. Loid was surprised to see his wife and daughter waiting outside for him, as he believed they would still be looking for a dog at the shelter. Anya lied, claiming that she returned because her father took so much time in the bathroom. Yor told her husband that she was looking for Anya.
The pair explained to Loid everything that happened while he was supposedly in the bathroom. Agent Twilight began worrying about what the terrorists could have done to his family. Fortunately, Anya reassured him that everything was all right, thanks to the white dog.

Loid realized that the white dog was another Project Apple test subject and gave Sylvia a signal to take him away. The man thanked the animal for having kept his daughter safe, making him blush. Sylvia, disguised as an SSS police agent, approached the family, claiming that she wanted to learn more about the terrorist attack Anya and Yor witnessed.
Once the family was done talking, Sylvia told the Forgers that the dog would be taken into custody as he could be dangerous. Anya refused, claiming that she would only be happy if the white dog returned home with her. Loid and his boss tried to convince the girl to give up the dog, angering the small child. The pink-haired girl threatened her father, saying that she would stop studying.

Sylvia immediately told Anya she could keep the dog, shocking agent Twilight. The handler revealed that she would not allow the animal to endanger Operation Strix. When Loid complained about his daughter, Sylvia told him her actions were normal, revealing that she once had a daughter. Despite everything that happened, the spies were happy that the day ended peacefully.
Sylvia explained to the family that she would take the dog for medical tests, assuring them that she would deliver the animal the next day. The Forgers commenced their trip back home. Yor and Anya were ecstatic about having saved the world, unlike Loid, who just wanted to rest for a bit.
Let’s make some friends

Spy X Family episode 15 continued the next day, with Anya walking excitedly around her home, waiting for the dog to arrive. Once the animal came home, the Forgers gathered around him, welcoming him to his new home. The vision of the family smiling at him finally became a reality.
The white dog remembered all the suffering he was subjected to in his life. The scientists who gave him his powers used to torture him, underfeed him and mock him. Realizing that his suffering was over, the animal approached Anya, who hugged him as she giggled.

The next day, Anya asked her father if she would obtain a Stella for having stopped Keith, to which Loid replied that she would not. The incident needed to be kept a secret to prevent another war. The young Esper decided that she would stop trying to get stars and would become Damian’s friend instead.
She imagined the black-haired boy would ask her to become his friend if she told him about her new dog. To prove her theory, Anya told Becky about the white dog her family adopted and noticed that she indeed became excited. The pink-haired girl ran out of the classroom to tell Damian about her pet, but her plans failed once she revealed that her dog did not have a name.
Meet Bond Forger

Spy X Family episode 15 went on to show Anya talking with Becky about naming her dog. The pink-haired girl could not come up with any good names and decided to ask her parents about the issue. Later that day, Anya entered her home only to be tackled by her new pet. Loid noticed that the dog was full of energy and told Anya they would take him for a walk.
As the family walked to the dog park, Loid gave Anya some tips about naming her new pet, although she was still unsure. The Forgers arrived at the dog park, where Anya tried to get her new friend to play with her. Sadly, the animal did not seem to understand her and stayed sited.

The small Esper walked around the park, asking people for help with naming her dog. While his daughter was playing around in the park, Loid began questioning what would happen to his family once Operation Strix was over. The man tried to be professional but was genuinely worried for Yor and Anya.
After a few moments, Loid told his daughter that they should start heading home. Anya realized that she lost her mittens and the Forgers began looking around the park for them. The white dog noticed that a Pitbull had them in his mouth and alerted Anya. The girl tried to grab her gloves from the dog’s mouth but was attacked, prompting her pet to scare the other animal.
Anya recalled a scene in Spy Wars where Bondman returned a piece of clothing that was dear to the show’s princess. This gave her an idea as to what to call her new friend. Once the family returned home, Anya introduced her parents to Bond Forger. The girl spent the rest of the day playing with Bond. Spy X Family episode 15 ended with the two sleeping in the living room.
Final thoughts

The Doggy Criss arc is finally over now that Spy X Family episode 15 has been released. The Forger family no longer has to worry about Keith and his terrorist cell causing a new international incident. Best of all, they managed to rescue the white dog that had been helping Anya for so long. With Bond Forger by their side, the family is complete.
After the tense episodes we have had since the second cour started, fans are glad about how wholesome Spy X Family episode 15 was. A war between Ostania and Westalis is no longer on the horizon, giving the family a chance to focus on Operation Strix.
Anya still needs to find a way to befriend Damian, who is slowly but surely opening up to her. Nonetheless, fans will have to wait a while before the relationship between the two children improves. Based on the preview for the next episode, the focus will be on Yor as she seeks Camila's help to improve her cooking skills.