Spy x Family Episode 21: Fiona vies for Yor's spot as Anya and Bond's first fight begins

Fiona Frost
Fiona Frost's introduction makes for one of the best Spy x Family episodes yet (Image via Wit Studios, CloverWorks)

Spy x Family Episode 21 was released on Saturday, November 26, 2022, bringing with it the long-awaited introduction of Nightfall, AKA Fiona Frost. The episode certainly lived up to expectations, with Fiona’s interactions with Yor, Loid, and Anya in their household all being absolutely hilarious.


Spy x Family Episode 21 also ends with a fantastic adaptation of an extra storyline from the manga, showcasing some hilarious Anya scenes and moments. While Anya has been a comedic force throughout the entire episode, the episode’s final segment in particular is truly hilarious

Spy x Family Episode 21 finally introduces Nightfall with a stunning performance from voice actor Ayane Sakura


Spy x Family Episode 21 begins with Sylvia Sherwood at a Wise Safe House in Berlint, where she’s briefing an agent on a mission they’ll be running with Twilight next week. The agent is introduced as Fiona Frost, a WISE spy and Loid’s coworker at the hospital. Syliva reminds Fiona not to let the mission affect Operation Strix, prompting her to question its progress.

Fiona then says she would have benefitted the mission by being Loid’s wife instead of Yor, even saying it’s not still too late. Sylvia responds that Eden would find it suspicious if he remarried, also pointing out the benefits she brings as a local before concluding that the Forger family will remain as is.


Spy x Family Episode 21 then sees Fiona question what would happen if Yor were to “retire,” alluding to her filling the position in that scenario. Sylvia tells her not to get any ideas, but Fiona ignores this, leaving the room and passing on other spies who comment on her willingness to even go after Twilight for her own gain.


Spy x Family Episode 21’s narrator then characterizes her as a “wicked, cold-blood, brazen woman” whose willingness to carry out any mission made those around her uneasy. The narrator then reveals her codename as Nightfall, teasing that she has "ambitions" as the episode goes into its opening theme sequence.

Spy x Family Episode 21 then sees Yor lamenting her inability to cook breakfast, hoping that she can make something other than stew soon when the door rings. Nightfall is at the door, eventually introducing herself as Fiona Frost and Loid’s colleague at Yor’s behest. She apologizes, saying Loid is out on a walk with Bond and Anya.


However, Nightfall reveals she was aware of this, before saying she came by to return Anya’s magnifying glass. Yor invites her inside to wait until they get back, serving her tea and some snacks as they sit in the living room together. Yor wonders how pretty Fiona is, prompting Fiona to ask what she’s staring at before complimenting her home.


However, Nightfall internally discusses how Yor’s suspicions of Fiona being Loid’s mistress aren’t wrong, since she plans to steal the role of wife from her at the earliest possible moment. She even goes as far as to say that if Yor is delaying Operation Strix, she’ll eliminate Yor personally. She then begins analyzing Yor’s appearance, looking for flaws, while the nervous Yor thinks of how Fiona is the first guest besides Yuri and Franky to come to their home.


She reminds herself that she’s a housewife, while Fiona ponders on how eliminating Yor herself would pose too many risks, pointing out that she has to get Yor out of the house first. Fiona then comments on Anya, saying she seems quite lively, before asking if it's rough and if she ever gets tired of childrearing, internally pointing out that Anya is just Yor’s stepdaughter.

Yor, however, is confused by the comment, saying she finds Anya’s energy to be wonderful and sharing that she’s actually unsure of what to do when Anya seems down. Fiona comments on how Yor actually sees herself as Anya’s mother, while Yor comments on how it can be rough on Loid with everything he has to do because she’s somewhat lacking.


Spy x Family Episode 21 then sees Fiona internally comment on how Yor needs to acknowledge her flaws, calling her not fit for the mission. She then shares that she heard Loid complaining about his wife at work, but is interrupted by Loid, Anya, and Bond’s arrival. Realizing who’s here, Loid instantly asks her what she’s doing here, prompting Yor to explain and give Anya her magnifying glass.

This then starts a sequence in Spy x Family Episode 21 which sees the two communicate with each other by separating their mouth movements and sounds. While they discuss general topics based on hearing, the two discuss why Nightfall has arrived, as well as the progress of Operation Strix.


Anya, meanwhile, realizes she’s a spy, and finds her eyes glued to the conversation. Loid asks her what she’s doing here, stressing that agents need to minimize interactions before Fiona asks if walking Bond is crucial to Operation Strix. Fiona continues, saying that Yor should be the one running errands like that before questioning if she’s uncooperative.


Spy x Family Episode 21 then sees Loid get defensive, questioning what she means by this, prompting her to suggest that the great Twilight playing house is a waste to the world. She then proposes reevaluating Operation Strix, while Loid tells her it doesn’t concern her. Anya then reads Fiona’s mind, where it’s revealed that she’s actually deeply in love with Loid.

Her own fantasies then play out, seeing her being a housewife for Loid and providing for him in every capacity possible, and doing so incredibly happily. She imagines that Loid is just as happy with her, and that he leaves Yor to marry her, both for Operation Strix and in general. The narrator then specifies that her biggest ambition is to become Twilight’s wife.


Spy x Family Episode 21: Love games


Spy x Family Episode 21 sees Anya completely shocked and speechless at these developments, while Yor suggests she pour some coffee for the adults and hot chocolate for Anya. While getting the drinks ready for everyone, Yor imagines what Loid could have been complaining about, even envisioning Loid asking Fiona to be a replacement wife.

She says she can’t blame him for feeling that way about her, pointing out her inability to even make breakfast. Fiona instantly points out how Twilight prefers his coffee black, saying Yor isn’t fit to be his wife without knowing that. However, Loid begins pouring milk into his coffee as she says this, prompting her to begin biting her nails nervously and question if family life is changing Twilight.


However, she concludes that this is part of his Loid Forger character, convincing herself that it was to go along with the family setting before concluding that he’s brilliant and she loves him. However, Loid reveals that milk helps lessen the damage to his stomach, even pondering asking Yor for something without caffeine.


The shocked Anya calls Fiona wild, before accidentally spilling her hot chocolate. While Yor and Loid tend to Anya, Fiona calls her a careless child, saying she could’ve caught the cup if she was properly trained.

She concludes that Loid hasn’t had time to teach her as much, saying it’s the wife’s duty to make their daughter more powerful. She critiques Yor for not even scolding Anya and calling her unfit for the role.


Spy x Family Episode 21 then sees Fiona imagine a corporal punishment scenario if she was Anya’s mother, saying she would literally whip her into being a Stella Star winning student. Anya hilariously freaks out at the concept of Fiona being her mother, as Fiona once more suggests to Twilight that she and Yor should switch places.

Anya then rushes to Yor’s side, requesting to be cuddled while saying she loves her the most for always taking care of and cleaning up after her. Twilight questions what kind of reasoning that is, while Fiona tries to show how caring she can be by offering to bring her imported hot chocolate. However, Anya hisses at her in response, which Yor says is because she’s nervous for having only just met Fiona.


Loid tells Anya to go play with Bond, prompting Anya to monolog about how happy she is to have a loving mother and father, as well as Bond. She even says she’s so happy to be the Forger family’s daughter, even going over the top with it. This inspires Yor to confront Loid, saying she promises to do her best and will do everything she can for him and Anya.


She begins to trail off here, prompting Fiona to internally critique her for not teaching Anya to not spill anything at all. However, Loid tells Yor she’s already working hard enough, saying that’s why Anya is so fond of her and that he couldn’t ask her for anything more. This causes tears to well up in Yor’s eyes, only further prodding her to say she’ll do her best.


Fiona, however, calls it a fake smile, remembering when she trained with Twilight and he emphasized that a spy should never show their true emotions. She then begins remembering the various characters he’s played over the years, saying she knows it’s his fake smile due to this experience.


However, Spy x Family Episode 21 sees her add that there’s a subtle truth that bleeds through the fake smile, implying that Twilight is extremely happy playing Loid Forger. Fiona says she has to leave to buy potatoes she forgot about, prompting Loid to chase after her to give her an umbrella after a brief moment.

Upon catching up to her, Fiona says he forgot to tell her something, telling him that there’s a mission soon that they have to take care of together. She then turns to face him, crying tears which are hidden due to the rain.


In an incredibly sad and vulnerable moment, she commits to hiding her true feelings until the very end, since that’s what a spy would do and that’s what Twilight taught her.

She then tells him she’ll brief him on the details at the hospital, before internally alluding to her being willing to confess her feelings once the cold war is over. While thinking how she just wants to be by his side even if they’re a fake couple, she externally tells him that he’s lost his edge playing house, telling him not to get in her way on their upcoming mission.


As she walks away, she resolves to show him how capable she is, saying she’s the only one suited to be his wife.

Spy x Family Episode 21: A girl and her dog


Spy x Family Episode 21 then plays its ending theme sequence, before returning to Anya and Bond watching a cartoon. Loid tells her it’s time to brush her teeth and go to bed, but she continues to watch, as one of the penguin characters on TV is shot. Anya begins crying over the penguin’s apparent death, prompting Loid to come over and pick her up while questioning the grim cartoon she was watching.


in Spy x Family Episode 21, Anya is then seen in bed in her pajamas, asking to sleep with her penguin stuffed animal tonight. Loid then puts her to bed and leaves, while Bond watches from the doorway and says he’s jealous.

The next morning, Anya’s penguin stuffed animal is seen torn up with stuffing coming out from all over. Loid points out how there are bite and scratch marks, prompting Anya to instantly look at Bond.


Bond, however, looks away instantly, but is revealed to be calling the penguin bad and accusing it of stealing Anya when she uses her telepathy powers. Anya tries to rush Bond, but Loid picks her up and stops her, prompting her to tell Bond she hates him. Bond screams in shock, before putting his tail down and looking incredibly dejected.


However, Yor comes in and says she can stitch her penguin back up and make him all better. Spy x Family Episode 21 then sees Yor make the penguin even worse, nearly ripping its head off, prompting Loid to suggest buying a new one. Anya rejects this idea, saying that her penguin is special because it’s the one Loid bought for her at the aquarium.

Loid says he’ll fix him up for her, telling her to go eat and start her homework in the meantime. In Spy x Family Episode 21, as Loid and Yor work on the penguin, Bond is seen breaking into one of the cabinets, pulling out something which fans don’t see. Anya, meanwhile, is crying in her room as she does homework, when Loid lets her know that her penguin is all better now.


However, she calls him “kind of Frankensteiny” from all the stitches. Loid spins this to say that scars are medals of valor for soldiers, and that Agent Penguin suffered “honorable injuries” in battle. Bond then appears, prompting Anya to call him evil and ask what he wants. He’s then seen carrying the peanuts which Anya loves, which she realizes is an apology to her.


Spy x Family Episode 21 then sees Loid remind her of Bondman’s words that yesterday’s enemy is today’s ally, prompting Anya (speaking as the penguin) to forgive Bond. She even apologizes for saying she hated him, prompting Bond to happily jump on her and begin playing with him once again.

Spy x Family Episode 21 sees Bond and the penguin shake hands, with Anya saying the peace treaty is officially signed as Loid wishes things could be this easy for him.


Spy x Family Episode 21: In summation


Spy x Family Episode 21 is, overall, an incredibly exciting episode which sets up the final episodes of the series’ first season. Further, the introduction of Fiona Frost and her established interest in Loid sets up return appearances in the second season as well.

While this current arc is where she truly shines and is given a leading role, fans can at least expect her to return in the near future.

Spy x Family Episode 21 also does a fantastic job of highlighting how Loid actually is happy being a part of the Forger family. Thanks to Fiona’s experience in training with him and her knowledge of his tactics and overall approach, she’s able to clue in on this, and likewise let viewers know. It’s a subtle moment which highlights that each and every day, Twilight becomes happier and happier with his “fake” life.


Finally, one of Spy x Family Episode 21’s biggest accomplishments is reminding viewers that an entire network of WISE spies exists in Berlint. While the show does an excellent job of making Loid feel like the star player in WISE’s efforts, the reminder that there are other spies who have to consider each other’s missions is a great bit of worldbuilding.

It also reemphasizes that this war is being fought on all fronts, not just on Operation Strix.


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Edited by Madhur Dave
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