One of the most fluid and ever-changing aspects of author and illustrator Tatsuki Fujimoto’s original manga series is exactly who the 10 strongest Chainsaw Man characters are. While that list would’ve been occupied by several humans in the series’ first part, the cast of Devils and their strength has grown exponentially in the second part.
Likewise, even a list of the strongest Chainsaw Man characters is now dominated by Devilkind. While there are some familiar faces on this new and updated list, including part 2, it’s clear that the new Primal and Horsemen Devils have eliminated what little space there was for human characters.
Disclaimer: While the Death Devil has been implied as one of the strongest characters in the series, too little is known about it at the time of writing to reasonably include it here.
Devils dominate the list of the 10 strongest
Chainsaw Man characters when looking at the whole series
10) Fire Devil

While very little is known about the Fire Devil as of this article’s writing, what is known is more than enough to include it on the list of the strongest Chainsaw Man characters. The Fire Devil’s strength is said to grow in proportion to the number of signatories it has, effectively giving it the potential for “infinite” strength. While there is a limit to this, it would essentially be the world’s population, hence it being effectively “infinite” strength.
The Fire Devil can also give its signatories the ability to transform into a new, powerful form, depending on their desire. The human character Yuko’s transformation best highlights this, giving her a form with which she could stop the bullying at her school. Likewise, it suggests that if one’s desire is strong enough, they can both maintain their consciousness and transform into an extremely powerful being.
9) Bomb Devil

One of the biggest knocks against the Fire Devil is that fans have yet to see it fight, allowing it to be beaten out by other Devils whom fans are more informed about. The Bomb Devil is a good example of this, definitively being one of the strongest and most powerful Devils in the entire series.
Lady Reze, the Bomb Devil’s combat skills are also exceptional, making her a deadly threat in combination with her abilities and intelligence. However, one of the reasons why this Devil ranks so low on this list is that her powers are mainly destructive, with no special abilities as far as fans know. Nevertheless, her skills and knowledge in combat, combined with her destructive powers, earn her a respectable entry here.
8) Hell Devil

Embodying the fear of hell, it’s difficult to argue that the Hell Devil is not one of the 10 strongest Chainsaw Man characters thus far. One of the biggest arguments supporting its inclusion here is its ability to manifest as a giant, six-fingered hand that can send targets to hell. This includes the Chainsaw Devil in its almighty Hero of Hell form.
Unfortunately, in terms of combat, the Hell Devil’s lone showing was disappointing, essentially being used as enhancement talent for the Chainsaw Devil’s Hero of Hell form. However, when considering the above ability, the price it has been shown to ask for in contracts, and the fact that it embodies the fear of hell, the Hell Devil deserves inclusion here.
7) Gun Devil

One of the most telling aspects of the Gun Devil’s strength is that even at 20% strength in both Fiend and Fragmented Devil Forms, the devastation it caused was on the largest scale in the series yet.
This is further supported by the lore behind its inception, essentially being born from fear of guns via crime and civil revolts after the world cashed in on them as anti-Devil weapons. This eventually led to the Devil’s inception after a terrorist attack on America involving guns.
On its first day, the Gun Devil claimed 1.2 million lives in just five minutes. This Devil’s incredible combat prowess can be attributed to its Bullet Projection abilities, allowing it to directly fire bullets through individuals' heads. Even in its 20% Fragmented Devil form, the Gun Devil showed the power to earn a relatively high ranking among the strongest Chainsaw Man characters.
6) Famine Devil Fami

Admittedly, Famine Devil Fami is largely carried to the sixth rank on the list of strongest Chainsaw Man characters by nature of her Horseman Devil pedigree. This puts her a tier above any other character in the series short of the known Primal Devils and other Horsemen. However, her relatively low rank is due to two main factors, the first is that fans have yet to see her fight anyone as of this article’s writing.
The second is that what fans currently know about her abilities and fighting strength isn’t impressive. Her three main abilities have been Enhancing Healing, Enslavement, and Teleportation.
However, the formermost and lattermost aren’t offensively oriented, and while Enslavement is nice, there seem to be limits in terms of time a Devil can be summoned and repeated. As a result, she’s considered the weakest of the Horsemen as of this writing.
5) War Devil Yoru

War Devil Yoru outranks Famine Devil Fami in terms of the strongest Chainsaw Man characters, especially given recent events. With the concept of war not only back in the world, but now heavily feared, Yoru’s powers have increased. Speed, strength, and her weaponization ability have all become so much more powerful, with the lattermost ability’s prerequisites also being lessened from this power boost.
Her combat prowess has allowed her to match up with some of the deadliest threats in the series up to this point. Combined with the experience she and host Asa Mitaka received while working for Chainsaw Man Church, it’s clear that Yoru deserves a spot among the five currently strongest Chainsaw Man characters.
4) Control Devil

In either variant fans have seen, the Control Devil is one of the most powerful Devils in the entire series. Her powers include memory manipulation, generally being able to control others she deems weaker than her, borrowing the senses of others for herself, teleportation abilities, force manipulation, and incredibly high intelligence.
Makima, the Control Devil, specifically displayed the ability to work with a long-term plan in mind, carefully plotting their moves along the way. She also has great hand-to-hand combat abilities. All of this combines to cement the Control Devil as one of the strongest Chainsaw Man characters.
3) Chainsaw Devil

The Chainsaw Devil’s true Hero of Hell form is undoubtedly one of the strongest Chainsaw Man characters. It’s this version of the Chainsaw Devil that all Devils fear, boasting the ability to erase them and the fear they embody from existence by eating them. Beyond this, the Hero of Hell has shown immense speed, strength, durability, and healing factors in the entire series.
The Hero of Hell can also disconnect its chains from its chainsaws to use them to capture opponents, pull them closer, or traverse a battlefield. Combined with a feral and unrelenting nature that sees it attack everyone in an area, including the one who summoned it, it’s undoubtedly one of the strongest Chainsaw Man characters yet.
2) Falling Devil

The series has consistently established that the Primal Devils are at the pinnacle of the strongest Chainsaw Man characters as of this article’s writing.
The Falling Devil represents this pinnacle well, boasting powers such as nigh-absolute immortality and an immense healing factor, a direct connection to Hell, gravity manipulation, an energy beam attack, thought and emotion manipulation, object creation, body control, and more.
All of this combines into a truly devastating force, which even War Devil Yoru and Denji as Chainsaw Man couldn’t stop. In fact, the two were defeated by the Falling Devil and its allies and would’ve died if not for Control Devil Nayuta’s interference. The fact that two of the five strongest characters in the series had to be saved by a Horsemen Devil alone shows the Falling Devil's strength.
1) Darkness Devil

At the top of the strongest Chainsaw Man characters introduced thus far is the Darkness Devil. Embodying the primal fear of the dark, it also has most of the basic abilities the Falling Devil has as a fellow Primal Devil, such as nigh-absolute immortality. Additional powers include darkness manipulation, the Blade of Darkness, Force Manipulation, the ability to nullify regenerative abilities, and the ability to fully manifest other Devils.
It’s so powerful that even Makima couldn’t defeat it, and was forced to fully retreat without attempting to mount a comeback. Given these above abilities, combative track record, and its embodying one of the most primal and inherent fears humanity possesses, the Darkness Devil takes the top spot among the strongest Chainsaw Man characters.
In conclusion
While the Death Devil would likely take home the gold here, there’s simply too little known about it as of this article’s writing to reasonably rank it as one of the 10 strongest Chainsaw Man characters. As a result, the above list focuses only on those about whom enough is known to definitively include.
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