Suicide Squad Isekai anime series charcater have been adapted from the same cast as DC Comics Suicide Squad cast. The storyline is typically also the same with the secret government agents hiring a bunch of criminals to help a kingdom fight against some banished super villains and legendary beings. This article features the list of characters in the anime series.
Main Characters
Here is a list and description of few of the main characters in the series:
Character | Description |
Harley Quinn | She is the main character in the series. Quinn was a psychiatrist in the past. |
Peacemaker | Peacemaker is a fighter who only wants to bring about and maintain peace but his ideas of peace, or at least the means by which he will achieve it, are ironically cruel and deadly because he has no qualms about torturing, killing, and otherwise punishing anyone who dares to "disturb the peace." He is also a main character in the series. |
Clayface | Clayface is an incredibly talkative and verbose narcissist who is also a struggling actor in movies. He is a living clay shape-shifter who can freely alter his form while fighting. |
King Shark | King Shark is also a main character in the series. King Shark is a metahuman who resembles an anthropomorphic shark and has many characteristics of a shark despite having a human body composition. |
Amanda Waller | Amanda Waller is the main antagonist of the series. She rose to the position of A.R.G.U.S. chief and launched a new initiative to locate other worlds and steal their natural resources. |
Queen Aldora | Queen Aldora is an antagonist in the series. She began a war against certain species in her world when she took the role of queen of the realm at some point in her life. |
Others Characters
There are several other characters who are yet to appear in the series. Give below is a list of the same:
Flyod Lawton / Deadshot
Rick Flag
Tatsu Yamashiro / Katana
Killer Croc
FAQs on Suicide Squad Isekai characters
A. Suicide Squad Isekai is an anime television series based on Suicide Squad by DC Comics.
A. Harley Quinn is the main character in Sucide Squad Isekai.
A. There are total 10 episodes in Suicide Squad Isekai anime series.