Coming out of episode 7, Suicide Squad Isekai episode 8 was given the tall order of following up what is likely the first truly perfect installment in Wit Studio’s crossover anime series thus far. Officially released on Friday, August 2, 2024, the latest installment lives up to its predecessor in every way, shape, and form by also being a perfect outing.
However, Suicide Squad Isekai episode 8 goes about this in a different way, specifically when it comes to the levels of comedy and action in the episode both independently and as a pair. In any case, the same result is reached and sets up fans to be very confident in the series ending on its highest note possible.
Suicide Squad Isekai episode 8 review: A perfect episode blends action and humor effortlessly while plotlines pay off and more
One of the best ways to describe how Suicide Squad Isekai episode 8 manages to be the second consecutive perfect episode in a row is that it doesn’t change the formula too much. While episode 7 was more heavy on action with humor weaved in where possible, episode 8’s comic relief takes center stage, with action used to create naturally funny situations.
The bar fight among the titular group in the middle is the best episode, with each character’s powers and abilities somehow raising the comedic stakes with each attack sent at each other. Clayface’s mud piles have patrons sticking to walls and hitting Rick Flag in the face, while Deadshot’s bullets perfectly outline each patron they get near.
Harley Quinn pokes the others’ buttons and blames everyone but herself in true little sister fashion, while a pantsless Peacemaker rants about keeping the peace in a drunken stupor. It’s an incredibly well done scene that is both set up and followed by a focus on pure comedy, allowing Suicide Squad Isekai episode 8 to have a much-needed lighthearted romp.

However, one noticeable absence from this scene is King Shark (also known as Nanaue). This is where the episode’s other main action sequence comes in, as well as some plot. At the start of the episode, the titular group gets their meeting with the Queen, but after one of her advisors slaps Harley, Nanaue eats him without a second thought. This leads directly into a tense standoff, which ends without formal combat, but is still action-packed by nature of its execution.
This is also where Suicide Squad Isekai episode 8 begins seeing some plotlines pay off while also setting up additional points for the final two episodes. The former is done via a focus on Queen Aldora’s smile as her advisor is eaten, clearly showing this has all been part of her plan. This also subtly implies that she truly doesn’t want the titular group around, as her first move after this is to order them all executed. This itself is brilliantly executed, pun intended.
The latter comes via Harley and co’s stay of execution coming at the cost of Nanaue’s imprisonment and maintaining that fate. The episode eventually sets this up into a rescue mission for Nanaue, with Rick being the one to suggest as much. He likewise leads them to the portal to reset their bombs, since it’s unclear how long this mission will take.
More plot is also setup here, with Rick saying they can’t leave Nanaue in this world as he’ll cause more trouble, but Deadshot points out he’ll be executed no matter what given his bomb. Rick doesn’t respond to this, implying that there’s more to these alleged bombs than meets the eye. This is further implied after Rick contacts Amanda Waller, who blows up Clayface’s bomb after deeming the mission a failure, yet Clayface survives by nature of moving his brain around.
Speaking of Amanda Waller, Suicide Squad Isekai episode 8 seemingly confirms that Waller truly has no ulterior motives here. Her main concern is established as the mission’s success, and her willingness to throw away Clayface proves she has no other uses for the team. While this lack of clarity was frustrating throughout the season’s earlier stages, this ultimate execution justifies it in hindsight and legitimately makes it more satisfying than it otherwise would be.
However, Suicide Squad Isekai episode 8 does give viewers the juicy plot they wanted via its final scenes, which all but confirm Queen Aldora as being possessed. This cliffhanger is also done in the perfect way, giving fans what they need to realize this and nothing else. Like the Waller point above, it’s frustrating to have waited this long, but the payoff is both more satisfying as a result and justifies the wait.

Beyond this, the episode either does everything at the same level the series has thus far or doesn’t take a big enough step back in any one area to be called a negative. The best example of the former point is the animation, which is as crisp, clean, and consistent as ever while still being total eye candy. This is the level of excellence Wit has come to be known for both in general and in this series specifically, making it not surprising but still great to see.
The best example for the latter is the voice acting, which doesn’t see anyone particularly shine in this installment but does see most of the cast step up to their best level yet. Anna Nagase as Harley Quinn and Takehito Koyasu as Peacemaker may not shine as brightly as they do in previous installments but both still put on a stellar performance. Combined with the other cast members stepping up their games, it makes for a satisfactory end result in this area.
Suicide Squad Isekai episode 8 review: Final thoughts
While all good things must come to an end, Suicide Squad Isekai episode 8 proves that the series’ string of perfect episodes will not max out at one rep. Although the end of the series may be at hand, it’s clear that Wit Studio, their animation staff, and the series’ cast will not be going gently into that good night.
Suicide Squad Isekai episode 8 further teases this “all out until the end” approach by nature of the Aldora reveal, setting up an exciting and plot- and lore-heavy conclusion to the series. While the ending isn’t guaranteed to be perfect, it seems all but assured that excellence will be the bare minimum when it comes to the series’ final releases.
Related links
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- Suicide Squad Isekai episode 8 highlights
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