With the release of Suicide Squad Isekai episode 9, the anime finally revealed the real antagonist of the anime. While fans were starting to doubt that the villain was none other than Queen Aldora, the real Queen had seemingly passed away long ago. Instead, it was the Undead King who had taken over the reins for quite some time.
The anime's previous episode saw Queen Aldora giving King Shark a death sentence. As for the rest of the squad, they were threatened to be killed by Amanda Waller, While Rick Flag managed to save them, the squad was assigned an impossible task to save their lives.
Suicide Squad Isekai episode 9: Harley learns Enchantress's secret

With the release of Suicide Squad Isekai episode 9, the anime saw Cecil being confronted by a minister who had equipped Thinker's helmet. After evading him, Cecil arrived to protect Fione from the imposter Queen Aldora.
As for the imposter Queen Aldora, she revealed that she was the Undead King. She had disposed of the real queen and taken her place to wage war between the Kingdom and the Empire. She did this to increase her power as more dead people meant more power would return to her.

After Cecil and Fione managed to get away from her, Fione decided to let go of her emotions. Hence, she painted her face like Harley, defeated the minister, and took charge of the Kingdom to fight against the Undead. The Undead King tried stopping Fione using Killer Croc, which is when King Shark came to her assistance. Soon after, the entire squad arrived to help Fione and Cecil.
Given their circumstance, the group decided to split. Harley and Deadshot went after the zombies and the Undead King. Meanwhile, Clay Face, Peacemaker, and Rick Flag went to help King Shark and protect Fione.

As Harley and Deadshot fought the zombies, the Undead King summoned Enchantress to fight them. Just as the meta-human cornered the two supervillains, Arthur returned to Harley and started fighting Enchantress for them. During this, Harley Quinn figured out that the crystal she had with her possessed magic, enabling her to deal damage to Enchantress. Hence, Harley fought and defeated Enchantress alongside Arthur.
After the fight, Harley interrogated Enchantress to deduce that the Undead King had held someone important to Enchantress hostage.

As for Deadshot, for a moment, it seemed like he would be overrun by zombies. That's when Cecil arrived to help him by shooting down the zombies.
Elsewhere, Peacemaker left Rick Flag and Clay Face to help King Shark. Moments later, Katana confronted the other two and nearly defeated Clay Face. However, instead of fighting them to the end, Katana lured them away to another location where they spotted a person that resembled Enchantress.
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