In Jujutsu Kaisen, Ryomen Sukuna stands as the epitome of chaos and destruction, representing an ancient evil that bested the strongest Jujutsu sorcerers with ease. However, the deeper layers of Jujutsu Kaisen suggest that Sukuna’s ultimate fate was written much beforehand, shaped by his own actions and those of his highly devoted follower, Uraume.
Though in a supporting part, Uraume's role in the narrative seemingly offers vital clues to understanding Sukuna’s destiny. Their unwavering loyalty and actions speak of a bond built on trust, a shared vision, and Sukuna's protectiveness of them. If anyone knew Sukuna best, it was only Uraume. As such, towards the series' end, they attribute Sukuna's defeat to him being reincarnated.
This is where a recent theory steps in to speculate that Uraume foreshadowed his master's ultimate fate all along. Not in a direct way, however, as they believed that the Demon King was undisputed, but yet, even the mighty fall.
Disclaimer: This article is speculative in nature.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Uraume foreshadowed Sukuna's fate all along
A recent theory has surfaced in the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom that speaks of Uraume foreshadowing Sukuna's fate. Woven by Reddit user bouchayger7, the theory uses the illusion of free choice to represent Sukuna being ultimately defeated by the modern Jujutsu sorcerers regardless of whatever he did, body-wise.
For a little context, at the end of the Shinjuku Showdown Arc, Uraume attributes Sukuna's loss to him being in an "incarnated form" and that Team Jujutsu High was lucky to be born 1,000 years late, i.e., not during the Heian Era when Sukuna was at the peak of his powers. Moreover, the theory speculates that even if Sukuna were to live on and Heian Era Sukuna fought now, he would still lose.
This is demonstrated by the "illusion of free choice." Sukuna was somehow defeated by Heian Era sorcerers and sealed away in multiple fingers. But if he wasn't, he would continue living in his Heian Era form and eventually come face-to-face with Team Jujutsu High, most likely. Yet, he would still lose, as this was his destiny, regardless of original or reincarnated form.
A 1,000 years ahead
A theory like this is quite intriguing, given the facts used to back it up. If looked at closely, there can be certain predictions that could be made that wouldn't be entirely wrong. To begin with, had Sukuna remained in his Heian Era form, he wouldn't have lost to the sorcerers of Team Jujutsu High. But his loss would've been at the hands of Gojo Satoru.
Not to be mistaken, Heian Era Sukuna crushes all kinds of power scaling and was at his peak. But even so, when pitted against the modern-day Jujutsu sorcerers, especially against the strongest of them, Sukuna would likely fall short. To elaborate, in his Heian Era form, he wouldn't have had access to Ten Shadows and Mahoraga, which is what he needed to beat Gojo.
With those two aces in his pocket, though he cleared Gojo, he was severely drained and ended up losing to the rest of the Jujutsu sorcerers. Granted, he put up a great fight, but even so, his ultimate fate was defeat. What is being implied is that Heian Era form or incarnated body, Sukuna was always destined to fall before the modern-day sorcerers—simply because they were more powerful.
Gojo's overwhelming abilities, Kinji Hakari's immortality, Maki defying Jujutsu sorcery altogether, Todo Aoi's unparalleled intellect, Yuji Itaodri's unique origins and explosive potential, Yuta Okkotsu and his countless techniques and many more—these were aspects that ultimately proved too much for the King of Curses to deal with.
Final Thoughts
Jujutsu Kaisen is a stellar example of a tale that keeps fans guessing even after its conclusion. Needless to mention, there are multiple plot points that require explaining, but then again, that is possibly the point of them—mysteries to be pondered upon. As such, countless theories can be woven and put across. An example is the previously explored fate of Sukuna.
Gege Akutami did a fantastic job of showcasing Sukuna's frightening might—parrying whatever was thrown at him. But eventually, even the mightiest have to fall, and that is exactly what happened to Sukuna. Had he been in his Heian Era form, events might have unfolded differently. However, his loss was something that was bound to happen nonetheless.
Related links:
- Should MAPPA make Gojo vs. Sukuna into another Jujutsu Kaisen movie?
- How did Gojo Satoru die in Jujutsu Kaisen? Sukuna's plan, explained
- Jujutsu Kaisen: Sukuna's admiration for Gojo suggests Akutami may not hate the sorcerer after all