Super Dragon Ball Heroes, a crossover promotional manga and anime for the Super Dragon Ball Heroes arcade game, has begun a new arc: a time and space crossover tournament between the Xenoverse games, GT, the Dragon Ball Z movies, and Dragon Ball Super.
Following the near eradication of time and space at the end of the Big Bang Mission arc, Goku was approached by a mysterious guide that teleported him to a new tournament stage. It was revealed to be a multiversal crossover tournament, won by either defeating all contestants or capturing three faeries within.
The first chapter is intense, somewhat baffling, and altogether fanservice laden. Let's jump right in to see how this tournament has begun.
Note: Spoilers contained for latest Super Dragon Ball Heroes arc and chapter.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultra God Mission highlights
Tokitoki lives!
Fans of the Xenoverse games were worried at the end of the Big Bang Mission arc as to whether or not the Supreme Kai of Time and Time Bird Tokitoki survived the epic showdown between Fu and Goku. The last the audience saw was a massive Big Bang attack thrown by a Universe Tree empowering Super Saiyan Blue Goku, who had assumed that everyone else had been wiped out.
Fortunately, that doesn't appear to be the case. As GT Goku states, the Supreme Kai of Time was able to catch them and save TokiToki from dying and the Time Patrol are already in the tournament.
Speaking of GT and others in the tournament.
Hit saves Pan, GT Goku saves Super Goku
Another highlight is the savings. Xenoverse Pan almost gets ganged up on by Medamatcha from the Lord Slug movie. Pan never tries to fight or defend herself here, which annoys fans greatly as she's 'damseled' again. Hit from Super has to come and rescue her. Whilst it was awesome to see Hit again, some fans really wanted Pan to win here.
Meanwhile, Goku from Dragon Ball GT appears to have saved Super Goku from stronger versions of Android 17 and 18 (presumably from Trunk's timeline), and the two stopped chatting and challenging each other. This can seem odd to newer viewers unless they've either seen the Super Dragon Ball Heroes anime or read previous manga chapters where the fabric of time and space had been torn asunder.
The multiverse collides, and the figures in black plan
In the other manga panels, fans can see the following: two versions of Raditz are about to square off, Vegeta punching Bojack from Bojack Unbound in the face, Bojack's forces fighting Frieza's forces, and Captain Ginyu fighting the Red Ribbon Army. Simply put, it's total chaos.
The other one is a bit more subdued as the mysterious guide and several figures in black ruminate on why the tournament was created: to find out how all the divergent histories proceeded onward past the flow of time. Despite several interruptions (Fu, Towa and Mira), the Time Patrol and Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa were always assumed to be the highest in terms of space-time control.
Whoever these mysterious beings are, they seem far more interested in everyone testing their mettle and seeing how it goes.
Jiren saves Yamcha, then fights Broly?
As this was a multi-versal tournament, and Super Dragon Ball Heroes had gotten crazy before, fans expected more than a few returning faces. Jiren was one of them, but so were the Red Ribbon Army (who got knocked around in the first pages by Goku and Vegeta), Hit, Pan, and Yamcha.
Poor Yamcha looked like he was going to take on the miniboss squad of Jace, Guildo, Reccomme, two of Majiin Buu's people, and two of Bojack's squad by himself. That was until Time Patrol Jiren swooped in and saved him.
Yamcha was thankfully saved by Jiren as the real challenger approached: Broly from the Dragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan movie. This is a matchup fans had been dying to see, even if it was not quite the 'correct' Broly. Unfortunately, they'll have to wait until April 9th to see more.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultra God Mission is now available to read on MangaDex.