The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5: Zoe Ivy's secret revealed as Seven Shields introduced and College's lore expounded on

Chise's core friend group, and their pasts, are excitingly introduced in The Ancient Magus' Bride season 2 episode 5 (Image via Studio Kafka)

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 was released on Thursday, May 4, 2023, bringing an exciting continuation of the College arc’s events. Fans saw Chise begin to grow closer with several of her fellow students, which set up what will eventually become her friends and allies from the College.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 also introduces several key additions to the lore of the series’ world and the College specifically. The Seven Shield families, the formation of the College, the Webster Tragedy, and more are all touched on in this episode and set up to be discussed in future installments.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 introduces key lore details in another setup style episode

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5: Tragedy introduced


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 begins where the previous one ended, with Chise heading to her dorm room, where she hears Lucy on the phone with someone inside. She waits until their call ends to enter, greeting Lucy with a “good morning” upon entering. Chise comments on how Lucy is even scary on the phone while getting her school outfit on.

Lucy then comments on how this is also Chise’s room and that she can come in even if the former is on a phone call or something similar. Chise politely thanks her, causing Lucy to share her distaste for the “hesitant, weirdly polite” way she talks. Lucy asks if she’s being mocked, which Chise denies, prompting her to say it reminds her of something she knows and it’s upsetting her, asking Chise to stop.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees Chise liken her to Joseph, prompting Lucy to say Chise also reminds her of someone she knows. She says this person is always timid, trying to read the room, and is benevolent in all the wrong ways. Lucy adds that both Chise and the person she’s thinking of “seem to think things are okay as long as you put up with everything.”


Lucy then slams her dresser shut, saying that she hates such ways of thinking and that Chise shouldn’t go around telling people that they remind her of someone she knows. She then asks why Chise came to the college anyway, with the latter saying it’s not a particularly important reason that would seem silly to her.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees Lucy ask if Chise thinks her so stupid that she’d assume as much when she hasn’t even asked what the reason is, seemingly taking offense. Chise says she never said that, prompting Lucy to say she’s done getting ready and advising Chise to do the same.


Lucy then asks Chise where her lab coat is, reminding her that their first class is pharmacology. Chise doesn’t seem to know what she means, prompting Lucy to open her closet and grab it out for her. Chise then thanks her as she leaves, with Lucy responding that a thank you was all Chise needed to say.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 then sees Chise exit her room and run into Jasmine St. George, who is also running late. The two then walk to class, with Chise asking how she can stand sharing a room with Lucy. Jasmine comments on how it makes sense that she doesn’t get along with anyone considering the Webster Tragedy.

Chise repeats this name, making Jasmine embarrassingly ask her to pretend she never heard that while running off to class. The protagonist stands confused for a second before also rushing to class, where she’s next seen cleaning up beakers and such with Rian Scrimgeour. The two are then seen traversing the seemingly-underwater passages of the College together.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees Chise ask Rian about the normal classes they have, with him responding that not everyone who graduates makes it as a sorcerer. The two then approach Isaac Fowler and Zoe Ivy, with the latter saying he’ll eat in his room once he realizes Chise has arrived.


Chise recognizes that she’s being avoided by Zoe, while Isaac comments on how he’s been teaching Zoe the ropes since he’s a new student. He references the prestigious Seven Shields here, which are then explained as the seven distinguished families that founded the College. An image appears that confirms these to have been the Rickenbacker, Saint George, Scrimgeour, Hohenheim, Nightingale, Roseingrave, and Forsyth families.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 then sees Isaac dub them Roseingrave the Employer, Saint George the Hunter, Rickenbacker the Doctor, Forsyth the Strategist, Hohenheim the Alchemist, Nightingale the Musician, and Scrimgeour the Protecotr. He adds that since many mages and sorcerers died in the war, the Seven built the College fearing that sorcery would die out.


Isaac then says that one doesn’t want to get involved with any of them before telling Rian that he’s different. Rian emphasizes that the Scrimgeour family produced a lot of gifted sorcerers who would serve as protectors. Even to this day, sorcerers from the family are asked for protection, with Isaac calling them bodyguards.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5: A secret uncovered


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees Rian say he’s leaving home so it’s not his problem anymore. Lucy then asks the two what the Webster Tragedy is, prompting Rian to seriously ask who she heard about that from. Chise shares that she heard it from Jasmine when Isaac calls it something the “little people” like them are better off not knowing.

The trio quickly finish their food before running off, as the episode then shows Chise finding Lucy on the nearby stairwell. The protagonist comments on how they run into each other a lot, with Lucy responding that this is natural as roommates. The two then see Zoe Ivy coming up the stairs as they go down, but the latter scoffs before going back down the stairs.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 then sees Chise call Zoe out, asking if she’s done something to him. However, he begins walking away in the middle of her sentence, prompting Lucy to chase after him and take his headphones. Zoe demands for them back, while Lucy comments on how he seems to have not heard her and how it pisses her off when people ignore others.


Zoe tells Lucy that she doesn’t know who Chise is but then calls out to Chise and saying that she knows better than anyone what she is. He adds that while she thinks she’s managed to disguise herself, he can tell that she’s a monster. He then cries out in pain as his hair begins to transform, with Rian and Isaac coming upon the scene as this happens.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 reveals that Zoe’s hair has transformed into snakes, revealing him to be a Gorgon. The episode then briefly jumps into a flashback, featuring a young Zoe being told he’s special by an elder. Immediately returning to the present, the others are beginning to realize what Zoe is, while Chise asks Ruth to chase after Zoe.

Chise explains what happened, after which Isaac points out that Zoe’s headphones were actually earmuffs. He adds that people with hypersensitive hearing wear them since hearing too much is a problem for them. For some reason, this prompts Chise to run after Zoe, who calls back that she has to apologize.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees Isaac and Rian following, with the latter asking Lucy if she’s coming. Lucy comments on how he’s being so kind for a nobleman, prompting Rian to respond that his family is irrelevant. She interrupts him and counters that they are relevant, which is when Rian points out that she also owes an apology as long as she holds onto Zoe’s earmuffs.


Rian then departs with Lucy in tow, as it’s confirmed that Zoe is indeed a Gorgon from Greek mythology. Rian explains how they were once hunted for their bodily fluids, eyes, and flesh, which is why their kind needs to be protected nowadays. Isaac marvels at a Gorgon being at the College since Gorgon’s can’t speak with humans.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees Isaac explain that this is due to their vocal range being a bit different from that of humans. He adds that Gorgon eyes immobilize anyone that they make eye contact with. Lucy then asks where they’re even going, with Chise responding that directions won’t be a problem since Ruth is on the case.


The four students arrive at the private gardens, with Lucy explaining that they’re set up so one can’t know who’s inside, including suppressing sound. Ruth then approaches Chise, saying the smell of greenery being oddly strong makes it hard to track Zoe. Chise then touches her nose to Ruth’s, which somehow allows him to begin tracking Zoe.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 then sees Ruth lead the group to a door, where they find Zoe sitting on a bench. He asks them why they’re here, insinuating that they want to laugh at him because he’s a failure. He adds that he was doing all right until now while cursing the current situation.


Chise, meanwhile, approaches while saying that there’s been a misunderstanding. Zoe tells her to stay away while his hair-snakes rush at her. However, the snakes are being docile, with Chise saying she knows Zoe isn’t trying to hurt her. He asks what’s wrong with her while Lucy approaches and puts his earmuffs back on his head, apologizing for taking them from him in the first place.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5: Friends made and oppositions established


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 then sees Zoe’s hair return to normal, while a chibi-fied Zoe and Chise are then lectured at by Lucy. She asks if they’re both feeling okay and that everything’s good now, while Rian and Isaac comment on how Lucy is perfectly fine socially when she actually tries.

Lucy then asks Zoe if he’s a Gorgon and why he’s at the College before emphasizing that she’s not accusing him of anything and that everyone has secrets they don’t want to share. Rian then volunteers forming a contract to keep it secret, prompting Lucy to ridicule him for being so rule-adjacent. Rian counters that contracts are important, while Zoe says such measures aren’t needed.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees Zoe call keeping his secret a bit annoying, saying he’s better off being found out. He then shares that it’s his first time coming to a place like the College before sharing that his mother was born in a secret Gorgon settlement by the Black Sea. There, she met his dad, who was a sorcerer and demi-human languages researcher.


The two then laid an egg which was Zoe, getting a funny reaction from the group at this revelation. He shares that he’s always been going back and forth between snake and human, which is why he needs his goggles and earmuffs with him. He emphasizes that he’s unusually affected by light and sensitive to smells and that he has almost no ability to use his eyes.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees him explain that without his earmuffs, his hair becomes snakes, saying that his body sucks. To explain why he’s attending the College, a flashback begins in which Zoe is speaking to his father. The younger Zoe explains that he’s afraid of going outside, since even people in the Gorgon settlement tell him there’s something wrong with him.


Zoe expresses a fear that humans will tell him he’s weird as well, but his father responds that everyone has secrets. His father continues that people are generally nice and that he’s sure his son will make friends too. He then encourages Zoe to go to the College and get some studying done, sharing that he’s so worried about his son that he can’t even do his fieldwork.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees the present Zoe get upset about his father just being concerned with fieldwork, while others chalk it up to his father being a sorcerer. Zoe then shares that he’s at the College to train himself to be outside, before asking Chise what her deal is and asserting that she’s not human.

Chise then shares her dragon’s cursed left arm, explaining what happened to her. Zoe comments on how toxic her arm smells, with Chise saying it’s due to this being a curse. Zoe then explains that the Gorgons were taught that their ancestors were dragons, which is why they get riled up when they see dragons.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees a chibi-fied Zoe chalk this up to why he got annoyed around her before apologizing and adding that he was just trying to hide himself. He calls her his catnip, asking if she understands what he’s going through. Zoe then begins asking Chise if there’s something other than the dragon’s curse, after which he gets distracted by his hair-snakes approaching Lucy.


He apologizes, but she says it’s fine, complimenting their color and saying she wishes she had a dye in it. This seems to spark a memory in Zoe, whose father told him that he’s special and that his parents don’t regret making him that way so they can’t apologize for it. However, they can at least create an opportunity for Zoe to meet someone who would call him beautiful, which Lucy just did.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 then returns to the present, where Zoe says he hates to admit that his father got his wish sooner than he expected. Lucy then asks if anyone would really be surprised by Zoe’s true appearance, pointing to the instructors. Zoe counters that the instructors are all at least human, before sharing he’s scared since there are still Gorgons who fall victim to hunters and don’t come home.


Lucy then asks if he’s here to become a sorcerer or not, to which Zoe says of course not since that’s a human thing to do. This seems to shock Chise for some reason, while Rian brings up using a contract spell yet again. The group then hears a noise, revealed to be Ruth catching Philomela Sargant having eavesdropped on them.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees Ruth ask her what she thinks she’s doing, prompting Philomela to respond that she’s practicing. Rian explains that her family specializes in intelligence before suggesting that Philomela is being forced to do as much even during her time in College.

Rian then reminds her that he’s told her to stop going silent every time she’s in trouble, explaining that Philomela is his second cousin. He asks her if she heard what they were saying, which she confirms. Philomela says she has no intention of telling anyone what she heard, prompting Lucy to bring up someone asking her about it.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees Philomela comment that she doesn’t necessarily have the right to refuse to answer in such a scenario. Rian then says they have no choice but to use the contract spell, explaining that those who try to speak or write of the conversation will have their throats or fingers burnt off.


Chise then approaches Philomela, explaining that in her case, she just wants to keep her secret as much as she can. However, she specifically asks Philomela not to tell anyone about Zoe’s secret. Philomela responds by telling her to make it clear if that’s an order, after which Chise says it’s not an order but a request.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees Philomela seemingly touched by this for some reason, agreeing to Chise’s request while squeezing her own hands. The group then performs the contract spell, with Rian chanting an incantation as everyone involved blots their blood onto a piece of paper.


A purple light begins emanating from the paper, which eventually turns into luminescent red tendrils as the spell is completed. On the walk back, Zoe apologizes to Chise for ignoring her and getting angry, prompting her to say she wasn’t bothered by it. Philomela is then approached by Lucy, who says she still doesn’t trust her due to her sneaky tactics, further sharing that her own family died because of people like her.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees Philomela visibly shaken by this, with a distraught expression on her face as she stops walking and holds herself. The episode then sees Rian confront Jasmine about speaking to Chise about the Webster Tragedy, reminding her that she shouldn’t bring that family up and that she should remember what family she belongs to.

Jasmine counters by teasing Rian and his family for being wise, prompting him to point out that he has “already decided” to be by himself. Jasmine asks if he really thinks they can abandon their own blood, prompting him to walk away silently. Jasmine calls him aggressive and asks what his problem is before being hugged by Violet, who calls Rian “too condescending.”


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 sees Violet add that Rian “puts on that face like he’s above everyone else” before putting his forehead to Jasmine’s. He calls Rian arrogant as he says that they can always find a master and run away if things get bad since Elias said they may have the aptitude to become mages. Violet then grabs Jasmine’s hand and pulls her into the light, saying that they can make all the escape routes they want as the episode ends.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5: In summation


While The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 5 wasn’t as particularly exciting or plot-moving as fans were hoping, it’s a good episode anyway. The episode does continue to build up towards bigger and better plot events to come in future installments, especially as it relates to the Seven Shields.

The episode also does a great job of truly establishing who Chise’s main friends will be throughout the College arc. At the very least, it’s clear that Rian Scrimgeour and Lucy Webster will form the basis of this group. Expected to also be close friends with Chise are Zoe Ivy, Philomela Sargant, and Isaac Fowler.


Be sure to keep up with all The Ancient Magus’ Bride anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.

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Edited by Priya Majumdar
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