The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7: Philomela's abusive life revealed as Chise, Lucy, and others go on a trip to Scotland

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7: Philomela
The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7: Philomela's abusive home life revealed as Chise, Lucy, and others go on a trip to Scotland (Image via Studio Kafka)

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 was released on Thursday, May 18, 2023, bringing with it an exciting follow-up to last week’s emotional episode. While Renfred and Alice’s heartbreaking storyline was concluded, Philomela and Chise served as the main focuses of this installment.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 poses a new threat for Chise as she attends a school trip in Scotland. Although it is unknown whether Elias attended to Chise during the trip, there is a chance that Chise will be in grave danger in the following installment and those that follow.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees a new threat stalking Chise in its final moments

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7: Old friendships and new lessons


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 begins with a scene showing a young Philomela Sargant and Rian Scrimgeour climbing a tree together. An adult apparently watching from nearby tells them not to climb where they and the Familiars can’t see them. Rian then praises Philomela’s teaching and climbing skills, which she sheepishly denies.

The episode then cuts to the present, where Rian appears to be recalling this childhood memory as he stares at Philomela. Various students are then seen trying to climb a rock wall in the gym, while Chise and Zoe hang back. Isaac Fowler then asks them how they like the College so far, pointing out how different their origins are from others present.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees Zoe say he’s not used to being in such large crowds, which Chise agrees with, but it’s fun other than that. Chise also mentions that she enjoys physical education, particularly today's activity of Bouldering. Rian emphasizes that the College heavily promotes P.E. so a sorcerer can always act when needed.


What appears to be a sorcerer with an amorphous water blob for a head then yells at Rian to get moving if he’s done resting. As he approaches the rock wall, Philomela gracefully jumps down from the top beside him. Chise tells Philomela how impressive that was as she walks away, with Rian staring at her.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 then sees Lucy Webster not-so-gracefully fall down onto the mat on her back, prompting Chise to approach and ask if she’s alright. Lucy tells her not to freak out so it doesn’t look like a big deal, which Chise apologizes for. After asking Chise why she keeps doing things, Lucy trails off before reassuring the former that she’s fine.


Lucy then tells Chise it’s her turn to go up and fall, prompting her to ask Rian for advice. Adolf Stroud walks into the gym at this moment, realizing that a shadow of Elias Ainsworth is watching over Chise. Adolf asks him if he’s worried, pointing out how Elias is always watching her when he doesn’t have to teach a class.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees Elias shocked that Adolf can see him, causing him to point out that his eyesight is decent enough despite a lack of magic power. Elias says that Chise makes faces here that she doesn’t when she’s with him, and that he supposes it upsets him.

However, he says he can’t look away either, prompting Adolf to say he thinks he understands. Adolf says he remembers plenty of bad things, but good memories come with them at the same time, so he can’t help but reminisce. He admits that it doesn’t make sense, but it happens, while Elias comments on how he’s seen Adolf make “that face” often lately.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees Elias ask what he’s thinking about, prompting Adolf to explain that he often remembers his hometown of Dresden, Germany. Adolf calls it a beautiful city, describing its geography, culture, and topography to Elias. He explains that he left his home long before the war broke out, but when he returned after the war, he found nothing but a pile of rubble.


Adolf says that once one loses everything, they remember all sorts of things. Elias responds to this by saying he’s unsure if such memories are a good or a bad thing, saying that all one is doing is remembering and it’s not as if one can recall everything. Adolf maintains that memories are too complex to categorize as good or terrible, saying that if the experience isn’t uncomfortable, it’s a good memory.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees Elias question if it should be that simple, prompting Adolf to say that there isn’t much more to it. He suggests asking various people more of those types of questions since he’ll hear all kinds of answers. Chise notices Adolf and seemingly Elias at this moment, while Elias explains that Chise is his master, and he doesn’t intend on asking others for their teachings too much, but he’ll keep it in mind.


Elias then notices that someone is spying on them, saying that whoever it is doesn’t seem malicious. It’s revealed to be Narcisse Maugham, who was chasing Adolf down to give him some documents. Narcisse comments on how his unchanging appearance now makes sense since he’s a mage of sorts.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7: A true hell of a home


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 then shows Chise trying and failing to climb the wall, with Rian trying to tutor her after each attempt. Veronica Rickenbacker, meanwhile, asks Philomela if she’s become friends with Chise. Philomela says she doesn’t know, prompting Veronica to say that even though she’s not good at talking to people, Philomela should take this opportunity to speak to Chise more.

Philomela asks if this is an order, with Veronica affirming as much with her silent response. The episode then jumps to the dorms, where Philomela is tucking in the Hatwood twins and leaves their room. One of the house cats tells her that there’s nothing wrong with caring for others, but she’d best get to bed.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees Philomela return to her dorm, where a crow with red eyes is sitting at her desk with an envelope. She has a terrified expression on her face as the crow turns and looks at her, with the episode then cutting to her and Veronica’s room in the next morning.


Philomela left Veronica a note stating that she had been called back home and will be returning by tomorrow. One of the Atwood twins then comes in and greets Veronica, while Veronica muses on needing to be ready to console Philomela tomorrow. The episode then shifts to Philomela’s home, showing her entering the front door and being greeted by two cloaked figures.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees Philomela ask where her grandmother is, to which the figures respond that she’s in the study, as usual. Philomela then passes by what’s seemingly her family members, who call her a slob that wastes her time going to the worthless College.


They joke about how Philomela calls this mysterious woman “Grandmother” as if the two are biologically related, saying that the woman doesn’t see Philomela in this light. They call Philomela the child of a woman who “stole the succession” as she stops in the hallway and says “Alcyone.” This is apparently the name of her then-summoned Familiar, whom Philomela tells about Chise and Ruth.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees Philomela say that Chise was able to notice her presence despite their ability to erase all of their odors and magic scent. Despite this, Chise noticed her, with Philomela explaining that she was a mage. Alcyone questions what a mage is doing at the College, while Philomela surmises that Ruth is why she was able to notice Philomela.

Alcyone says that if this is true, Philomela would’ve been noticed due to mages that are close to that world being sensitive to the scents of certain emotions, even their changes or presence. The familiar then says some call it the scent of the soul itself, saying she’ll come up with something Philomela can do soon if she’s given a bit of time.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees the two then approach a door which Philomela seems reluctant to enter but does so anyway. The woman known as Grandmother says that she’s late, for which Philomela apologizes. Grandmother asks if Veronica is well, which Philomela confirms.


Grandmother then explains that Philomela is only permitted to attend the College by Veronica’s charity, and warns Philomela not to humiliate her. She then asks Philomela if she’s keeping up with her studies, adding that while she doesn’t need an education, she shouldn’t neglect it since she has the opportunity to do so.

At this juncture in The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 Grandmother chastises Philomela for just responding with a yes, which Philomela apologizes for. She then points out how pale Philomela looks, asking if she’s taking proper care of her health. Grandmother adds that she was even about to give Philomela a gift today, which causes the latter to excitedly look up.


However, Grandmother then slaps her across the face with the head of her cane, calling Philomela a greedy child who shouldn’t anger her with her ineptitude. Philomela apologizes, to which Grandmother says it’s not like she’s ever been any better. Grandmother then instructs her to sit on a nearby couch, adding that she trusts Philomela to remember why she’s been called here today.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7: Old feelings and new threats


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 then shifts perspective to a gun range, where Alice is shooting targets with a revolver pistol. She’s seemingly alone in this endeavor but is approached by the P.E. coach from earlier after running out of bullets. He congratulates Alice on working hard and being so focused, asking what’s changed.

Alice says nothing has changed, prompting him to tell her to try a more convincing lie at least. He points out how she’s been booking a lot of time in the training area, as well as attending all of her classes and using her dorm room once more. He emphasizes that he’s not admonishing her, adding that one of the College’s goals is to train protectors.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees Alice ask what’s wrong then, prompting him to say everything’s fine, but the keen ones always take it too far. The P.E. coach hilariously uses himself as an example, saying that he couldn’t help but keep working on his experiments, and this is what he’s become as a result.


He adds that he was fully conscious as his skin came apart, melted, and fused into its current form, calling it very traumatic. Additionally, he also says that it’s only now that partial transfiguration, transformation, burns, and injuries are something to be proud of, and that he was laughed at before and had to hide it from people.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees him say that she’s probably too young to care about any of that. Alice responds by saying that someone said something she didn’t want to hear, so she now wants to impress them. The coach uses his amorphous head to caringly pat her on the head, saying that she can increase her bullet and target count and not worry about the budget for it.


Alice thanks him greatly for this, as Adolf is shown being contacted about the ammo and target increase request, which he happily approves. He then turns to see Renfred silent with a drink in his hand, which Adolf says means something’s wrong. He adds that he can tell because Renfred hasn’t started venting at all despite having a drink ready.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees Renfred say he’s not in the mood to vent today, prompting Adolf to say he always is when he’s here. Adolf pours himself a drink while saying Renfred sure has grown, or better yet grown old. Renfred says that even a baby is ready to drink after 20 years, prompting Adolf to say he made a mistake teaching Renfred to love alcohol.

Renfred reminds Adolf that he’s the one who brought him a bottle of liquor for his graduation. Adolf responds that he’d never have let Renfred take a sip if he knew he’d become a nasty drunk. Renfred then says how he wants Alice to stay a child “until the time comes,” adding that she’s now 18 and too old to order around.


Likewise, she needs to decide her own future, but he doesn’t want Alice to end up like him or his dad. The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees Adolf remind Renfred that whenever there was something they wanted to do, they’d say they couldn’t wait to become grown-ups. He adds that when they finally got older, they thought they were grown-ups, but he questions if this is true.


Adolf explains that his point is that maybe what a kid wants to do and what a grown-up wants to do aren’t all that different. He asserts Renfred knows that Alice has been desperate to make herself useful to him, which Renfred says is the problem. Adolf thinks to himself that Renfred must know Alice will resist if he tries to push her away, adding aloud that he never knew his senior was such a pain.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees Renfred respond that Adolf is more of an upperclassman in every way, to which Adolf says Renfred graduated first and is the first one leaving. This makes him the junior, which is how it ought to be. Adolf says that nothing in life has ever gone his way, so Renfred should at least let him have this.

Renfred then passes out on Adolf’s couch, prompting Adolf to tuck him in while saying he feels like he’s been taking care of kids all the time lately. Adolf adds that he should head home for once and use his paid leave. The episode then cuts to a courtyard, where flowers are shown wilting as a book’s pages turn.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 then shifts perspectives yet again to Chise and her friends, where she’s learning about Bushcraft. Isaac says it’s like camping in that you learn the skills you need to live in nature and don't know what will happen when. Likewise, one gets ready for whatever could possibly happen.

Chise likens it to learning to camp without sorcery, prompting Rian to call it fun. The group then discusses how they’re heading to Scotland this year, while Chise laments the idea of camping by remembering how she’d never find a partner in elementary or middle school. Chise then calms herself down by saying that no one here is like that and that she’s also changed a bit.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees Lucy begrudgingly say Bushcraft can come in handy, while Chise says she’ll try to look forward to it. She guesses that, with the trip being in Scotland, Elias will insist on coming along. It’s then revealed that he’s watching her at that moment, as the episode then shifts perspective to the students’ trip to Scotland.


The P.E. coach tells them that they’ve arrived at their campground, and need to split off into groups to secure a sleeping area, maintain a fire, and acquire water. Rian, meanwhile, finds a snake and suggests cutting it up and eating it for food. The group then begins their activities, while Chise comments on how she didn’t think Scotland had forests until they got here.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7 sees a panting Lucy ask Chise how she’s not tired, with Chise responding that their group mates are almost the same as their roommates. She says she’s looking forward to it, while Lucy is more focused on finding wood and setting up their tent. As they walk off, it’s revealed that someone or something is watching them from a nearby bush as the episode ends.


The Ancient Magus’ Bride season 2 episode 7: In summation


While this episode, unfortunately, didn’t focus on the College’s ulterior motives for having Chsie and Elias attend, it’s nevertheless an enjoyable installment. Additional context is given to the relationship Rian and Philomela had when they were younger, likely also giving commentary applicable to the general relationships between the Seven Shields families.

The episode also gives some interesting context to the history of Adolf Stroud, as well as his relationship with Mikhail Renfred. Likewise, the brief focus on Alice solidifies how she feels following her talk with Renfred and serves as a good wrap-up to that storyline for now. With Chise’s next threat seemingly stalking her in Scotland’s forest, the upcoming episode will surely be an exciting one.


Be sure to keep up with all The Ancient Magus’ Bride anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.

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Edited by Babylona Bora
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