The Do-over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor episode 2 was released on October 16, 2024. Unlike the previous episode where the pacing was slow, the second episode was pretty fast-paced as a rundown of the future plot progression was given with Jill now wary of what challenges Prince Hades was facing behind the back of everyone.
The second episode saw Jill and Hades reach the naval port of the latter's home country after they were attacked. Hades was then admitted to the hospital while Jill waited and witnessed the reality Hades had been facing inside his country. Jill discovered Hades' relationship with the Marquess family and saw the family's daughter getting kidnapped.
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The Do-over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor episode 2 review: Jill and Hades reach the naval port as a new character is introduced

The Do-over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor episode 2, titled I Already Know the Tragedy That Is to Come, so I Will Do What I Can to Avoid It, commenced with where it left off as Jill apologized to Hades for saying that she confessed on a whim. Jill continued by saying that she would try her best to be a perfect bride for Hades in the future.
Hades then picked her up and hugged her tightly. Rave then blessed Jill as the new bride of Hades, and Jill received a new ring that would be with her until the day of their marriage (because she was still 10 years old). As their engagement reached an end, Hades' ship was attacked by someone.
Jill immediately rushed outside and threw Hades' ship to the nearby naval port. After they were deported, Jill asked the officers to take care of Hades, as he was injured during the attack, and they took him away. While this was happening, Jill saw Marquess Sphere, the daughter of a local noble who was a potential fiancée of Prince Hades.

After learning that Jill was the girl Hades brought with him as his fiancée, Sphere called Jill a thief cat and ran away. Jill was then transferred to a room where Hades rushed toward with croissants after he woke up. Hades tried his best to seal the deal with Jill about their marriage, but she wasn't ready yet.
The next day, Jill went on a solo trip to the naval port and learned about how people spent their lives here. While doing so, she again saw Princess Sphere taking to the priest at a local church about how Prince Hades was ignoring her for a child. The priest encouraged Sphere that she was the only one for Prince Hades while having a dishonest smirk.
This later led to Princess Sphere getting kidnapped by some bandits who raided the church. Even though Jill was only supposed to explore, she intervened and was caught alongside Sphere. On the other hand, the Marquees family threatened Hades that Jill was the reason behind their daughter's kidnapping and blackmailed him about the consequences this could lead to.
The Do-over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor episode 2 review: Hades' character becomes more interesting as the plotline gets complicated in a good way

The Do-over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor episode 2 saw the reveal of Hades' secret of how he was specifically looking for a bride below 14 years of age. This could be a hint that his relationship with the dragons could have some limitations to his marriage, which is the reason why he rejected Sphere in the past.
Moreover, Sphere's family, the Marquees family, seemed to be using their own daughter for some personal gains because her father had no remorse over his daughter's kidnapping, as seen in The Do-over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor episode 2. Rather, he looked like he was planning something.

The kidnapping, Hades' questionable origins, and a few other characters added some layers to the plot, which made the series much more interesting as the first episode only focused on introducing the 'time travel' aspect of the series.
Lastly, Jill's role in all this is of key focus because she, without knowing anything about Hades' country, was meddling with affairs that could make things much harder for his future (by how the Marquees' family threatened Hades if their daughter got hurt).
Final thoughts
The Do-over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor episode 2 was a much-needed update to the overall plotline, as depth was added to the overall storyline and the series did become much more interesting. However, the next episode might also be crucial to explaining what was going on with the Marquees family in The Do-over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor episode 2.
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