The Elusive Samurai anime series, directed by Yuta Yamazaki and produced by CloverWorks studios, premiered on July 6, 2024. The anime series follows the story of Hojo Tokiyuki, a young lord whose family was betrayed and murdered by Ashikage Takauji and his followers.
Set in 14th-century Japan's Kamakura city, this historical anime series follows Tokiyuki's quest for vengeance against Ashikage Takauji. The first three episodes of the anime series are already out, and the fourth episode is set to air on July 27, 2024. According to official sources, the first season of this anime series will have 12 episodes.
Complete release schedule and streaming details of The Elusive Samurai anime series
The latest episodes can be watched on Tokyo MX, BS11, GYT, and GTV, among others, for those residing in Japan. International fans can watch the episode on Crunchyroll an hour after the episode airs in Japan. Those in Southeast Asia can enjoy it via Muse Communication's official channels.
The complete episode release schedule for The Elusive Samurai anime series as per PDT, EST, and IST timings are as given below:
The above table provides the full release schedule for all the episodes. However, it is essential to note that an episode's release dates and timings may change if the studio decides to make any adjustments. As of now, there are no reported delays for any episodes.
All you need to know about The Elusive Samurai anime series
The Elusive Samurai is set against the backdrop of Kamakura during 14th-century Japan. The series centers around Hojo Tokiyuki, a young lord who has lost his family and power to Ashikaga Takauji, who betrayed them.
Tokiyuki is proficient in his evasion skills and seeks vengeance to reclaim his rightful throne. Tokiyuki's quest introduces him to various characters, including Suwa Yorishige, Shizuku, Kojiro, and Ayako.
The anime is being produced by CloverWorks Studios, known for its exceptional work on Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Darling in the Franxx, and Fairy Tail. The anime series is directed by Yuta Yamazaki, who is known for directing some episodes in My Dress-Up Darling and Laid-Back Camp.
Yoriko Tomita, who has a track record with successful series like Fire Force and Tokyo Revengers, is responsible for scriptwriting to ensure a compelling narrative. Character designs are handled by Yasushi Nishiya, whose previous work includes Blue Exorcist and Sword Art Online II. The music is composed by GEMBI and Akiyuki Tateyama.
Final thoughts
As The Elusive Samurai anime series progresses, viewers can look forward to more engaging episodes with breathtaking animation and dynamic storytelling. They can anticipate more intriguing developments and character arcs, making The Elusive Samurai a must-watch series in the Spring 2024 season.
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