The First Slam Dunk movie, which was released in Japan on December 3, 2022, received a tremendously positive response. A recent PV of the movie focuses on the match between Shohoku and Sannoh High during the inter-high's second round. Besides that, the film also has Pierce, a one-shot that adapts Miyagi's past.
The First Slam Dunk movie has outperformed notable anime releases like Demon Slayer and Suzume at the box office in Japan. This proves the long-lasting appeal of this retro anime among its fanbase, while also drawing in new readers and viewers.
It's Miyagi's time to fight in the first Slam Dunk movie
From a narrative standpoint, it makes sense that the story embraces the classic match between Shohoku High School and Sannoh Industries at the manga's conclusion.
The highlight is Miyagi Ryota (#7), Sakuragi Hanamichi's point guard buddy. In the film's opening scene, which sets the tone for its narrative, Miyagi was shown playing basketball against his brother, who happens to be the ace of the team.
The subsequent sequence of events delves into a coming-of-age narrative and reveals Miyagi's complex family dynamics and his sporting aspirations. The experiences of each Shohoku member are interspersed throughout the story through flashback scenes.
The story delves into the backstories of every character and their struggles, showing how much the characters have changed throughout Slam Dunk.
However, for fans, these brief reminders make it simpler to understand a character's behavior and motivations both on and off the court. Newcomers will inevitably lose some context that this film offers, especially since the scenes are sparse, light on detail, and distributed unevenly across the cast.
Every story arc in an action anime starts with a fresh foe who is prepared to lift the ante on the challenge. Not only are Sannoh High the reigning Inter High champions, but they also boast some of the top athletes in the nation. These including Masashi Kawata and Eiji Sawakita (voiced by Shunsuke Takeuchi) (voiced by Mitsuaki Kanuka). That increases the hype for the First Slam Dunk movie.
The First Slam Dunk movie surpassed all expectations with another epic sports match-up.
The story of Miyagi's past packs a powerful narrative punch that makes the audience root for him to succeed. It presents him as a sympathetic character who maintains his belief in the importance of playing basketball in the face of hardships and physical constraints.
The First Slam Dunk movie's triumph is a tale to be remembered. It became a huge success right away, staying in the top 5 for the whole of its run and shattering numerous records.
The entire amount collected for the film up to this point is 11,276,348,740 yen or around $82.76 million. It has quickly risen to become the 12th highest-grossing anime film and the 31st highest-grossing movie of all time in Japan.