The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 17 follows up on Percival's group finally reaching Liones after so many detours and problems. After some time away from the spotlight, it also officially reintroduced Seven Deadly Sins' main protagonist, Meliodas, as the king of Liones, eager to aid and welcome them.
The group teleported to Liones after Lancelot helped them out of the Entangled Forest in episode 16. Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 17 is a breather episode from all the messy chaos of the last several arcs, but that doesn't mean trouble doesn't find Percival and company. Even places of relative safety, like Liones, can have trouble brewing in them, and misunderstandings can turn into fights.
Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 17: Percival and Meliodas meet and converse
Meliodas' return

The city of Liones is vast enough for people who live in towns like Anne, but for Percival, it is so overwhelming he gets lost and ends up running into returning Seven Deadly Sins supporting character Dreyfus. Dreyfus was hoping to make a delivery to the Boar Hat tavern but threw his back out. Percival uses his Hope magic to affix a small healing clone to him and takes the boxes to the tavern.
Along the way, Meliodas guides him along to the tavern and explains its history: the tavern was named after a hat so large it used to be on a giant boar's head. After eating the special pudding and utterly knocking Percival out, Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 17 has Meliodas officially introducing himself once Percival wakes up.
The two seem to get along swimmingly, though Percival is at first floored by how young Meliodas looks and disbelieving that he's the King of Liones. For his part, Meliodas is charming and almost identically fun-loving as Percival, even when conversations turn grim and serious, like when Percival asks about Arthur, Camelot, and why his grandfather died.
A tour of Liones

Seeking to avoid the messy subjects for now, Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 17 sees Meliodas decide to give Percival a tour of Liones. They stop by Hendrickson's and Dreyfus' free clinic, where Hendrickson nearly knocks Percival down to ask where his hope magic clone came from. Meliodas shows that Howzer from the Cant arc does indeed have a blacksmith business in Liones.
Other highlights include showing Percival the local food, including how baked pies and berries taste well together, the markets and the utter peace everyone in Liones enjoys, where giants, fairies, and humans live in harmony. The two stop at the top of a tall tower overlooking the city, and that's where the conversation turns serious.
Meliodas says the people of Liones need Percival and the other knights' aid. Percival is reluctant, believing himself and the others to be prophesied agents of doom. Meliodas counters this by saying there's more to that story but isn't able to tell him more yet as Prince Tristan has returned from his voyage with a Knight of the Apocalypse, and Percival gets distracted by glowing lights in the sky in the distance.
Another misunderstanding leads to a fight among allies
As the series continues to display, misunderstandings can have lethal consequences not just for one person but for an entire area. Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 17 shows what such a misunderstanding entails when Percival runs into the Holy Knight Isolde accidentally: she violently attacks him and accuses him of trying to rob her of her chastity.
Percival tries to explain himself to no avail. Not only does Isolde not listen and break the street with her mace, but her fellow knights Chion and Jade join in on trying to kill Percival, with Chion suggesting Percival was a knight of Camelot. Chion even steals Percival's voice away, resulting in him having to defend himself against three people while nearly suffocating.
Percival, being able to counter Isodle and Chion's magic with Hope Magic, gets his breath and voice back, but Chion and Jade immediately seal his head in a dark bubble. Percival's friends arrive and immediately have their voices stolen and are easily taken down by Isolde. The only saving grace is when Prince Tristen shows up at the end and stops the fight.
Final thoughts
Half of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse battle reached Liones. Now, the other half, it seems, will be gathering the other knights. Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 17 is a nice breather to settle the characters into Liones. It works as a reintroduction of Meliodas, and the meeting of the two protagonists is charming.
Whether this means that things will continue to be peaceful since Percival and company can't seem to go anywhere without stumbling into a conspiracy, fight, or some misunderstanding is another story. At least for now, Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 17 shows Liones as a nice place to live, and it's good they got there.
Here's hoping that the next episode allows them to relax or that Prince Tristan's presence will cool Isodle's anger and put something of a balance on Chion's cynicism and not result in further fights. Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 17 is good for differing from the near-constant danger and uncertainty Percival's group has encountered.