The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 19 continued the Chaos in Liones arc, and had several major events covered in it. Liones' sense of safety and security was shattered, Gawain was finally revealed outside of their armor, and Pellgarde showed up for another round.
Despite the title of Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 19, Liones itself never actually gets set on fire. At best, a small portion of it has fire started in it that's quickly expunged. That aside, Pellegarde's presence marks an interesting development: the titular Four Knights formally meet in this episode, as Pellgarde inadvertently brings them together.
Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 19: Gawain, Guinevere, and Pellegarde heat Liones' tensions up
Guinevere revealed

The mysterious girl who locked lips with Lancelot at the end of episode 18 finally revealed her name in Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 19. As predicted, she is Guinevere from the King Arthur legends. She's much younger than Lancelot, by about four years given her future prediction of her being 16 by the time he's 20, and knows a lot more about Lancelot than anyone else.
This includes Lancelot's master, whom he's told nobody about. She just smiles and says they'll meet later as she introduces herself. She also says sometime soon, he'll meet the person he's looking for. Given that he stated who he wanted to meet when he revealed his true self in episode 16, chances are he'll get his wish.
In the meantime, with the search for Gawain continuing, Lancelot decided to go back into fox form to cover more ground and not be noticed. That particular bit disturbed Lancelot but fortunately didn't stop him from getting his head on straight.
The search for Gawain continues

Prince Tristan's group continued the search for Gawain, as did Percival's group. Tristan's group eventually ran into the Ruby Knight, Pelliot, who was looking for suspicious individuals. None of them noticed Chion slip away from them, as he quietly noticed the knight moving in the shadows.
This resulted in Chion cornering someone he thought was Gawain, arrogantly proclaiming that he was better than everyone else including the Four Knights by trying to bury the knight in the ground. Prince Tristan intervened, thanks to Lady Anne's Truth magic, and it was revealed that the man in armor wasn't Gawain but an apprentice knight who found Gawain's armor.
It appeared that Gawain had slipped out of their armor. This was a problem for the search party, but that was tabled due to a malevolent presence choosing to broadcast its location.
Gawain revealed

For anyone wondering what happened to Isolde when she ran off in a huff in episode 18 after violently attacking Percival in episode 17, she was sulking by herself on a roof. Isolde held herself unworthy of Tristan's love, being rather tall, muscular, and battle-crazed and how that was unworthy of royalty or romance.
A woman taller than her, more muscular, and seemingly rather interested in her approached and started trying to discuss what love meant in that case. She says that Isolde is beautiful and shouldn't discount herself as she attempts to court her but the conversation is interrupted by an explosion that throws debris at them. Debris that was destroyed by the stranger's magic quite easily.
The stranger revealed herself to be Gawain, who started heading down to where the fight was after saving Isolde. Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 19 now has all Four Knights in one location and revealed the buff Gawain for the audience.
Pellegarde vs. Pelliot's Squad and Percival
Someone suspicious was sending out waves of killing intent that those attuned and strong with magic could sense. Pellegarde was enjoying a meal when Pelliot's squad confronted him, and confessed happily to being that malevolent presence. A brief tussle ensued between both the Camelot knight and Pelliot's squad. The first clash was unarmed combat, which escalated when Percival came in.
Though Pellegarde did greet Percival respectfully, he still wanted a proper match to see if he could beat him or if Pellegarde would be taking him as his apprentice as he tried to in episode 2. The second fight is where things got serious, with Pellegarde exploding his flames out and having to rely on magic alone since Pelliot's magic messed with his physical coordination.
While Percival did better than in episode 2, he was still outmatched by Pellegarde's flame magic disappating his Hope Magic container. That is until Gawain showed up and disappates a massive fireball with a finger.
The Four Knights united
Gawain proves far too much for Pellegarde, throwing off and disrupting his power with her own. As previously mentioned, she destroys a massive fireball with a finger, and trying to intimidate her only causes her to summon her golden flame aura to surround her like going Super Saiyan and throwing him back.
As if to add insult to injury, Prince Tristan arrives on the scene, followed shortly by Lancelot. Gawain complained that all of this strife interrupted her attempt at wooing Isolde, and brushes off Tristan calling her out on leaving when they were escorting her to the castle.
As the Four Knights all turn to Pellegarde, with Lancelot transforming from fox to human and informing him he's wildly out of his depth, Pellegarde trembles in excitement at the idea of finally having a good fight. Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 19 officially ends with the Four Knights all glaring down Pellegarde.
Final Thoughts
Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 19 is a flurry of action, reveals, and movement. Things are moving rather briskly thanks to Pellegarde showing up, and he will probably face quite a tremendous beatdown at the hands of the combined Four Knights. Considering he's still dangerous but barely able to properly move and was pushed back by Gawain, it doesn't look good for Pellegarde.
Having said that, Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 19 continually shows just how Chion continues to get himself into trouble, how much Percival has grown since barely coming into his magic in episode 3, revealed both Gawain and Guinevere and how powerful each of the Four Knights is. They'll need it if they hope to defeat King Arthur and his army of Holy Knights.
Fans will need to tune in next week to see how or if Pellegarde gets away with his life against the now united titular Four Knights.