The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 8 was released on December 1, 2024. Per the prior episode, Percival and company found themselves in the Demon Realm thanks to Io's help. It was not an easy or pleasant journey, though it was informative.
It involved meeting Gelda and Zeldris, the king and queen of the Demon Realm, and yet more returning Seven Deadly Sins characters. It also involved learning more about Percival's past in the Demon Realm and why all demons see him as a positive influence despite being human.
Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 8: Percival, savior of Demonkind?
The groups separate

The first steps into the Demon Realm in Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 8 are unpleasant. They find themselves inside what looks like a giant beehive, created over 3,000 years ago, that has portals in and out of the human world. A sudden gust of wind, a security system according to Io, blows them out of the massive structure, and they all begin falling.
The group is separated. Percival's team is captured by a giant multi-eyed demon and is called 'The Savior' while they're taken away after almost falling to their deaths. This leads to meeting the king and queen of the Demon Realm and starting to get answers and aid.
As for Tristan's group, they're all accosted by a group of demons for most of the episode. Though tensions are sharp between the two groups, especially with Tristan being a half-goddess and the son of Meliodas, things calm down fast when Io plays the card of Percival being their friend. Nobody notices Gawain slip away in the confusion.
Percival's demonic history
According to Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 8, Percival fell into the Demon Realm when he was barely a toddler 15 years ago. It explains how he knows demonic language as seen in the Dalflare Range and the Chaos in Liones arc.
According to Zeldris, Percival stumbled into the Demon Realm and was under his and Gelda's care for a while. The full extent of Percival's time in the Demon Realm isn't revealed in Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 8. Still, there's history there, considering how familiar Gelda and Zeldris treat him.
The king and queen both express condolences and empathy for Varghese's death at the hands of Ironside, especially since Zeldris has experiences with his terrible father that he and Meliodas slayed. More to the point of their quest, both Gelda and Zeldris confirm a link between Camelot and The Demon Realm.
Percival's sword is missing?
As Zeldris asks about the Four Knights and their group's names, Percival's group shares revelations. They learn that Zeldris and Meliodas are brothers, and Zeldris and Gelda in turn learn that Percival is one of the prophesized Four Knights of the Apocalypse. When Percival goes to showcase his sword as proof that it was given to him by Meliodas, he suddenly realizes it's missing.
What follows is a very humorous, albeit undercut by tension, moment in Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 8: everyone starts freaking out trying to find the sword. Although it is played for humor, the underlying threat remains since the blade's handle and hilt were made from the Coffin of Eternal Darkness that Ironside tried to use to purge the realms of demons in Sistana.
Nasiens and Percival, and every big and small demon that calls Percival a friend and Savior, start to aid in the search. It takes them a while, though, as the space is expansive. They do not find the sword but something even more curious: the broken body of a Camelot Knight clinging to life.
Gawain vs. Mortlach's squad

A bit of tension occurs between Percival and Nasiens when they discuss what fate would befall the knight they found. Percival wants to heal the knight, and Nasiens vows to let the knight die, and the two argue over their moral stances. Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 8 marks the second time Nasiens has argued with his teammates, the first being in the prior episode when he and Chion argued over Jade's death.
Mortlach's squad from the prior episode spied on Percival's group covertly, showing they followed them in. Gawain masquerading as Rosebank was discovered when she couldn't reply to them properly. Gawain revealed herself and laid down the gauntlet; she challenged the assembled Camelot Knights to fight her.
Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 8 ends with Gawain challenging all of them solo. Keen viewers would remember that she's very powerful but lacks finesse, as her fight with Pellegarde in season 1 showed. Time will tell if the pendulum swings in Gawain's favor in the group fight.
Final Thoughts
Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 8 reveals a few interesting lore-related things: Percival is considered the savior of demonkind; Zeldris and Gelda are now King and Queen of the Demon Realm, and Percival's sword being missing is quite the problem if Camelot reacquires the entire Coffin of Eternal Darkness.
The highlight of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 8 is seeing Zeldris and Gelda, after quite a long absence from the original Seven Deadly Sins. Zeldris seems a lot more mellow than in his prior appearances, and Gelda likewise. The two are helpful towards Percival, though it's doubtful they'd be so helpful if it wasn't for Percival in the group. Meliodas did inform him of the Four Knights, and he does seem like a genuine ally.
That said, it does confirm a theory Lancelot mentioned back in the first season: while some people, like Camelot's knights, see the Four Knights as destroyers and defilers, others see them as beacons of hope. This is especially prudent given how demons were threats back in the original Seven Deadly Sins, marking a positive change in the world.
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