The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 9 premiered on December 8, 2024. There are quite a few things that happened in this episode that revealed things about Percival, the Demon Realm, and why Percival was seen so popularly in the Demon Realm.
Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 9 advances the Demon Realm plot of the series, and places the heroes one step closer to Camelot. It also makes things a bit more complicated, as Gawain and Mortlach's squad's fight doesn't go well for Gawain. A massive Behemoth stands between Percival's group and the portal to Camelot likewise.
Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 9: Behemoth amounts of lore
Gawain vs. Mortlach's knights

Gawain put the Camelot Knights to shame, almost effortlessly. That was never in doubt, even from the prior episode. Gawain was too fast and too powerful for all of them, they couldn't even touch her. She caught several of them in an ability that slowed them all down, and was close to eliminating all of them.
Keen-eyed viewers would recall that Gawain vanished during the prior episode. Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 9 revealed that she swapped positions and assumed Rosebank's place and identity when Mortlach's Knights of Camelot were falling in midair after being ejected from the massive structure they followed the Four Knights into.
Gawain isn't defeated by being overpowered but knocked out when having an emotionally vulnerable moment while fighting. This marks one of the first times she's been emotionally vulnerable. As she yells out, she wants to know who she really is, she feels suffocated in Camelot, and she stays with the other Four Knights because they're seeking answers about themselves.
Rosebank's dilemma

As promised in the prior episode, Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 9 reveals Percival healed Rosebank. Although she stole the Percival Sword and its piece of the Coffin of Eternal Darkness after Percival healed her, Rosebank appears to have doubts when she reaches Mortlach's squad.
Whether it's empathy or a slow-dawning respect, she starts having second thoughts about Percival.
She keeps Percival's sword hidden from them, for the moment anyway. Although they captured Gawain, Mortlach warns his Knights about when engaging the rest of the Four Knights, and suggests targeting Percival first. The idea of harming or killing Percival, thus ending the damning prophecy of Camelot's fall by their hands, seems to disturb Rosebank.
Throughout Four Knights of the Apocalypse, clear-cut situations are revealed to be more complicated than initially thought. Enemies can be stuck in catch-22 situations like Io, or have changes of heart like Ardbeg. Supposed allies can turn on them on a dime like in Cant, and people's motivations switch depending on the situation. Whether Rosebank will live as Io did is up in the air as of Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 9.
The Behemoth
Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 9 introduces The Behemoth, aka "The Yin-Yang Beast," to the Seven Deadly Sins universe. According to Zeldris, it's normally a natural part of the Demon Realm, whose life force nourishes and aids the beings in the realm. But if it senses any anomalies, it goes berserk and begins absorbing the life force of all around it.
It also has the portal to Camelot on its back, making it imperative that the heroes reach it. There are two problems with that: the first is the massive amount of negative energy that threatens to overwhelm even Tristan's magic, and the second is a large meteor storm around it that's deadly to all beings.
Zeldris explained that ever since the Holy War at the end of the original Seven Deadly Sins, the Behemoth began wreaking havoc around the Demon Realm. Its negativity consumed the plants, animals, and all the high-ranking demons around the realm and threatened to render it lifeless.
Percival: the savior

Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 9 expands on what exactly happened to Percival in the Demon Realm that had started to be mentioned during the prior episodes. Flashbacks show what Percival did to deserve the title of "savior," and why the demons were all pleased to see him.
As stated previously, Percival had randomly wandered into the demon realm as an infant. He wasn't affected by the miasma, which normally turns men into monsters in minutes. He wasn't affected by the extreme negative energy— his inherent hope magic repelled the negative energy, healed the injured, and put the Behemoth to sleep.
This is all an interesting backstory, given how Percival survived Ironside's slashes and even came back to life in the first season. It also speaks to something deeper, as Percival's hope magic hadn't physically manifested yet. Since the Knights of Camelot aren't leaving and Percival's group needs to improve to fight these tougher opponents, Lancelot decides to train them.
The impromptu training

Lancelot's form of training involves spending a week in the Demon Realm and training up their magic in unorthodox ways. Donny has to train his telekinesis by lifting an entire building from 250 feet away, without crossing a line. His current limit is 25 feet. Nasiens has to run to improve his stamina, without using any poisons or potions.
Ann's version of the training is figuring out her new version of truth magic, how it changed, and harnessing it until it's battle-ready. Her truth magic is focused on the mind rather than physical strain, so she has to do heavy introspection, meditation, and other forms of training to sharpen her mental acuity. Lancelot even suggests she rest before training.
As for Percival, his training is more hands-on and personal with Lancelot. Percival's weakness is his swordplay, so Lancelot is training him by dueling him for a week. Everything goes, including sneak attacks. As a bonus, Lancelot will make it more difficult for every hit Percival lands. Another curveball involved Lancelot recreating past foes down to their fighting styles and manner of speech like Talisker and Macduff.
Final thoughts
Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 9 has a lot happen in it, from showing off Gawain's prowess and giving insight into her character, revealing a massive threat in the Behemoth, to answering the question of why Percival was so well thought of in the Demon Realm.
As stated at the beginning of the season, the heroes are already facing stronger foes than in season 1. Losing Jade was a huge blow, but they've gained demonic allies now with Io, Zeldris, and Gelda. Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 9 still showcases the better animation the series is known for at this point.
It also opens a lot of doors since the heroes and villains are now at a stalemate. Though the villains can leave at any time thanks to their marks, Mortlach is holding position and trying to eliminate even one of the Four Knights. On the other hand, the heroes are down a member and cannot pursue until they get stronger.
In short, Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 9 is a good episode that answers a few questions left over from the prior episodes. The results of the heroes' training are likely to be shown in future episodes.
Related links:
- The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 2 episode 9 — Release date and time, where to watch, and more
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