The Boruto series and its current narrative are perceived as a race against time, with the final objective being the prevention of an apocalypse. Although the so-called unfortunate future has not been completely revealed, the Shinju apparently serve as the harbingers of this future.
All of this combined has solidified the Shinju as the current antagonists, while previous antagonists like Kawaki and Code have been somewhat sidelined. Meanwhile, the series' most recent chapters depict the stark difference between Shikamaru's and Naruto's views.
Given the overarching tonal shift currently in action, it is possible that the story evolves into a much different one. It may explore the ambiguity of morals by using the Shinju as the medium.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Boruto Two Blue Vortex series and reflects the author's opinions.
Boruto Two Blue Vortex: The Shinju's inclusion might challenge the current morality of the series
The narrative of Boruto has gone through considerable changes from Part 1 to Part 2, with the current story revolving around the Shinju. Not much is known about the Shinju, how they function, or their ultimate goal. However, it is clear that they are serving as the antagonists of the story, with their primary targets being the Otsutsuki. This pits them directly against the protagonist, as well as Kawaki.
Although both Kawaki and the protagonist have had their run-ins with the Shinju, Shikamaru is the individual who is approving operations aimed at disarming the Shinju threat. Shikamaru's current plan involves Konohamaru, who has been instructed to capitalize on the Shinju's rather juvenile understanding.
Konohamaru was instructed to take advantage of Matsuri's feelings and eventually betray her. While this decision is supposed to highlight the stark difference between Naruto's and Shikamaru's thought processes, it might also serve as a setup for a story with much more moral ambiguity.
The Shinju currently function solely on instinct, with much of their instructions coming directly from Jura. While this makes them an organized group, it also leaves much room for growth. Since most of the Shinju do not have a well-established ego, one could question whether they are true antagonists or if they can be turned to the good side through dialogue.
Given that the current circumstances of the story posit a do-or-die situation, the characters might be led toward decisions that blur the lines between traditional good and evil. Similar tropes have been executed in anime and manga previously, and it is possible that the "good" side takes morally questionable actions against the Shinju, while the Shinju manage to exhibit much more human-like qualities.
Matsuri's feelings for Konohamaru, coupled with the latter's own reservations about taking advantage of said feelings, might usher in one of the key moments of this series. This could further blur the lines between good and evil.
Although the Shinju's actions against the Hidden Leaf and their brutal battles, leading to the incapacitation of Inojin, hinder such conversations, it is important to note that the Shinju's lack of an established ego leaves enough narrative gaps for their humanization.
Final thoughts
Boruto Two Blue Vortex chapter 18 will be released on January 21, 2025, and will mainly focus on Konohamaru's current operation with the Shinju. It will also highlight the probable falling out between Kashin Koji and the protagonist. Although the Shinju are the current antagonists, it is possible that the information regarding them changes, along with their allegiance.
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