My Hero Academia Season 6 has dropped its first episode as it kicks off the much awaited Paranormal Liberation War Arc. Almost all of Hero Society has gathered and is ready for an all-out war. The heroes have divided themselves into two teams and have moved to carry out their respective missions.
As they step forward to take the lead, here's a look at the top 10 Pro Heroes in My Hero Academia Season 6.
My Hero Academia Season 6: Top 10 pro heroes
1) Endeavor

Taking up the mantle of Number 1 Pro Hero is Enji Todoroki aka Flame Hero: Endeavor. His main aim has been to surpass All Might. With an almost obsessive drive, he has strived to become the strongest hero ever.
With his quirk Hellflame, he is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with. It allows him to manipulate intense volumes of flame at will. Granted immunity to other flames as well, his sheer control of Hellflame allows him to use it in unique ways. With his quirk's host of abilities, it is obvious why he stands as the Number 1 Hero.
2) Hawks

Keigi Takami aka Wing Hero: Hawks stands as the current number 2 hero behind Endeavor. Working as a mole with the villains, Hawks constantly feeds information to the heroes about their every move. As will be seen in My Hero Academia Season 6, he finally drops the act and rejoins the heroes to take down the Paranormal Liberation Front once and for all.
Hawks combines his keen intellect and his quirk Fierce Wings to become worthy of the number two spot. His wings give him the ability to fly, while also being able to telekinetically control the movement and nature of each individual feather easily. Thus, they can be hardened like a blade and/or shoot them as projectiles. Additionally, he is in control of their path and speed as well.
3) Midnight

Nemuri Kayama aka R-Rated Hero: Midnight is a Pro Hero and faculty member at U.A. High School. Generally playful and flirtatious, Nemuri has an unpredictably serious and fiery side to her personality. Along with her allotted hero unit, in My Hero Academia Season 6, she prepares to storm the villains' hideout.
Midnight possesses a quirk known as Somnambulist. It allows her to put her targets to sleep by exuding a sleep-inducing fragrance from her body. With that, she uses support items as well. Midnight carries her Whips of Love, a flogger-style whip she uses in combat. She also uses a pair of hand fans to better spread Somnambulist.
4) Mt. Lady

Featuring once again in My Hero Academia Season 6 is Yu Takeyama aka Mineyama Hero: Mt. Lady. She is a young woman who loves the attention her hero status brings. She is not afraid to go out of her way to get what she wants. However, as noted by Minoru, after All Might's retirement, she takes a more serious approach to her hero duties.
Mt. Lady is gifted with the quirk Gigantification. Although the quirk allows her to grow in size, she cannot vary it as she pleases. Besides that, she possesses considerable Battle IQ and awareness. An instance of this can be seen when she pries Gigantomachia's mouth for the students to sedate him.
5) Ryukyu

Another hero to feature in the upcoming battle in My Hero Academia Season 6 will be Ryuko Tatsuma aka Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu. Ryuko is gentle and humble by nature, able to keep her calm even in tense situations. She has also possesses a keen eye for talent, like when she recruited Froppy, Uravity and Nejire to mentor them.
Ryuko's quirk Dragon allows her to transform into a large dragon. This form gives her incredible durability and strength, a set of powerful claws and jaws. She also has wings for flight. A glimpse of her immense powers will be next seen in her fight against Chisaki in My Hero Academia Season 6.
6) Mirko

A character to share center-stage with the protagonists in My Hero Academia Season 6 is Rumi Usagiyama aka Rabbit Hero: Mirko. Possessing a brash demeanor, Rumi isn't afraid of confrontation and speaks her mind. She believes in being fearless and independent and operating alone.
Mirko's quirk Rabbit grants her the abilities of a rabbit - powerful legs, sharp hearing and refined animal instincts. She also possesses enhanced physical attributes like strength, speed, dexterity, agility and pain tolerance.
7) Eraser Head

Shota Aizawa aka Erasure Hero: Eraser Head is a pro hero and the homeroom teacher of U.A. High's Class 1A. Reserved yet stern, Aizawa expects much from his students. As their homeroom teacher, he is not afraid to push his students to their limits to do better. Despite appearances, he is willing to put his life on the line for his students.
Eraser Head, as the name suggests, possesses Erasure. With it, he can cancel out another's quirk by looking at them. Its effects last even if the target is out of his line of sight. In addition, he uses Binding Cloth (capturing/trapping villains) and Eraser Goggles to complement his quirk.
8) Present Mic

My Hero Academia Season 6 will see Hizashi Yamada aka Voice Hero: Present Mic join the fight against the Paranormal Liberation Front. A teacher at U.A. High, Hizashi is a good friend of Shoto Aizawa. The pair attended the same school in their youth and returned as faculty members. Hizashi is eccentric like a radio host and maintains a certain excitement about him whatever the situation.
Given Present Mic's quirk Voice, he possesses the ability to increase the volume of his voice, much like a sonic scream. The power of his scream works on targets at great distances as well. The device around his neck helps him aim his amplified voice wherever he pleases.
9) Fat Gum

Another powerful hero appearing in My Hero Academia Season 6 is Taishiro Toyomitsu aka BMI Hero: Fat Gum. Cheerful and playful with civilians and heroes alike, Taishiro knows when to get serious. Due to working with the police previously, Taishiro is aware of the functioning of the underworld. He also has en eye for talent, recognizing the potentials of Tamaki and Eijiro.
Fat Gum's quirk Fat Absorption can make anything adhere to his body on contact and sink into his body fat. His fat is also able to store kinetic energy. This energy can later be converted into raw, thus cutting his fat and bringing him down to a more normal muscular look.
10) Edgeshot

Leading one of the attack teams in My Hero Academia Season 6 is Shinya Kamihara aka Ninja Hero: Edgeshot. Much like a ninja, Shinya is focused, calm and level-headed by personality. He has a keen intellect and analyzing capabilities, being able to understand AFO's quirk after observing it just once.
With Foldabody, Edgeshot can make his body extremely long and thin, allowing him to transform into a razor-sharp string. He can carry out these transformations faster than the speed of sound. Shinya also uses his ability to move quickly and navigate tight spaces.
In Conclusion
My Hero Academia Season 6 promises to be unlike any other season. With Hawks' information, the heroes begin their assault on the villains' hideout. Meanwhile, underground, Tomura Shigaraki continues to undergo a transformation and merger with All For One's power.
The Pro Heroes will have their hands full with a completely new Shigaraki. Alongside, after guaging U.A.'s students progress in Season 5, My Hero Academia Season 6 will see them put to the test. The limits of Deku, Bakugo, Uravity and many others will be pushed time and again in this season.