The manga series titled The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic has caught the attention of fantasy genre enthusiasts. This captivating manga, penned by Kurokata, combines elements of comedy and combat to offer a refreshing and entertaining twist on the healing magic concept.
The manga tells a captivating tale, blending comedy and action. It centers around Usato, a high school student who finds himself unexpectedly transported to another world alongside two fellow students.
As the story unfolds, Usato discovers his hidden talent as a healer and undergoes rigorous training in both healing and combat skills.
Fans can read The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic manga on Comixology
Fans who are excited to explore the captivating world of The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic manga will be delighted to discover numerous platforms available for reading. One highly recommended source is Anime-Planet (, a renowned website that offers an extensive collection of manga titles.
Notably, they feature a dedicated page exclusively for The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic manga, providing comprehensive details and reader reviews. Other prominent websites that allow users to read this manga include Mangadex and Comixology.
Plot overview of The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic manga
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic manga tells the story of Usato, a high school student who gets unintentionally summoned to another world along with two fellow students, Kazuki and Suzune. In this new world, Usato discovers his unique ability as a healer, gaining both the skills to mend wounds and the prowess to defend himself.
The manga tells a comedic and action-filled story that revolves around Usato's journey. He discovers his ability to wield healing magic in order to combat monsters and other adversaries.
Initially, Usato is an ordinary high school student awaiting the end of rain after someone borrowed his umbrella.
However, he unexpectedly crosses paths with Kazuki and Suzune, two of the most popular students at his school. Together, they are summoned into another world, taking Usato along on their adventure. In this new world, Usato discovers a remarkable ability - he possesses the power to heal and defend.
Trained relentlessly amidst harsh and intense circumstances, Usato undergoes rigorous training sessions.
Filled with a blend of comedy and action, the manga follows Usato and his comrades as they bravely battle against monsters and adversaries. The captivating storyline keeps readers enthralled, leaving them eagerly anticipating what awaits around every corner.
Team behind The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic manga
The Wrong Way to use Healing Magic manga is a popular Japanese series created by Kurokata and illustrated by Reki Kugayama. Kurokata, an esteemed author from Japan, has penned multiple light novels, including The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic.
Meanwhile, Reki Kugayama is a talented manga artist known for illustrating various manga series, with The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic being among them.
The captivating story unfolds weekly in Kadokawa Shoten's Comp Ace magazine since its launch in April 2017. To date, this enthralling manga has amassed an impressive collection of 12 published volumes as of September 2023.
Final thoughts
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic manga seamlessly combines humor and action, capturing the hearts of fantasy fans. Its enthralling storyline, endearing characters, and skillful creators offer a refreshing twist on the healing magic trope.
Whether you're an avid manga reader or new to this medium, The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic guarantees an enjoyable and captivating reading journey.