"This is outright wrong"— Dragon Ball fans claim that series is better written than the Big 3 anime that immediately shut down online

Dragon Ball fans go to war against the Big 3 anime fans (Image via Shueisha).
Dragon Ball fans go to war against the Big 3 anime fans (Image via Shueisha)

Dragon Ball fans recently went to war against the Big 3 anime supporters on X, with the former claiming that their favorite series was better than the latter. Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece are the three series that are known as the Big 3, and their fans came out in defense of their favorite stories, stating that they have much better developments and storytelling tools than what author Akira Toriyama did in his story.


There is no denying that Dragon Ball is one of the most influential anime stories of all time and perhaps the most prominent franchise in the medium, but it has some considerable writing flaws. That is not to say that the Big 3 anime series don't have shortcomings as well, but there is a general perception in the community that they are more well-rounded stories.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for all of these series. Any opinion expressed here belongs to the author and the people quoted and not Sportskeeda as a whole.


Dragon Ball fans go to war against the Big 3 anime series by claiming that theirs is "better written"


Recently, a fan of author Akira Toriyama's series mentioned that they believe that that story is better than the Big 3 anime series, which includes Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach. This resulted in those three fandoms stepping in full force to debate this notion, which mostly had the original poster cornered since not a lot of people agreed with him.

While every single person is entitled to their opinion, there is no denying that this series has had somewhat strong flaws when it came to writing and storytelling. Some common criticism includes the constant abuse of power-ups, the power creep that became notorious as the story progressed, and some major inconsistencies when it came to character writing and development.


Of course, series such as Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece have also been guilty of these sins and have been criticized for similar problems. However, there is also a sense of greater ambition and complex topics being addressed in these stories, which is something that a lot of people in this discussion have pointed out.

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There were a lot of different opinions regarding this topic, with some mentioning One Piece as superior to the other three series or some stating that Dragon Ball is better than another Big 3 anime such as Bleach. This is a natural outcome since everyone is entitled to their own opinions but also shows how different each series can be for an individual member of the audience.

However, there is no denying that Akira Toriyama's influence in the world of anime is notorious, especially when it comes to the battle shonen genre. Furthermore, the Big 3 anime authors, Masashi Kishimoto, Eiichiro Oda, and Tite Kubo, have all been extremely vocal of their admiration toward Toriyama and how his work managed to influence them when it came to their seminal series.

"I don’t thinks it’s better written then the big 3 but I do believe that dragon ball has good writing, which fans of the big 3 refuse to admit or understand because of their agenda," someone said.
"Nah. Big three, especially OP overall have superior writing than DB, however, I think that's part of DB's charm. Despite the stakes and tone of the manga and anime, it's never taken itself very seriously compared to something as melodramatic as Naruto or the grit of Bleach," another person said.
"This… In my opinion, isn’t true. You can definitely like it better, but when things like the Buu arc exist, and especially in Dragon Ball. Where comedy and fighting is taken over writing- though i prefer. It simply means: Bleach and One Piece have superior writing. (Not naruto)" someone else said.

At the end of the day, whether people like Dragon Ball or the works of Masashi Kishimoto, Tite Kubo, and Eiichiro Oda more, that is entirely subjective.


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