To Your Eternity season 2 episode 7 is finally out, and it is definitely a must-watch. Prince Bon, who wanted to become the king since he was a child, gave up on his dreams to rescue everyone. He takes it all upon himself as he allows Fushi to make his escape alongside a couple of escapees.
The previous episode saw Fushi getting tricked into being captured by the Church of Bennett while Prince Bon was forced to make a tough decision on behalf of his kingdom. If that weren't enough, Fushi was put through devastating torture as he was kept shut in an iron prison, which was later filled with molten iron.
Prince Bon sacrifices himself for the Uralis Kingdom in To Your Eternity season 2 episode 7

To Your Eternity season 2 episode 7, titled Crime and Forgiveness, opened with Prince Bon being informed about his trial by Cylira as he was about to be judged by the Church of Bennett. This was when Bon realized that there was another prisoner with him, a child named Chabo, who is imprisoned for stealing bread. His mother was dragged away from him, as she was later killed by a soldier.
The next day, the Church of Bennett began Prince Bon's trials as he revealed his power to speak with spirits. While he said that God had given him his powers, the Church suspected that it was the Devil's doing.

Something else to note was the food rations made available to them. The prisoners, i.e., Bon, Chabo, and Todo, received a single slice of bread for a meal as the latter passed half of her bread to Chabo. He, in turn, was saving half of his share for his mother, who he believed was alive.
After a few weeks, it was finally evident to Bon why Chabo was imprisoned with him. At the start, Todo was seen as quite obese while Bon was lean, causing a weight imbalance between the two suspended prison cells. Thus, Chabo was imprisoned with them.
Elsewhere, Fushi was starting to gain consciousness after getting solidified by the molten iron. As time passed by, he was able to reproduce the heat he felt from the molten lava. Moreover, his regenerative powers started to outperform the molten lava, which is how he was able to push himself outside the prison.

While the Church of Bennett believed they managed to stop Fushi from escaping, he escaped and immediately went to rescue Bon and Todo. However, the prince refused to be saved as he told Fushi how the Church would keep meddling with his kingdom if he were to escape. Hence, he wanted to free himself from the trial instead.
Fushi agreed as he escaped with Chabo and Todo, leaving copies of their bodies to portray that they had passed away. Bon then announced that Fushi was a pawn of the Devil. However, he declared his love for him and was thus sentenced to death. Prince Bon sacrificed himself so that everyone, including the citizens of the Uralis Kingdom, his family, and Fushi could all live a happy life ahead.
Final thoughts on To Your Eternity season 2 episode 7

To Your Eternity season 2 episode 7 saw Prince Bon sacrifice himself for everyone's sake as he made the wisest decision. His death is set to cause the people of Uralis to weep for his valiant end, as they will undoubtedly reject the Church of Bennett's appeal henceforth.
As evident from the preview, after Fushi was declared a heretic, the Guardians got disbanded. The Nokker within Kahaku's left arm will start speaking as it might want to kill Fushi after he tricked the world into thinking he was trapped within the iron cell. Fans will have to wait until the next episode to find out what will happen to Kahaku.