Toei Animation's teaser visual for the upcoming film Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning set Twitter abuzz. The new film will likely see the cast of Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING return, although much information has not been revealed yet. The film is set to drop on October 27, 2023.
It is set to be a direct sequel to Digimon Last Evolution Kizuna and will possibly attempt to connect the events of this 2020 film to the original ending of the Adventure series.
Also, after Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Tri, and Digimon Last Evolution Kizuna, Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING will be the fourth sequel to the Adventure storyline, and the 12th major storyline in the Digimon anime franchise.
The visual for Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING features Davis Motomiya with his partner Vmon
The visual does not reveal any major plotlines but fans can expect to see Davis and Vmon star in it, along with the rest of the Digimon Adventure 02 cast who were consistently getting the short end of the stick in the Digimon Adventure sequels.
Whereas Davis, Yolei, Cody and Ken were knocked out and removed from the story early on in Digimon Adventure Tri, they made brief appearances in Last Evolution Kizuna. As such, fans are desperate to see how these four beloved characters manage to grow up and solidify their bonds with their partner Digimon.
The visual features a strange digital space stretching into the distance, with building-like structures in the backdrop. A mysterious hooded figure occupies the centre-stage and fans can expect to see this character feature in antagonistic roles in the sequel, or perhaps even as a mysterious ally.
A grown-up Davis and his partner also remain in the visual, and their jubilant expression and clasped hands emphasize the human/Digimon bond that the franchise and its fans have celebrated in various ways. Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING can be expected to feature these two head the conflict against the mysterious antagonist, if he even is an antagonist at all.
A new Vmon evolution would also be epic to witness on screen.
Finally, this film will likely tie the loose ends after the ending of Last Evolution Kizuna, where it was revealed that as they grow up, human partners would slowly have their Digimon partners fade away.
Many wanted to see a happy resolution after this heartbreaking moment, with several fans referring to the end/epilogue of Digimon Adventure 02 where humans and Digimon live in harmony, to justify that this separation is not permanent.
What fans are saying about Toei's reveal of Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING
Fans are elated about the new reveal, with several voicing their enthusiasm to see Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING on screen in October.
Some are also celebrating that their predictions had come true with a new film to tie up the loose ends and connect the dots.
With the upcoming novel Digimon Survive, and the recent conclusion of Digimon Ghost Game, it has never been a better time to be a Digimon fan. Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING is set to ride this hype train and have its fans take a trip down memory lane to a time when they too wished for a digital monster.
They can relive the nostalgia-tinged grief of a time when they could witness the fictional monsters on the screen fade away.