One of the most beloved mangas in recent publication history is none other than Yoshihiro Togashi’s Hunter x Hunter manga series, especially in its current return to serialization. Likewise, Saturday, October 26, 2024, saw the mangaka share a new illustration of fan-favorite protagonistic duo Gon Freecss and Killua Zoldyck.
This artwork of the beloved anime duo Gon and Killua comes as Togashi also provides an update on the chapter he’s currently working on, the number of which isn’t disclosed. While the illustration unfortunately likely doesn’t suggest anything about the pair’s imminent return, it is encouraging for other reasons.
Hunter x Hunter mangaka’s drawing of protagonistic duo unlikely to indicate any sort of return
As mentioned above, the Hunter x Hunter mangaka sharing artwork of Gon and Killua, unfortunately, doesn’t suggest their return to the series anytime soon. The pair are simply too far removed from current events to reasonably appear before the Succession Contest Arc fully wraps up. This is especially true given the geographical setting of the arc in-series, which is incredibly far from where fans know the central duo to be.
However, it is encouraging for other reasons, even if it doesn’t suggest a return to the series for them anytime soon. For starters, it highlights that Togashi is clearly still fond of these characters and will even take time away from the series to create artwork of them. Regardless of how little time this illustration may or may not have taken Togashi to do, the sentiment and message are nevertheless impactful.
The Hunter x Hunter mangaka is also clearly acknowledging the love fans have for the pair by not only drawing the artwork but sharing it alongside a series progress update. At worst, it suggests that Togashi understands and appreciates his readers and their desires, even if he can’t fulfill them at this time. At best, it suggests he may attempt working the pair back into the series when appropriate.
In any case, the sharing of the illustration definitively shows the love and respect Togashi has for his flagship series’ fanbase and their interests. While it's impossible to do anything beyond speculate on the significance that may lay beyond that, it’s nevertheless encouraging to see. Equally encouraging is Togashi’s sustained progress on the manga, suggesting that his health issues are at least in a more manageable spot currently.
Fan reaction
Understandably, Hunter x Hunter fans’ main reactions to the Gon and Killua illustration are split fairly evenly. Some are choosing to share their love for the pair without any shame, also explaining how much they miss them in the process:
I miss him and Gon so much:(,” proclaimed one fan.
“I wish these two would return lmao,” requested another.
Others are instead praising Togashi for his hard work on the series, clearly conscientious of his prior health issues and the effort creating the manga requires in doing so:
“Thank you for your service,” shared one reader.
“Keep up the great work!,” encouragingly exclaimed another.
In any case, it’s clear that while fans miss the protagonistic pair, they’re happy to see the Hunter x Hunter manga return to relatively regular serialization in any capacity. While the future of the series is uncertain, it seems fans are simply happy to be along for the ride in whatever capacity or fashion Togashi decides necessary.
Related links
- Hunter X Hunter will continue without Gon as the MC, and Togashi always planned it this way
- Who is Beyond Netero? Hunter X Hunter's current villain, explained
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