Tokyo Revengers is a manga and anime series written and illustrated by Ken Wakui. At the time of writing, the series has released 233 chapters, and is at a critical stage in terms of plot-progression.
Fans were shocked to read about the events that took place during the course of Chapter 233. Soon, the entire Tokyo Revengers community was asking one important question that needed to be addressed: Will Mikey kill Takemichi in the upcoming chapter?
What to expect in Tokyo Revengers Chapter 234
Mikey has turned into an unhinged being with a massive blood lust. The brawl that erupted between Mikey and Terano South ended with his death. Just when we see Takemichi trying to talk some sense into Mikey, he gets beaten almost to death.
Takemichi is on the ground, clinging onto dear life as Mikey continues to land bone-shattering blows. The very last panel of Chapter 233 ends with Mikey winding his hand to land one last punch that could possibly kill Takemichi. While some of the fans are convinced that Takemichi will die at the hands of Mikey in the upcoming chapter, it seems unlikely for the manga to take that route.
In Tokyo Revengers, Takemichi is one of Mikey's closest friends and is currently on the verge of dying. Mikey is unhinged and has a murderous aura, which could lead to him killing Takemichi in this semi-conscious state. But he would never be able to forgive himself for doing something like this.
It doesn’t seem like Tokyo Revengers is nearing its end, but if that were the case, it would make perfect sense for Mikey to kill Takemichi, and then himself, in an attempt to atone for his sins. But it seems unlikely that Wakui would kill either or even one of these characters in the upcoming chapter.
Another interesting fan theory suggests that Mikey will stop hitting Takemichi after he loses consciousness. It is possible for Takemichi to get in touch with the previous members of Tokyo Manji Gang and convince them to join him. They would gather for one last fight against Mikey to save him from giving in to darkness.
Note: The aforementioned information is based on theories proposed by fans of 'Tokyo Revengers'.