Tokyo Revengers is a manga and anime series whose popularity has skyrocketed in the past few months. The anime adaptation was well-received by fans across the globe. Tokyo Revengers is at a crucial stage, leaving fans restless and eager to read upcoming chapters.
According to sources, the upcoming chapter will be released this coming Wednesday.
Tokyo Revengers chapter 235 release date and where to read
Tokyo Revengers chapter 235 will be released on December 15, 2021. The release time, however, has not been revealed by official sources.
Fans can visit the official website of Kodansha to view the various sources available in order to read the latest chapters of Tokyo Revengers. Since the manga is not available on Viz, the reader will have to pay to access the latest chapters of the series.
Tokyo Revengers chapter 234 recap
The 234th chapter of the series, titled, “There is no mending,” begins with Coco reminding Takemichi about the aftermath of the battle. He then realizes that BRAHMAN was sacrificed by Senju in order to save him. Takemichi proceeds to think about Mikey and ponders on the changes that made him a cold-blooded killer.
To his surprise, Chifuyu enters the room and greets him. Tokyo Revengers fans were saddened at this point since they were reminded of Draken’s death when Chifuyu informed Takemichi about his funeral and insists that he attend. Clearly, Chifuyu is affected by the events that have occurred recently and enquires Takemichi about Draken’s death. The former is blamed for their comrade’s death and he accepts it instantly.
The Tokyo Revengers protagonist revealed that he wouldn’t mind people blaming him as long as others don’t get involved anymore. Chifuyu apologizes and leaves the room in an instant. Hina felt the tension in the room and wondered if everything was alright between the two.
Fans of Tokyo Revengers can be on the lookout for spoilers one or two days before the release of the upcoming chapter. The raw scans should be available by Monday with the release of English scans by Tuesday.